package core
KeYmaera X Kernel is the soundness-critical core of the Axiomatic Tactical Theorem Prover KeYmaera X.
KeYmaera X Kernel
The KeYmaera X Kernel implements Differential Dynamic Logic and defines
- Syntax of differential dynamic logic:
- Proof Construction of proof certificates from
- Provides basic Stored Provables as Strings, real arithmetic interfaces, error reporting, and set lattice management for sets of symbols.
Usage Overview
The KeYmaera X Kernel package provides the soundness-critical core of KeYmaera X. It provides ways of constructing proofs that, by construction, can only be constructed using the proof rules that the KeYmaera X Kernel provides. The proof tactics that KeYmaera X provides give you a more powerful and flexible and easier way of constructing and searching for proofs, but they internally reduce to what is shown here.
Constructing Proofs
The proof certificates of KeYmaera X are of type\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Sequent):edu\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Provable* begins a new proof of a containing the conjectured differential dynamic logic formula. A proof rule of type can be applied to any subgoal of a by\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Rule,subgoal:edu\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Provable\.Subgoal):edu\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Provable* to advance the proof until that Provable has been proved since is true. Subgoals are identified by integers.
import scala.collection.immutable._ val verum = new Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(True)) // conjecture val provable = Provable.startProof(verum) // construct a proof val proof = provable(CloseTrue(SuccPos(0)), 0) // check if proof successful, i.e. no remaining subgoals if (proof.isProved) println("Successfully proved " + proof.proved)
Of course, make it much easier to describe proof search procedures compared to the above explicit proof construction. The tactics internally construct proofs this way, but add additional flexibility and provide convenient ways of expressing proof search strategies in a tactic language.
Combining Proofs
Multiple Provable objects for subderivations obtained from different sources can also be merged into a single Provable object by substitution with,Int). The above example can be continued to merge proofs as follows:
// ... continued from above val more = new Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(Imply(Greater(Variable("x"), Number(5)), True))) // another conjecture val moreProvable = Provable.startProof(more) // construct another (partial) proof val moreProof = moreProvable(ImplyRight(SuccPos(0)), 0)(HideLeft(AntePos(0)), 0) // merge proofs by gluing their Provables together (substitution) val mergedProof = moreProof(proof, 0) // check if proof successful, i.e. no remaining subgoals if (mergedProof.isProved) println("Successfully proved " + mergedProof.proved)
More styles for proof construction are shown in Provable's.
Differential Dynamic Logic
The language of differential dynamic logic is described in KeYmaera X by its syntax and static semantics.
The immutable algebraic data structures for the expressions of differential dynamic logic are of type Expressions are categorized according to their kind by the syntactic categories of the grammar of differential dynamic logic:
1. terms are of type of kind
2. formulas are of type of kind
3. hybrid programs are of type of kind
4. differential programs are of type of kind
See Section 2.1
Static Semantics
The static semantics of differential dynamic logic is captured in in terms of the free variables and bound variables that expressions have as well as their signatures (set of occurring symbols). See Section 2.4
Theorem Prover
The KeYmaera X Prover Kernel provides uniform substitutions, uniform and bound variable renaming, and axioms of differential dynamic logic. For efficiency, it also directly provides propositional sequent proof rules and Skolemization.
The axioms and axiomatic rules of differential dynamic logic can be looked up with and respectively. All available axioms are listed in, all available axiomatic rules are listed in which both ultimately come from the file See Sections 4 and 5.0 Additional axioms are available as derived axioms and lemmas in
Uniform Substitutions
Uniform substitutions uniformly replace all occurrences of a given predicate p(.) by a formula in (.) and likewise for function symbols f(.) and program constants. Uniform substitutions and their application mechanism for differential dynamic logic are implemented in See Section 3 and one-pass Section 3
Uniform substitutions can be used on proof certificates with the\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.USubst):edu\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Provable*, including uniform substitution instances of axioms or axiomatic rules. See Section 3
Sequent Proof Rules
All proof rules for differential dynamic logic, including the uniform substitution and bound variable renaming rules as well as efficient propositional sequent proof rules and Skolemization are all of type, which are the only proof rules that can ever be applied to a proof. See sequent calculus
Additional Capabilities
Stored Provable Mechanism
A Stored Provable represents a Provable as a String that can be reloaded later as well as an interface to real arithmetic decision procedures are defined in and
Error Reporting
Errors from the prover core are reported as exceptions of type whose main responsibility is to propagate problems in traceable ways to the user by augmenting them with contextual information. The prover core throws exceptions of type
Set Lattice
A data structure for sets (or rather lattice completions of sets) is provided in based on Scala's immutable sets.
