
  • package root

    KeYmaera X is a theorem prover for differential dynamic logic (dL), a logic for specifying and verifying properties of hybrid systems with mixed discrete and continuous dynamics.

    KeYmaera X: An aXiomatic Tactical Theorem Prover

    KeYmaera X is a theorem prover for differential dynamic logic (dL), a logic for specifying and verifying properties of hybrid systems with mixed discrete and continuous dynamics. Reasoning about complicated hybrid systems requires support for sophisticated proof techniques, efficient computation, and a user interface that crystallizes salient properties of the system. KeYmaera X allows users to specify custom proof search techniques as tactics, execute tactics in parallel, and interface with partial proofs via an extensible user interface.

    Concrete syntax for input language Differential Dynamic Logic

    Package Structure

    Main documentation entry points for KeYmaera X API:

    Entry Points

    Additional entry points and usage points for KeYmaera X API:


    Full references on KeYmaera X are provided at The main references are the following:

    1. André Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-265, 2017.

    2. Nathan Fulton, Stefan Mitsch, Jan-David Quesel, Marcus Völp and André Platzer. KeYmaera X: An axiomatic tactical theorem prover for hybrid systems. In Amy P. Felty and Aart Middeldorp, editors, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'15, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings, volume 9195 of LNCS, pp. 527-538. Springer, 2015.

    3. André Platzer. Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems. Springer, 2018. Videos

    Definition Classes
  • package edu
    Definition Classes
  • package cmu
    Definition Classes
  • package cs
    Definition Classes
  • package ls
    Definition Classes
  • package keymaerax
    Definition Classes
  • package bellerophon
    Definition Classes
  • package btactics

    Tactic library in the Bellerophon tactic language.

    Tactic library in the Bellerophon tactic language.

    All tactics are implemented in the Bellerophon tactic language, including its dependent tactics, which ultimately produce proof certificates by the Bellerophon interpreter. The Provables that tactics produce can be extracted, for example, with

    Proof Styles

    KeYmaera X supports many different proof styles, including flexible combinations of the following styles:

    1. Explicit proof certificates directly program the proof rules from the core.

    2. Explicit proofs use tactics to describe a proof directly mentioning all or most proof steps.

    3. Proof by search relies mainly on proof search with occasional additional guidance.

    4. Proof by pointing points out facts and where to use them.

    5. Proof by congruence is based on equivalence or equality or implicational rewriting within a context.

    6. Proof by chase is based on chasing away operators at an indicated position.

    Explicit Proof Certificates

    The most explicit types of proofs can be constructed directly using the certificates in KeYmaera X's kernel without using any tactics. Also see

    // explicit proof certificate construction of |- !!p() <-> p()
    val proof = (Provable.startProof(
      "!!p() <-> p()".asFormula)
      (EquivRight(SuccPos(0)), 0)
      // right branch
        (NotRight(SuccPos(0)), 1)
        (NotLeft(AntePos(1)), 1)
        (Close(AntePos(0),SuccPos(0)), 1)
      // left branch
        (NotLeft(AntePos(0)), 0)
        (NotRight(SuccPos(1)), 0)
        (Close(AntePos(0),SuccPos(0)), 0)
    Explicit Proofs

    Explicit proofs construct similarly explicit proof steps, just with explicit tactics from TactixLibrary: The only actual difference is the order of the branches, which is fixed to be from left to right in tactic branching. Tactics also use more elegant signed integers to refer to antecedent positions (negative) or succedent positions (positive).

    import TactixLibrary._
    // Explicit proof tactic for |- !!p() <-> p()
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("!!p() <-> p()".asFormula,
       equivR(1) & <(
         (notL(-1) &
           notR(2) &
         (notR(1) &
           notL(-2) &
    Proof by Search

    Proof by search primarily relies on proof search procedures to conduct a proof. That gives very short proofs but, of course, they are not always entirely informative about how the proof worked. It is easiest to see in simple situations where propositional logic proof search will find a proof but works well in more general situations, too.

    import TactixLibrary._
    // Proof by search of |- (p() & q()) & r() <-> p() & (q() & r())
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("(p() & q()) & r() <-> p() & (q() & r())".asFormula,

    Common tactics for proof by search include, and the like.

    Proof by Pointing

    Proof by pointing emphasizes the facts to use and is implicit about the details on how to use them exactly. Proof by pointing works by pointing to a position in the sequent and using a given fact at that position. For example, for proving

    ⟨v:=2*v+1;⟩v!=0 <-> 2*v+1!=0

    it is enough to point to the highlighted position using the Ax.diamond axiom fact ![a;]!p(||) <-> ⟨a;⟩p(||) at the highlighted position to reduce the proof to a proof of

    ![v:=2*v+1;]!(v!=0) <-> 2*v+1!=0

    which is, in turn, easy to prove by pointing to the highlighted position using the Ax.assignbAxiom axiom [x:=t();]p(x) <-> p(t()) at the highlighted position to reduce the proof to

    !!(2*v+1!=0) <-> 2*v+1!=0

    Finally, using double negation !!p() <-> p() at the highlighted position yields the following

    2*v+1!=0 <-> 2*v+1!=0

    which easily proves by reflexivity p() <-> p().

    Proof by pointing matches the highlighted position against the highlighted position in the fact and does what it takes to use that knowledge. There are multiple variations of proof by pointing in and, which are also imported into The above proof by pointing implements directly in KeYmaera X:

    import TactixLibrary._
    // Proof by pointing of  |- <v:=2*v+1;>v!=0 <-> 2*v+1!=0
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("<v:=2*v+1;>q(v) <-> q(2*v+1)".asFormula,
      // use Ax.diamond axiom backwards at the indicated position on
      // |- __<v:=2*v+1;>q(v)__ <-> q(2*v+1)
      useExpansionAt(Ax.diamond)(1, 0::Nil) &
      // use Ax.assignbAxiom axiom forward at the indicated position on
      // |- !__[v:=2*v+1;]!q(v)__ <-> q(2*v+1)
      useAt(Ax.assignbAxiom(1, 0::0::Nil) &
      // use double negation at the indicated position on
      // |- __!!q(2*v+1)__ <-> q(2*v+1)
      useAt(Ax.doubleNegation)(1, 0::Nil) &
      // close by (an instance of) reflexivity |- p() <-> p()
      // |- q(2*v+1) <-> q(2*v+1)