Overall Code Complexity
Overall, the majority of the KeYmaera X Prover Microkernel implementation consists of data structure declarations or similar mostly self-evident code. This includes straightforward variable categorization in StaticSemantics. The highest complexity is for the uniform substitution application mechanism. The highest information density is in the axiom list.
- Note
Code Review 2020-02-17
- See also
Andre Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-266, 2017.
Andre Platzer. Uniform substitution at one fell swoop. In Pascal Fontaine, editor, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'19, Natal, Brazil, Proceedings, volume 11716 of LNCS, pp. 425-441. Springer, 2019.
Andre Platzer and Yong Kiam Tan. Differential equation invariance axiomatization. J. ACM. 67(1), 6:1-6:66, 2020.
Andre Platzer. A uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. In Amy P. Felty and Aart Middeldorp, editors, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'15, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings, LNCS. Springer, 2015. arXiv 1503.01981
Andre Platzer. Uniform substitution for differential game logic. In Didier Galmiche, Stephan Schulz and Roberto Sebastiani, editors, Automated Reasoning, 9th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2018, volume 10900 of LNCS, pp. 211-227. Springer 2018.
Andre Platzer. Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems. Springer, 2018.
Nathan Fulton, Stefan Mitsch, Jan-David Quesel, Marcus Volp and Andre Platzer. KeYmaera X: An axiomatic tactical theorem prover for hybrid systems. In Amy P. Felty and Aart Middeldorp, editors, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'15, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings, LNCS. Springer, 2015.
Andre Platzer. Differential game logic. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 17(1), 2015. arXiv 1408.1980
Andre Platzer. Logics of dynamical systems. ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LICS 2012, June 25–28, 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pages 13-24. IEEE 2012
Andre Platzer. The complete proof theory of hybrid systems. ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LICS 2012, June 25–28, 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pages 541-550. IEEE 2012
Andre Platzer. Differential dynamic logic for hybrid systems. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 41(2), pages 143-189, 2008.
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- core
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Type Members
case class
And(left: Formula, right: Formula) extends BinaryCompositeFormula with Product with Serializable
& logical conjunction: and.
case class
AndLeft(pos: AntePos) extends LeftRule with Product with Serializable
&L And left.
&L And left.
G, p, q |- D --------------- (&L And left) p&q, G |- D
case class
AndRight(pos: SuccPos) extends RightRule with Product with Serializable
&R And right
&R And right
G |- p, D G |- q, D ---------------------- (&R And right) G |- p&q, D
case class
AntePos extends SeqPos with Product with Serializable
Antecedent Positions of formulas in a sequent, i.e.
Antecedent Positions of formulas in a sequent, i.e. in the assumptions on the left of the sequent arrow.
ApplicationOf extends Composite
Function/predicate/predicational application.
Assertion extends AnyRef
A wrapper around the Java
keyword.A wrapper around the Java
keyword. Lazy evaluation of conditions and messages.Disabled by default. Enable at run-time with
java -ea
. Disable withjava -da
. -
case class
Assign(x: Variable, e: Term) extends AtomicProgram with Product with Serializable
x:=e assignment and/or differential assignment x':=e.
case class
AssignAny(x: Variable) extends AtomicProgram with Product with Serializable
x:=* nondeterministic assignment and/or nondeterministic differential assignment x':=*.
Atomic extends Expression
Atomic expressions that do not have any proper subexpressions.
AtomicDifferentialProgram extends AtomicProgram with DifferentialProgram
Atomic differential programs that have no sub-differential-equations (but may still have subterms)
AtomicFormula extends Formula with Atomic
Atomic formulas that have no subformulas (but may still have subterms).
case class
AtomicODE(xp: DifferentialSymbol, e: Term) extends AtomicDifferentialProgram with Product with Serializable
x'=e atomic differential equation where x is evolving for some time with time-derivative e.
AtomicProgram extends Program with Atomic
Atomic programs that have no subprograms (but may still have subterms or subformulas).
AtomicTerm extends Term with Atomic
Atomic terms that have no proper subterms.
case class
BaseVariable(name: String, index: Option[Int] = None, sort: Sort = Real) extends Variable with Product with Serializable
Elementary variable called
with an index of a fixed sort (that is not a differential variable). -
BinaryComposite extends Composite
Binary composite expressions that are composed of two subexpressions.
BinaryCompositeFormula extends BinaryComposite with CompositeFormula
Binary Composite Formulas, i.e.
Binary Composite Formulas, i.e. formulas composed of two subformulas.
BinaryCompositeProgram extends BinaryComposite with CompositeProgram
Binary Composite Programs, i.e.
Binary Composite Programs, i.e. programs composed of two subprograms.
BinaryCompositeTerm extends BinaryComposite with CompositeTerm
Binary Composite Terms, i.e.
Binary Composite Terms, i.e. terms composed of two subterms.
case class
BoundRenaming(what: Variable, repl: Variable, pos: SeqPos) extends PositionRule with Product with Serializable
Performs bound renaming renaming all occurrences of variable what (and its associated DifferentialSymbol) to repl.
Performs bound renaming renaming all occurrences of variable what (and its associated DifferentialSymbol) to repl. Proper bound renaming requires the replacement to be a fresh variable that does not occur previously.
G |- [repl:=e]r(P), D ------------------------ BR (where what',repl,repl' do not occur in P) G |- [what:=e]P, D
is the result of uniformly renamingwhat
to the (fresh)repl
. The proof rule works accordingly for diamond modalities, nondeterministic assignments, or quantifiers, or in the antecedent.G |- <repl:=e>r(P), D ------------------------ BR (where what',repl,repl' do not occur in P) G |- <what:=e>P, D
G |- \forall repl r(P), D --------------------------- BR (where what',repl,repl' do not occur in P) G |- \forall what P, D
G |- \exists repl r(P), D --------------------------- BR (where what',repl,repl' do not occur in P) G |- \exists what P, D
G, [repl:=e]r(P) |- D ------------------------ BR (where what',repl,repl' do not occur in P) G, [what:=e]P |- D
- what
What variable (and its associated DifferentialSymbol) to replace.
- repl
The target variable to replace what with.
- pos
The position at which to perform a bound renaming.
- Note
soundness-critical: For bound renaming purposes semantic renaming would be unsound.
- See also
case class
Box(program: Program, child: Formula) extends Modal with Product with Serializable
box modality all runs of program satisfy child: [program]child.
case class
Choice(left: Program, right: Program) extends BinaryCompositeProgram with Product with Serializable
left++right nondeterministic choice running either left or right.
case class
Close(assume: AntePos, pos: SuccPos) extends Rule with Product with Serializable
Close / Identity rule proving an assumption available in the antecedent.
Close / Identity rule proving an assumption available in the antecedent.
* ------------------ (Id) p, G |- p, D
case class
CloseFalse(pos: AntePos) extends LeftRule with Product with Serializable
Close by false among the antecedent assumptions.
Close by false among the antecedent assumptions.
* ------------------ (close false) false, G |- D
case class
CloseTrue(pos: SuccPos) extends RightRule with Product with Serializable
Close by true among the succedent desiderata.
Close by true among the succedent desiderata.
* ------------------ (close true) G |- true, D
case class
CoHide2(pos1: AntePos, pos2: SuccPos) extends Rule with Product with Serializable
CoHide2 hides all but the two indicated positions.
CoHide2 hides all but the two indicated positions.
p |- q --------------- (CoHide2) p, G |- q, D
case class
CoHideLeft(pos: AntePos) extends LeftRule with Product with Serializable
CoHide left.
CoHide left.
p |- ------------- (CoHide left) p, G |- D
- Note
Rarely useful (except for contradictory
)Not used, just contained for symmetry reasons
case class
CoHideRight(pos: SuccPos) extends RightRule with Product with Serializable
CoHide right.