    Another example is:

    import TactixLibrary._
    // Proof by pointing of  |- <a;++b;>p(x) <-> (<a;>p(x) | <b;>p(x))
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("<a;++b;>p(x) <-> (<a;>p(x) | <b;>p(x))".asFormula,
      // use Ax.diamond axiom backwards at the indicated position on
      // |- __<a;++b;>p(x)__  <->  <a;>p(x) | <b;>p(x)
      useExpansionAt(Ax.diamond)(1, 0::Nil) &
      // use Ax.choiceb axiom forward at the indicated position on
      // |- !__[a;++b;]!p(x)__  <->  <a;>p(x) | <b;>p(x)
      useAt(Ax.choiceb)(1, 0::0::Nil) &
      // use Ax.diamond axiom forward at the indicated position on
      // |- !([a;]!p(x) & [b;]!p(x))  <->  __<a;>p(x)__ | <b;>p(x)
      useExpansionAt(Ax.diamond)(1, 1::0::Nil) &
      // use Ax.diamond axiom forward at the indicated position on
      // |- !([a;]!p(x) & [b;]!p(x))  <->  ![a;]!p(x) | __<b;>p(x)__
      useExpansionAt(Ax.diamond)(1, 1::1::Nil) &
      // use propositional logic to show
      // |- !([a;]!p(x) & [b;]!p(x))  <->  ![a;]!p(x) | ![b;]!p(x)
    ) also uses proof by pointing but figures out the appropriate fact to use on its own. Here's a similar proof:

    import TactixLibrary._
    // Proof by pointing with steps of  |- ⟨a++b⟩p(x) <-> (⟨a⟩p(x) | ⟨b⟩p(x))
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("p(x) <-> (p(x) | p(x))".asFormula,
      // use Ax.diamond axiom backwards at the indicated position on
      // |- __⟨a++b⟩p(x)__  <->  ⟨a⟩p(x) | ⟨b⟩p(x)
      useExpansionAt(Ax.diamond)(1, 0::Nil) &
      // |- !__[a;++b;]!p(x)__  <->  ⟨a⟩p(x) | ⟨b⟩p(x)
      // step Ax.choiceb axiom forward at the indicated position
      stepAt(1, 0::0::Nil) &
      // |- __!([a;]!p(x) & [b;]!p(x))__  <-> ⟨a⟩p(x) | ⟨b⟩p(x)
      // step deMorgan forward at the indicated position
      stepAt(1, 0::Nil) &
      // |- __![a;]!p(x)__ | ![b;]!p(x)  <-> ⟨a⟩p(x) | ⟨b⟩p(x)
      // step Ax.diamond forward at the indicated position
      stepAt(1, 0::0::Nil) &
      // |- ⟨a⟩p(x) | __![b;]!p(x)__  <-> ⟨a⟩p(x) | ⟨b⟩p(x)
      // step Ax.diamond forward at the indicated position
      stepAt(1, 0::1::Nil) &
      // |- ⟨a⟩p(x) | ⟨b⟩p(x)  <-> ⟨a⟩p(x) | ⟨b⟩p(x)

    Likewise, for proving

    x>5 |- !([x:=x+1; ++ x:=0;]x>=6) | x<2

    it is enough to point to the highlighted position

    x>5 |- !([x:=x+1; ++ x:=0;]x>=6) | x<2

    and using the Ax.choiceb axiom fact [a;++b;]p(||) <-> [a;]p(||) & [b;]p(||) to reduce the proof to a proof of

    x>5 |- !([x:=x+1;]x>6 & [x:=0;]x>=6) | x<2

    which is, in turn, easy to prove by pointing to the assignments using Ax.assignbAxiom axioms and ultimately asking propositional logic.

    More proofs by pointing are shown in source code.

    Proof by Congruence

    Proof by congruence is based on equivalence or equality or implicational rewriting within a context. This proof style can make quite quick inferences leading to significant progress using the CE, CQ, CT congruence proof rules or combinations thereof.

    import TactixLibrary._
    // |- x*(x+1)>=0 -> [y:=0;x:=__x^2+x__;]x>=y
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("x*(x+1)>=0 -> [y:=0;x:=x^2+x;]x>=y".asFormula,
      CEat(proveBy("x*(x+1)=x^2+x".asFormula, QE)) (1, 1::0::1::1::Nil) &
      // |- x*(x+1)>=0 -> [y:=0;x:=__x*(x+1)__;]x>=y by CE/CQ using x*(x+1)=x^2+x at the indicated position
      // step uses top-level operator [;]
      stepAt(1, 1::Nil) &
      // |- x*(x+1)>=0 -> [y:=0;][x:=x*(x+1);]x>=y
      // step uses top-level operator [:=]
      stepAt(1, 1::Nil) &
      // |- x*(x+1)>=0 -> [x:=x*(x+1);]x>=0
      // step uses top-level [:=]
      stepAt(1, 1::Nil) &
      // |- x*(x+1)>=0 -> x*(x+1)>=0

    Proof by congruence can also make use of a fact in multiple places at once by defining an appropriate context C:

    import TactixLibrary._
    val C = Context("x<5 & ⎵ -> [{x' = 5*x & ⎵}](⎵ & x>=1)".asFormula)
    // |- x<5 & __x^2<4__ -> [{x' = 5*x & __x^2<4__}](__x^2<4__ & x>=1)
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("x<5 & x^2<4 -> [{x' = 5*x & x^2<4}](x^2<4 & x>=1)".asFormula,
      CEat(proveBy("-2x^2<4".asFormula, QE), C) (1))
    // |- x<5 & (__-2 [{x' = 5*x & __-2=1) by CE
    Proof by Chase

    Proof by chase chases the expression at the indicated position forward until it is chased away or can't be chased further without critical choices. The canonical examples use to chase away differential forms:

    import TactixLibrary._
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("[{x'=22}](2*x+x*y>=5)'".asFormula,
     // chase the differential prime away in the postcondition
     chase(1, 1 :: Nil)
     // |- [{x'=22}]2*x'+(x'*y+x*y')>=0
    // Remaining subgoals: |- [{x'=22}]2*x'+(x'*y+x*y')>=0
    import TactixLibrary._
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("[{x'=22}](2*x+x*y>=5)' <-> [{x'=22}]2*x'+(x'*y+x*y')>=0".asFormula,
      // chase the differential prime away in the left postcondition
      chase(1, 0:: 1 :: Nil) &
      // |- [{x'=22}]2*x'+(x'*y+x*y')>=0 <-> [{x'=22}]2*x'+(x'*y+x*y')>=0

    Yet is also useful to chase away other operators, say, modalities:

    import TactixLibrary._
    // proof by chase of |- [?x>0;x:=x+1;x:=2*x; ++ ?x=0;x:=1;]x>=1
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy(
      "[?x>0;x:=x+1;x:=2*x; ++ ?x=0;x:=1;]x>=1".asFormula,
      // chase the box in the succedent away
      chase(1,Nil) &
      // |- (x>0->2*(x+1)>=1)&(x=0->1>=1)

    Additional Mechanisms

    Definition Classes
    To do

    Expand descriptions

    See also

    Andre Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-266, 2017.

  • package cdgl
    Definition Classes
  • package cli
    Definition Classes
  • package codegen

    Code-generation tools to generate C-Code etc.

    Code-generation tools to generate C-Code etc. from expressions.

    Definition Classes
    To do

    Stub. Describe for real.

  • package core

    KeYmaera X Kernel is the soundness-critical core of the Axiomatic Tactical Theorem Prover KeYmaera X.

    KeYmaera X Kernel is the soundness-critical core of the Axiomatic Tactical Theorem Prover KeYmaera X.

    KeYmaera X Kernel

    The KeYmaera X Kernel implements Differential Dynamic Logic and defines

    Usage Overview

    The KeYmaera X Kernel package provides the soundness-critical core of KeYmaera X. It provides ways of constructing proofs that, by construction, can only be constructed using the proof rules that the KeYmaera X Kernel provides. The proof tactics that KeYmaera X provides give you a more powerful and flexible and easier way of constructing and searching for proofs, but they internally reduce to what is shown here.

    Constructing Proofs

    The proof certificates of KeYmaera X are of type\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Sequent):edu\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Provable* begins a new proof of a containing the conjectured differential dynamic logic formula. A proof rule of type can be applied to any subgoal of a by\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Rule,subgoal:edu\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Provable\.Subgoal):edu\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Provable* to advance the proof until that Provable has been proved since is true. Subgoals are identified by integers.

    import scala.collection.immutable._
    val verum = new Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(True))
    // conjecture
    val provable = Provable.startProof(verum)
    // construct a proof
    val proof = provable(CloseTrue(SuccPos(0)), 0)
    // check if proof successful, i.e. no remaining subgoals
    if (proof.isProved) println("Successfully proved " + proof.proved)

    Of course, make it much easier to describe proof search procedures compared to the above explicit proof construction. The tactics internally construct proofs this way, but add additional flexibility and provide convenient ways of expressing proof search strategies in a tactic language.

    Combining Proofs

    Multiple Provable objects for subderivations obtained from different sources can also be merged into a single Provable object by substitution with,Int). The above example can be continued to merge proofs as follows:

    // ... continued from above
    val more = new Sequent(IndexedSeq(),
        IndexedSeq(Imply(Greater(Variable("x"), Number(5)), True)))
    // another conjecture
    val moreProvable = Provable.startProof(more)
    // construct another (partial) proof
    val moreProof = moreProvable(ImplyRight(SuccPos(0)), 0)(HideLeft(AntePos(0)), 0)
    // merge proofs by gluing their Provables together (substitution)
    val mergedProof = moreProof(proof, 0)
    // check if proof successful, i.e. no remaining subgoals
    if (mergedProof.isProved) println("Successfully proved " + mergedProof.proved)

    More styles for proof construction are shown in Provable's.

    Differential Dynamic Logic

    The language of differential dynamic logic is described in KeYmaera X by its syntax and static semantics.


    The immutable algebraic data structures for the expressions of differential dynamic logic are of type Expressions are categorized according to their kind by the syntactic categories of the grammar of differential dynamic logic:

    1. terms are of type of kind

    2. formulas are of type of kind

    3. hybrid programs are of type of kind

    4. differential programs are of type of kind

    See Section 2.1

    Static Semantics

    The static semantics of differential dynamic logic is captured in in terms of the free variables and bound variables that expressions have as well as their signatures (set of occurring symbols). See Section 2.4

    Theorem Prover

    The KeYmaera X Prover Kernel provides uniform substitutions, uniform and bound variable renaming, and axioms of differential dynamic logic. For efficiency, it also directly provides propositional sequent proof rules and Skolemization.


    The axioms and axiomatic rules of differential dynamic logic can be looked up with and respectively. All available axioms are listed in, all available axiomatic rules are listed in which both ultimately come from the file See Sections 4 and 5.0 Additional axioms are available as derived axioms and lemmas in

    Uniform Substitutions

    Uniform substitutions uniformly replace all occurrences of a given predicate p(.) by a formula in (.) and likewise for function symbols f(.) and program constants. Uniform substitutions and their application mechanism for differential dynamic logic are implemented in See Section 3 and one-pass Section 3

    Uniform substitutions can be used on proof certificates with the\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.USubst):edu\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Provable*, including uniform substitution instances of axioms or axiomatic rules. See Section 3

    Sequent Proof Rules

    All proof rules for differential dynamic logic, including the uniform substitution and bound variable renaming rules as well as efficient propositional sequent proof rules and Skolemization are all of type, which are the only proof rules that can ever be applied to a proof. See sequent calculus

    Additional Capabilities

    Stored Provable Mechanism

    A Stored Provable represents a Provable as a String that can be reloaded later as well as an interface to real arithmetic decision procedures are defined in and

    Error Reporting

    Errors from the prover core are reported as exceptions of type whose main responsibility is to propagate problems in traceable ways to the user by augmenting them with contextual information. The prover core throws exceptions of type

    Set Lattice

    A data structure for sets (or rather lattice completions of sets) is provided in based on Scala's immutable sets.

    Overall Code Complexity

    Overall, the majority of the KeYmaera X Prover Microkernel implementation consists of data structure declarations or similar mostly self-evident code. This includes straightforward variable categorization in StaticSemantics. The highest complexity is for the uniform substitution application mechanism. The highest information density is in the axiom list.

    Definition Classes

    Code Review 2020-02-17

    See also

    Andre Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-266, 2017.

    Andre Platzer. Uniform substitution at one fell swoop. In Pascal Fontaine, editor, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'19, Natal, Brazil, Proceedings, volume 11716 of LNCS, pp. 425-441. Springer, 2019.

    Andre Platzer and Yong Kiam Tan. Differential equation invariance axiomatization. J. ACM. 67(1), 6:1-6:66, 2020.

    Andre Platzer. A uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. In Amy P. Felty and Aart Middeldorp, editors, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'15, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings, LNCS. Springer, 2015. arXiv 1503.01981

    Andre Platzer. Uniform substitution for differential game logic. In Didier Galmiche, Stephan Schulz and Roberto Sebastiani, editors, Automated Reasoning, 9th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2018, volume 10900 of LNCS, pp. 211-227. Springer 2018.

    Andre Platzer. Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems. Springer, 2018.

    Nathan Fulton, Stefan Mitsch, Jan-David Quesel, Marcus Volp and Andre Platzer. KeYmaera X: An axiomatic tactical theorem prover for hybrid systems. In Amy P. Felty and Aart Middeldorp, editors, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'15, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings, LNCS. Springer, 2015.

    Andre Platzer. Differential game logic. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 17(1), 2015. arXiv 1408.1980

    Andre Platzer. Logics of dynamical systems. ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LICS 2012, June 25–28, 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pages 13-24. IEEE 2012

    Andre Platzer. The complete proof theory of hybrid systems. ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LICS 2012, June 25–28, 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pages 541-550. IEEE 2012

    Andre Platzer. Differential dynamic logic for hybrid systems. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 41(2), pages 143-189, 2008.

  • package fcpsutils

    (Course infrastructure helpers).

    (Course infrastructure helpers).

    Definition Classes
  • package hydra

    HyDRA Hybrid Distributed Reasoning Architecture server with a REST-API and database.

    HyDRA Hybrid Distributed Reasoning Architecture server with a REST-API and database. HyDRA provides a simplified high-level programming interface to the KeYmaeara X prover. It provides components for proof tree simplification, tactic search, and custom tactic scheduling policies, as well as for storing and accessing proofs in files or databases. These components can be accessed remotely through a REST-API.

    Definition Classes
    To do

    Stub. Describe for real.

  • package infrastruct

    The infrastruct package provides central prover infrastructure such as unification and augmented formula analysis.

    The infrastruct package provides central prover infrastructure such as unification and augmented formula analysis. This infrastructure is of basic interest and useful independently of any particular tactic language etc.

    Main functionality:

    • Position with PosInExpr positioning within subformulas.
    • Context Convenience representation of formulas used as contexts that provide ways of substituting expressions in by conceptually splitting and managing the context around a position in a formula.
    • RenUSubst Renaming Uniform Substitutions that quickly combine and ultimately reduce to uniform renaming and uniform substitution of the kernel.
    • UnificationMatch single-sided matching unification algorithms.
    • Augmentors: Implicit convenience additions of helper functions to formulas, terms, programs, sequents that are useful for analysis and transformation.
    • ExpressionTraversal generic functionality for traversing expressions for analysis or transformation.
    Definition Classes
    See also

  • AntePosition
  • Augmentors
  • BaseMatcher
  • Context
  • DependencyAnalysis
  • DirectUSubstAboveURen
  • ExpressionTraversal
  • FastURenAboveUSubst
  • FastUSubstAboveURen
  • FormulaTools
  • FreshUnificationMatch
  • InsistentMatcher
  • LinearMatcher
  • Matcher
  • MultiRename
  • NonSubstUnificationMatch
  • PosInExpr
  • Position
  • ProvableHelper
  • RenUSubst
  • RenUSubstBase
  • RestrictedBiDiUnificationMatch
  • SchematicComposedUnificationMatch
  • SchematicUnificationMatch
  • StaticSemanticsTools
  • Statistics
  • SubstitutionHelper
  • SuccPosition
  • TopAntePosition
  • TopPosition
  • TopSuccPosition
  • TreeForm
  • URenSubstitutionPair
  • USubstAboveURen
  • USubstRenChurch
  • USubstRenOne
  • UnificationMatch
  • UnificationMatchBase
  • UnificationMatchUSubstAboveURen
  • UnificationTools
  • UniformMatcher
  • UniformMatching
  • package launcher

    KeYmaera X command line launcher for starting its main program with the web UI.

    KeYmaera X command line launcher for starting its main program with the web UI.

    Definition Classes
    To do

    Stub. Describe for real.

  • package lemma

    Non-soundness-critical implementation of the lemma mechanism.

    Non-soundness-critical implementation of the lemma mechanism.

    Lemma Mechanism

    An implementation of a lemma data base using files A factory provides instances of lemma databases.

    Definition Classes
    1. // prove a lemma
      val proved = TactixLibrary.proveBy(
         Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq("true | x>5".asFormula)),
         orR(1) & close
      // store a lemma
      val lemmaDB = LemmaDBFactory.lemmaDB
      val evidence = ToolEvidence(immutable.Map("input" -> proved.toString, "output" -> "true")) :: Nil))
      val lemmaID = lemmaDB.add(
        Lemma(proved, evidence, Some("Lemma  test"))
      // use a lemma
      LookupLemma(lemmaDB, lemmaID)

      The lemma database returned by the factory can be configured.

    2. ,
    3. LemmaDBFactory.setLemmaDB(new FileLemmaDB)
      val lemmaDB = LemmaDBFactory.lemmaDB
  • package parser

    Parser & Pretty-Printer for Differential Dynamic Logic

    Parser & Pretty-Printer for Differential Dynamic Logic

    Defines the concrete syntax of differential dynamic logic as used in KeYmaera X. Provides a parser to read string and file inputs with differential dynamic logic. Conversely provides a pretty-printer to format differential dynamic logic expression data structure as human readable concrete syntax.

    PrettyPrinter: Expression => String
    Parser: String => Expression

    Usage Overview

    The default pretty-printer for the concrete syntax in KeYmaera X is in The corresponding parser for the concrete syntax in Also see Grammar of KeYmaera X Syntax

    val parser = KeYmaeraXParser
    val pp = KeYmaeraXPrettyPrinter
    val input = "x^2>=0 & x<44 -> [x:=2;{x'=1&x<=10}]x>=1"
    val parse = parser(input)
    println("Parsed:   " + parse)
    val print = pp(parse)
    println("Printed:  " + print)
    Printing Differential Dynamic Logic defines the interface for all differential dynamic logic pretty printers in KeYmaera X.

    PrettyPrinter: Expression => String implements the pretty-printer for the concrete syntax of differential dynamic logic used in KeYmaera X. A pretty-printer is an injective function from differential dynamic logic expressions to strings.

    Printing formulas to strings is straightforward using

    val pp = KeYmaeraXPrettyPrinter
    // "x < -y"
    val fml0 = Less(Variable("x"),Neg(Variable("y")))
    val fml0str = pp(fml0)
    // "true -> [x:=1;]x>=0"
    val fml1 = Imply(True, Box(Assign(Variable("x"), Number(1)), GreaterEqual(Variable("x"), Number(0))))
    val fml1str = pp(fml1)
    Printing Fully Parenthesized Forms

    Fully parenthesized strings are obtained using the printer:

    val pp = FullPrettyPrinter
    // "x < -(y)"
    val fml0 = Less(Variable("x"),Neg(Variable("y")))
    val fml0str = pp(fml0)
    // "true -> ([x:=1;](x>=0))"
    val fml1 = Imply(True, Box(Assign(Variable("x"), Number(1)), GreaterEqual(Variable("x"), Number(0))))
    val fml1str = pp(fml1)

    The fully-parenthesized pretty printer corresponding to a pretty printer can also be obtained using

    Parsing Differential Dynamic Logic defines the interface for all differential dynamic logic parsers in KeYmaera X.

    Parser: String => Expression implements the parser for the concrete syntax of differential dynamic logic used in KeYmaera X. A parser is a function from input strings to differential dynamic logic expressions.

    Parsing formulas from strings is straightforward using

    val parser = KeYmaeraXParser
    val fml0 = parser("x!=5")
    val fml1 = parser("x>0 -> [x:=x+1;]x>1")
    val fml2 = parser("x>=0 -> [{x'=2}]x>=0")

    The parser parses any dL expression, so will also accept terms or programs from strings, which will lead to appropriate types:

    val parser = KeYmaeraXParser
    // formulas
    val fml0 = parser("x!=5")
    val fml1 = parser("x>0 -> [x:=x+1;]x>1")
    val fml2 = parser("x>=0 -> [{x'=2}]x>=0")
    // terms
    val term0 = parser("x+5")
    val term1 = parser("x^2-2*x+7")
    val term2 = parser("x*y/3+(x-1)^2+5*z")
    // programs
    val prog0 = parser("x:=1;")
    val prog1 = parser("x:=1;x:=5;x:=-1;")
    val prog2 = parser("x:=1;{{x'=5}++x:=0;}")
    Parsing Only Formulas of Differential Dynamic Logic

    The parser that only parses formulas is obtained via

    // the formula parser only accepts formulas
    val parser = KeYmaeraXParser.formulaParser
    // formulas
    val fml0 = parser("x!=5")
    val fml1 = parser("x>0 -> [x:=x+1;]x>1")
    val fml2 = parser("x>=0 -> [{x'=2}]x>=0")
    // terms will cause exceptions
    try { parser("x+5") } catch {case e: ParseException => println("Rejected")}
    // programs will cause exceptions
    try { parser("x:=1;") } catch {case e: ParseException => println("Rejected")}

    Similarly, a parser that only parses terms is obtained via and a parser that only parses programs is obtained via

    Parsing Pretty-Printed Strings

    Corresponding parsers and pretty-printers match with one another. Parsing a pretty-printed expression results in the original expression again:

    parse(print(e)) == e and are inverses in this sense. The converse print(parse(s)) == s is not quite the case, because there can be minor spacing and superfluous parentheses differences. The following slightly weaker form still holds:

    parse(print(parse(s))) == parse(s)

    Parsing the pretty-print of an expression with compatible printers and parsers always gives the original expression back:

    val parser = KeYmaeraXParser
    val pp = KeYmaeraXPrettyPrinter
    val fml = Imply(True, Box(Assign(Variable("x"), Number(1)), GreaterEqual(Variable("x"), Number(0))))
    // something like "true -> [x:=1;]x>=0" modulo spacing
    val print = pp(fml)
    val reparse = parser(print)
    if (fml == reparse) println("Print and reparse successful") else println("Discrepancy")
    Pretty-Printing Parsed Strings

    It can be quite helpful to print an expression that has been parsed to check how it got parsed:

    val parser = KeYmaeraXParser
    val pp = KeYmaeraXPrettyPrinter
    val input = "x^2>=0 & x<44 -> [x:=2;{x'=1&x<=10}]x>=1"
    val parse = parser(input)
    println("Parsed:   " + parse)
    val print = pp(parse)
    println("Printed:  " + print)
    println("Original: " + input)
    println("Can differ slightly by spacing and parentheses")

    Recall that the default pretty printer uses compact parentheses and braces. That is, it only prints them when necessary to disambiguate. For storage purposes and disambiguation it can be better to use fully parenthesized printouts, which is what achieves:

    val parser = KeYmaeraXParser
    val pp = FullPrettyPrinter
    val input = "x^2>=0 & x<44 -> [x:=2;{x'=1&x<=10}]x>=1"
    val parse = parser(input)
    println("Parsed:   " + parse)
    val print = pp(parse)
    // (((x)^(2)>=0)&(x < 44))->([{x:=2;}{{x'=1&x<=10}}](x>=1))
    println("Printed:  " + print)
    println("Original: " + input)
    Pretty-Printing Sequents

    Sequents can be pretty-printed using the default pretty printer via

    val parser = KeYmaeraXParser
    val sequent = Sequent(IndexedSeq(parse("x<22"), parse("x>0")), IndexedSeq(parse("[x:=x+1;]x<23")))
    println("Printed:  " + sequent.prettyString)
    Definition Classes
    See also

    Andre Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-266, 2017.

    Andre Platzer. A uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. In Amy P. Felty and Aart Middeldorp, editors, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'15, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings, LNCS. Springer, 2015. A uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. arXiv 1503.01981

    Andre Platzer. Differential game logic. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 17(1), 2015. arXiv 1408.1980

    Nathan Fulton, Stefan Mitsch, Jan-David Quesel, Marcus Volp and Andre Platzer. KeYmaera X: An axiomatic tactical theorem prover for hybrid systems. In Amy P. Felty and Aart Middeldorp, editors, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'15, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings, LNCS. Springer, 2015.

    Grammar of Differential Dynamic Logic

  • package pt

    Proof-term checker turns proof terms to proof certificates.

    Proof-term checker turns proof terms to proof certificates. turns a proof term to the that it proves.

    ProofChecker : ProofTerm * Formula => Provable

    This package defines

    Definition Classes
  • package scalatactic

    Scala API for proof and tactics management etc.

    Scala API for proof and tactics management etc.

    Definition Classes
    To do

    Stub. Describe for real.

  • package tacticsinterface

    Simple interface to the tactics exposed to the web UI and REST-API.

    Simple interface to the tactics exposed to the web UI and REST-API. Tactic combinator parser. Main tactics are provided in

    Definition Classes
    To do

    Stub. Describe for real.

    See also

  • package tools

    Arithmetic back-ends and arithmetic utilities for tactics, including an SMT interface.

    Arithmetic back-ends and arithmetic utilities for tactics, including an SMT interface.

    Definition Classes
    To do

    Stub. Describe for real.

  • package utils
    Definition Classes


package infrastruct

The infrastruct package provides central prover infrastructure such as unification and augmented formula analysis. This infrastructure is of basic interest and useful independently of any particular tactic language etc.

Main functionality:

  • Position with PosInExpr positioning within subformulas.
  • Context Convenience representation of formulas used as contexts that provide ways of substituting expressions in by conceptually splitting and managing the context around a position in a formula.
  • RenUSubst Renaming Uniform Substitutions that quickly combine and ultimately reduce to uniform renaming and uniform substitution of the kernel.
  • UnificationMatch single-sided matching unification algorithms.
  • Augmentors: Implicit convenience additions of helper functions to formulas, terms, programs, sequents that are useful for analysis and transformation.
  • ExpressionTraversal generic functionality for traversing expressions for analysis or transformation.
See also

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. infrastruct
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AntePosition extends Position

    A position guaranteed to identify an antecedent position, so on the left-hand side of the sequent turnstile.

    A position guaranteed to identify an antecedent position, so on the left-hand side of the sequent turnstile.

    See also



  2. trait BaseMatcher extends Matcher with Logging

    Basic matcher infrastructure that simply forwards all unification functionality to BaseMatcher.unify().

    Basic matcher infrastructure that simply forwards all unification functionality to BaseMatcher.unify(). Only apply() functions wrap exceptions in context while unify() functions simply pass it upwards.

  3. sealed trait Context[+T <: Expression] extends (Expression) ⇒ Formula

    Convenience wrapper around contexts such as f(.) or p(.) or C{_} to make it easy to instantiate their arguments.

    Convenience wrapper around contexts such as f(.) or p(.) or C{_} to make it easy to instantiate their arguments.


    the type/kind of expression that this context is representing.

    1. Split a formula at a position into subformula and its context, then instantiate this context with other subformulas:

      val parser = KeYmaeraXParser
      val f = parser("x^2>=0 & x<44 -> [x:=2;{x'=1&x<=10}]x>=1")
      // split f into context ctx and subformula g such that f is ctx{g}
      val (ctx,g) =, PosInExpr(1::1::Nil))
      println(f + " is the same as " + ctx(g))
      // put another formula h in in place of g
      val h = parser("x^2>y")
      // x^2>=0 & x<44 -> [x:=2;{x'=1&x<=10}]x^2>y)
      val result = ctx(h)
  4. final class DirectUSubstAboveURen extends RenUSubstBase

    Direct implementation of: Renaming Uniform Substitution that, in Sequent direction, first runs a uniform renaming and on the result subsequently the uniform substitution.

    Direct implementation of: Renaming Uniform Substitution that, in Sequent direction, first runs a uniform renaming and on the result subsequently the uniform substitution.

    s(RG) |- s(RD)
    -------------- USubst
      RG  |- RD
    -------------- URen
       G  |- D

    Semantic renaming may be supported if need be.

    DirectUSubstAboveURen is a direct implementation in tactics land of a joint renaming and substitution algorithm. It uses a single direct fast USubstRen for direct internal applications via DirectUSubstAboveURen.apply() but schedules separate uniform substitutions and uniform renamings to the core when asked. The first fast pass supports semantic renaming, which is useful during unification to "apply" renamings already to predicationals without clash. The final core pass does not support semantic renaming, but is only needed for the final unifier.


    reading in Hilbert direction from top to bottom, the uniform substitution comes first to ensure the subsequent uniform renaming no longer has nonrenamable program constants since no semantic renaming.

    See also


  5. final class FastURenAboveUSubst extends RenUSubst

    Fast implementation of: Renaming Uniform Substitution that, in goal-directed backwards Sequent direction, first runs a uniform substitution below and on the result subsequently the uniform renaming above it.

    Fast implementation of: Renaming Uniform Substitution that, in goal-directed backwards Sequent direction, first runs a uniform substitution below and on the result subsequently the uniform renaming above it.

    R(s(G)) |- R(s(D))
    ------------------ URen
       s(G) |- s(D)
    ------------------ USubst
         G  |- D

    The direct application mechanism via apply() fast-forwards to the fast joint USubstRen infrastructure. Its tactical / prover core implementation works in sync using prover core operations by scheduling separate uniform substitutions and uniform renamings to the core when asked.

    Cleverly exploits semantic renaming on Provables on demand (although not in full generality yet).


    reading in Hilbert direction from top to bottom, the uniform renaming comes abiove first then the subsequent uniform substitution comes below as second.

    See also


  6. final class FastUSubstAboveURen extends RenUSubst

    Fast implementation of: Renaming Uniform Substitution that, in goal-directed backwards Sequent direction, first runs a uniform renaming below and on the result subsequently the uniform substitution above it.

    Fast implementation of: Renaming Uniform Substitution that, in goal-directed backwards Sequent direction, first runs a uniform renaming below and on the result subsequently the uniform substitution above it.

    s(RG) |- s(RD)
    -------------- USubst
      RG  |- RD
    -------------- URen
       G  |- D

    The direct application mechanism via apply() fast-forwards to the fast joint USubstRen infrastructure. Its tactical / prover core implementation works in sync using prover core operations by scheduling separate uniform substitutions and uniform renamings to the core when asked.


    reading in Hilbert direction from top to bottom, the uniform substitution comes first to ensure the subsequent uniform renaming no longer has nonrenamable program constants since no semantic renaming.

    See also



  7. class FreshUnificationMatch extends SchematicComposedUnificationMatch

    Unification/matching algorithm for fresh shapes (with built-in names such as those in axioms).

    Unification/matching algorithm for fresh shapes (with built-in names such as those in axioms). Unify(shape, input) matches second argument input against the pattern shape of the first argument but not vice versa. Matcher leaves input alone and only substitutes into shape. Reasonably fast single-pass matcher.


    Expects shape to have fresh names that do not occur in the input. Usually shape has all built-in names ending in underscore _ and no input is like that.

  8. trait InsistentMatcher extends Matcher with Logging

    A matcher that insists on always matching as if there were arbitrary expressions as opposed to specializing to Term versus Formula etc.

  9. trait Matcher extends (Expression, Expression) ⇒ RenUSubst

    Matcher(shape, input) matches second argument input against the pattern shape of the first argument but not vice versa.

    Matcher(shape, input) matches second argument input against the pattern shape of the first argument but not vice versa. Matcher leaves input alone and only substitutes into shape, i.e., gives a single-sided matcher.

    The following notation is used to indicate that u is the unifier computed for matching input t against shape s:

    s = t | u

    That is u is the result of calling Matcher.apply(s,t).

    1. val s = Matcher("p()&q()".asFormula, "x<=0 & x^2>=0".asFormula)
      // gives {p() ~> x<=0, q() ~> x^2>=0}
    2. ,
    3. val s = Matcher("[a;++b;]p()".asFormula, "[x:=x+1; ++ {x'=-x}]y<=0".asFormula)
      // gives {a ~> x:=x+1, b ~> {x'=-x}, p() ~> y<=0}
    4. ,
    5. val s = Matcher("[a;++b;]p(||)".asFormula, "[x:=x+1; ++ {x'=-x}]x>=0".asFormula)
      // gives {a ~> x:=x+1, b ~> {x'=-x}, p(||) ~> x>=0}
    6. ,
    7. // will throw UnificationException
      val s = Matcher("[a;++b;]p(||)".asFormula, "[x:=x+1;{x'=-x}]x>=0".asFormula)
    See also




  10. final case class MultiRename(rens: Seq[(Variable, Variable)], semantic: Boolean = true) extends (Expression) ⇒ Expression with Product with Serializable

    Uniformly rename multiple variables at once.

    Uniformly rename multiple variables at once. Uniformly all occurrences of what and what' to repl and repl' and vice versa, for all (what,repl) in renames.

    Performs semantic renaming, i.e. leaves program constants etc. unmodified.


    true to also support program constants, predicationals etc and leaving them unmodified. 'false' to clash instead.

    See also

  11. sealed case class PosInExpr(pos: List[Int] = Nil) extends Product with Serializable

    Positions identify subexpressions of an expression.

    Positions identify subexpressions of an expression. A position is a finite sequence of binary numbers where

    • 0 identifies the left or only subexpression of an expression and
    • 1 identifies the right subexpression of an expression. For example, 0.1 is the right child of the left child. And, is the left child of the left child of the right child of the left child.
    1. import StringConverter._
      val fml = "(x>2 & x+1<9) -> [x:=2*x+1; y:=0;] x^2>=2".asFormula
      // explicitly use FormulaAugmentor
      print(FormulaAugmentor(fml).sub(PosInExpr(0::0::Nil)))        // x>2
      // implicitly use FormulaAugmentor functions on formulas
      import Augmentors._
      print(fml.sub(PosInExpr(0::0::Nil)))        // x>2;
      print(fml.sub(PosInExpr(0::1::Nil)))        // x+1<9
      print(fml.sub(PosInExpr(0::1::0::Nil)))     // x+1
      print(fml.sub(PosInExpr(0::1::0::0::Nil)))  // x
      print(fml.sub(PosInExpr(0::1::0::1::Nil)))  // 1
      print(fml.sub(PosInExpr(0::1::1::Nil)))     // 9
      print(fml.sub(PosInExpr(1::1::Nil)))        // x^2>=2
      print(fml.sub(PosInExpr(1::0::Nil)))        // x:=2*x+1; y:=0;
      print(fml.sub(PosInExpr(1::0::0::Nil)))     // x:=2*x+1;
      print(fml.sub(PosInExpr(1::0::1::Nil)))     // y:=0;
      print(fml.sub(PosInExpr(1::0::0::1::Nil)))  // 2*x+1
    See also




  12. sealed trait Position extends AnyRef

    Position at which formula and subexpresion ofa a sequent to apply a tactic.

    Position at which formula and subexpresion ofa a sequent to apply a tactic.

    To do

    use AntePos and SuccPos directly instead of index etc.

    Position should essentially become a nice type-preserving name for a pair of a SeqPos and a PosInExpr.

    See also

  13. sealed trait RenUSubst extends (Expression) ⇒ Expression

    Renaming Uniform Substitution, combining URename and USubst in a way that has both a direct application like apply functions of USubstRen as well as a translation to equivalent tactical/core prover operations.

    Renaming Uniform Substitution, combining URename and USubst in a way that has both a direct application like apply functions of USubstRen as well as a translation to equivalent tactical/core prover operations.

    Liberal list of SubstitutionPair represented as merely a list of Pair, where the Variable~>Variable replacements are by uniform renaming, and the other replacements are by uniform substitution.

    See also


  14. abstract class RenUSubstBase extends RenUSubst

    Base class for many common Renaming Uniform Substitution, combining URename and USubst.

    Base class for many common Renaming Uniform Substitution, combining URename and USubst. Liberal list of SubstitutionPair represented as merely a list of Pair, where the Variable~>Variable replacements are by uniform renaming, and the other replacements are by uniform substitution.

    See also>()>()>()

  15. class RestrictedBiDiUnificationMatch extends FreshUnificationMatch
  16. abstract class SchematicComposedUnificationMatch extends SchematicUnificationMatch

    Generic schematic unification/matching algorithm for tactics.

    Generic schematic unification/matching algorithm for tactics. Unify(shape, input) matches second argument input against the pattern shape of the first argument but not vice versa. Matcher leaves input alone and only substitutes into shape. Reasonably fast single-pass matcher. Defined by recursive unification from compositions.

  17. abstract class SchematicUnificationMatch extends BaseMatcher

    Generic schematic unification/matching algorithm for tactics.

    Generic schematic unification/matching algorithm for tactics. Their unify(shape, input) function matches second argument input against the pattern shape of the first argument, but not vice versa. Thus, the matcher leaves input alone and only substitutes into shape. Reasonably fast single-pass matcher that is defined by recursive unification from compositions.


    Central recursive unification implementation.

    See also


  18. class SubstitutionHelper extends AnyRef
  19. trait SuccPosition extends Position

    A position guaranteed to identify a succedent position, so on the right-hand side of the sequent turnstile.

    A position guaranteed to identify a succedent position, so on the right-hand side of the sequent turnstile.

    See also



  20. trait TopAntePosition extends AntePosition with TopPosition

    A top-level antecedent position

  21. trait TopPosition extends Position

    A position guaranteed to identify a top-level position

  22. trait TopSuccPosition extends SuccPosition with TopPosition

    A top-level succedent position

  23. final case class URenSubstitutionPair(what: Expression, repl: Expression) extends Product with Serializable

    Like a replacing what~>repl but not checked for substitutability.

    Like a replacing what~>repl but not checked for substitutability.

    See also


  24. final class USubstAboveURen extends RenUSubstBase

    Renaming Uniform Substitution that, in Sequent direction, first runs a uniform renaming and on the result subsequently the uniform substituion.

    Renaming Uniform Substitution that, in Sequent direction, first runs a uniform renaming and on the result subsequently the uniform substituion.

    s(RG) |- s(RD)
    -------------- USubst
      RG  |- RD
    -------------- URen
       G  |- D

    reading in Hilbert direction from top to bottom, the uniform substitution comes first to ensure the subsequent uniform renaming no longer has nonrenamable program constants since no semantic renaming.

  25. type USubstRen = USubstRenOne

    Choice of standalone Renaming Uniform Substitution operation implementation

  26. final case class USubstRenChurch(subsDefsInput: Seq[(Expression, Expression)]) extends (Expression) ⇒ Expression with Product with Serializable

    Standalone Renaming Uniform Substitution operation, simultaneously combining URename and USubst.

    Standalone Renaming Uniform Substitution operation, simultaneously combining URename and USubst. This implementation uses Church-style uniform substitution implementation a la USubstChurch. Liberal list of SubstitutionPair represented as merely a list of Pair, where the Variable~>Variable replacements are by uniform renaming, and the other replacements are by uniform substitution, simultaneously.


    This implementation performs semantic renaming.

    See also



  27. final case class USubstRenOne(subsDefsInput: Seq[(Expression, Expression)]) extends (Expression) ⇒ Expression with Product with Serializable

    Standalone Renaming Uniform Substitution operation, simultaneously combining URename and USubst to uniformly substitute while simultaneously uniformly renaming multiple variables.

    Standalone Renaming Uniform Substitution operation, simultaneously combining URename and USubst to uniformly substitute while simultaneously uniformly renaming multiple variables.

    This implementation uses one-pass uniform substitution implementation a la USubstOne. Liberal list of SubstitutionPair represented as merely a list of Pair, where the Variable~>Variable replacements are by uniform renaming, and the other replacements are by uniform substitution, simultaneously.


    This implementation performs semantic renaming.

    See also



  28. class UnificationMatchBase extends SchematicComposedUnificationMatch

    Generic base for unification/matching algorithm for tactics.

    Generic base for unification/matching algorithm for tactics. Unify(shape, input) matches second argument input against the pattern shape of the first argument but not vice versa. Matcher leaves input alone and only substitutes into shape. Reasonably fast single-pass matcher.

  29. class UnificationMatchUSubstAboveURen extends Matcher with Logging
  30. class UniformMatcher extends UniformMatching
  31. abstract class UniformMatching extends BaseMatcher

    Uniform Matching algorithm for tactics by sweeping.

    Uniform Matching algorithm for tactics by sweeping. Their unify(shape, input) function matches second argument input against the pattern shape of the first argument, but not vice versa. Uniform matching leaves input alone and only substitutes into shape. Fast single-pass matcher that is defined by sweeping uniform matching.

    Sweeping Uniform Matching is provably sound and is fast but not necessarily complete.


    Central recursive unification implementation.


    a more comprehensive unification matcher would be found when jointly abstracting replacements at join conflicts if those have a joint lattice sup/inf.

    See also


Value Members

  1. def USubstRen(subsDefsInput: Seq[(Expression, Expression)]): USubstRen

    USubstRen factory method for standalone Renaming Uniform Substitution operation implementation, forwards to constructor.

  2. object AntePosition

    An antecedent position of a sequent indexed base 1, so positions 1, 2, 3, ...

  3. object Augmentors

    If imported, automatically augments core data structures with convenience wrappers for tactic purposes such as subexpression positioning, context splitting, and replacements.

    If imported, automatically augments core data structures with convenience wrappers for tactic purposes such as subexpression positioning, context splitting, and replacements.

    1. To use this implicit augmentation automatically, import it via


      Then use it as if its methods were part of the data structures

      val parser = KeYmaeraXParser
      val f = parser("x^2>=0 & x<44 -> [x:=2;{x'=1&x<=10}]x>=1")
      // will obtain the x>=1 part
      val someSub = f.sub(PosInExpr(1::1::Nil))
      // construct x^2>=0 & x<44 -> [x:=2;{x'=1&x<=10}]x^2>y
      val other = f.replaceAt(PosInExpr(1::1::Nil), parser("x^2>y"))
    See also


  4. object Context

    Context management, position splitting, and extraction tools.

    Context management, position splitting, and extraction tools. Useful for splitting a formula at a position into the subexpression at that position and the remaining context around it. Or for replacing a subexpression by another subexpression at all cost. Or for splitting a position into a formula position and a term position.

    1. Split a formula at a position into subformula and its context

      val parser = KeYmaeraXParser
      val f = parser("x^2>=0 & x<44 -> [x:=2;{x'=1&x<=10}]x>=1")
      // split f into context ctx and subformula g such that f is ctx{g}
      val (ctx,g) =, PosInExpr(1::1::Nil))
      // x^2>=0 & x<44 -> [x:=2;{x'=1&x<=10}]_
      // x>=1
      println(f + " is the same as " + ctx(g))
    See also



  5. object DependencyAnalysis

    Dependency Analysis For a set of output variables, determine the set of input variables across a hybrid program that could affect their values

  6. object ExpressionTraversal

    Generic traversal functionality for expressions for pre/post/infix traversal.

  7. object FormulaTools extends Logging

    Tactic tools for formula manipulation and extraction.

  8. object LinearMatcher extends SchematicUnificationMatch

    LinearMatcher(shape, input) matches second argument input against the LINEAR pattern shape of the first argument but not vice versa.

    LinearMatcher(shape, input) matches second argument input against the LINEAR pattern shape of the first argument but not vice versa. Matcher leaves input alone and only substitutes into linear shape.

    Linear matchers require linear shapes, so no symbol can occur twice in the shape. If a symbol does occur twice, it is assumed that the identical match is found in all use cases, which is a strong assumption and can lead to unpredictable behavior. Implemented by a fast single pass. Possibly depends on using straight USubstRenOne

    1. Matching the formula on the right against a linear pattern shape

      LinearMatcher.unify("[a;](p(||)&q(||))".asFormula, "[x:=2*x;{x'=5}](0<=x&x>=y)".asFormula)
    2. ,
    3. Except when lucky, nonlinear patterns will not be matched correctly by LinearMatcher even if they are unifiable.

      LinearMatcher.unify("p(f())<->[x:=f()]p(x)".asFormula, "(2*x)^2>=2*x<->[x:=2*x;]x^2>=x".asFormula)
  9. object Matcher
  10. object NonSubstUnificationMatch extends FreshUnificationMatch

    Unify any term for variables in ODEs.

  11. object PosInExpr extends Serializable
  12. object Position
  13. object ProvableHelper

    Non-critical infrastructure to transform and substitute provables.

  14. object RenUSubst
  15. object RestrictedBiDiUnificationMatch extends RestrictedBiDiUnificationMatch
  16. object StaticSemanticsTools

    Additional tools read off from the static semantics for the tactics.

    Additional tools read off from the static semantics for the tactics.

    See also

  17. object Statistics

    Formula, term, and tactic statistics.

  18. object SubstitutionHelper

    Created by smitsch on 2/19/15.

    Created by smitsch on 2/19/15.

    To do

    generalize to replacing formula by formula, too.

  19. object SuccPosition

    A succedent position of a sequent indexed base 1, so positions 1, 2, 3, ...

  20. object TreeForm

    Represent terms as recursive lists of logical symbols.

    Represent terms as recursive lists of logical symbols. This simplified structure is useful for certain analyses that treat all the operators in a relatively uniform way. This representation flattens the term's structure as much as possible (e.g. turning a+(b+c) into (a+b+c)), to make analyses that consider the depth of a term more meaningful. Created by bbohrer on 10/23/15.

  21. object USubstRenChurch extends Serializable
  22. object UnificationMatch extends FreshUnificationMatch

    Unification/matching algorithm for tactics.

    Unification/matching algorithm for tactics. Unify(shape, input) matches second argument input against the pattern shape of the first argument but not vice versa. Matcher leaves input alone and only substitutes into shape, i.e., gives a single-sided matcher.

    See also


  23. object UnificationTools
  24. object UniformMatcher extends UniformMatcher

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