CoHide right.
|- p ------------- (CoHide right) G |- p, D
case class
CommuteEquivLeft(pos: AntePos) extends LeftRule with Product with Serializable
Commute equivalence left
Commute equivalence left
q<->p, G |- D -------------- (<->cL) p<->q, G |- D
- Note
Not used, just contained for symmetry reasons
case class
CommuteEquivRight(pos: SuccPos) extends RightRule with Product with Serializable
Commute equivalence right
Commute equivalence right
G |- q<->p, D ------------- (<->cR) G |- p<->q, D
ComparisonFormula extends AtomicFormula with BinaryComposite
Atomic comparison formula composed of two terms.
case class
Compose(left: Program, right: Program) extends BinaryCompositeProgram with Product with Serializable
left;right sequential composition running right after left.
Composite extends Expression
Composite expressions that are composed of subexpressions
CompositeFormula extends Formula with Composite
Composite formulas composed of subformulas.
CompositeProgram extends Program with Composite
Composite programs that are composed of subprograms.
CompositeTerm extends Term with Composite
Composite terms that are composed of subterms.
CoreException extends ProverException
Reasoning exceptions directly from the KeYmaera X Prover Kernel.
Reasoning exceptions directly from the KeYmaera X Prover Kernel. The most important distinction of prover kernel exceptions are CriticalCoreException for unsound logical mistakes versus NoncriticalCoreException for plausible but inappropriate reasoning attempts.
CriticalCoreException extends CoreException
Critical reasoning exceptions directly from the KeYmaera X Prover Core that indicate a proof step was attempted that would be unsound, and was consequently denied.
case class
Cut(c: Formula) extends Rule with Product with Serializable
Cut in the given formula
to usec
on the first branch and provingc
on the second branch.Cut in the given formula
to usec
on the first branch and provingc
on the second branch.G, c |- D G |- D, c ----------------------- (cut) G |- D
The ordering of premises is optimistic, i.e., the premise using the cut-in formula
comes before the one provingc
.- Note
c will be added at the end on the subgoals
case class
CutLeft(c: Formula, pos: AntePos) extends Rule with Product with Serializable
Cut in the given formula c in place of p on the left.
Cut in the given formula c in place of p on the left.
c, G |- D G |- D, p->c ------------------------- (Cut Left) p, G |- D
Forward Hilbert style rules can move further away, implicationally, from the sequent implication. Backwards tableaux style sequent rules can move closer, implicationally, toward the sequent implication.
- Note
this would perhaps surprising that inconsistent posititioning within this rule, unlike in ImplyLeft?
case class
CutRight(c: Formula, pos: SuccPos) extends Rule with Product with Serializable
Cut in the given formula c in place of p on the right.
Cut in the given formula c in place of p on the right.
G |- c, D G |- c->p, D ------------------------- (Cut right) G |- p, D
Forward Hilbert style rules can move further away, implicationally, from the sequent implication. Backwards tableaux style sequent rules can move closer, implicationally, toward the sequent implication.
case class
Diamond(program: Program, child: Formula) extends Modal with Product with Serializable
diamond modality some run of program satisfies child: ⟨program⟩child.
case class
Differential(child: Term) extends RUnaryCompositeTerm with Product with Serializable
(child)' differential of the term
.(child)' differential of the term
.- See also
Andre Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-266, 2017.
case class
DifferentialFormula(child: Formula) extends UnaryCompositeFormula with Product with Serializable
Differential formula are differentials of formulas in analogy to differential terms (child)'.
Differential formula are differentials of formulas in analogy to differential terms (child)'. In theory they are only used in the form (e>=k)' which is (e)'>=(k)'. In practice, derived forms are useful.
DifferentialProduct extends DifferentialProgram with BinaryComposite
left,right parallel product of differential programs.
left,right parallel product of differential programs. This data structure automatically left-reassociates to list form so that
never is a Differential Product. DifferentialProduct(AtomicDifferentialProgram, DifferentialProduct(AtomicDifferentialProgram, ....))- Note
This is a case class except for an override of the apply function to ensure left-associative representation.
,Private constructor so only DifferentialProduct.apply can ever create this, which will re-associate et al.
DifferentialProgram extends Program
Differential programs of differential dynamic logic.
Differential programs of differential dynamic logic.
Differential Programs are of the form
- AtomicDifferentialProgram atomic differential programs are not composed of other differential programs
atomic differential equation as AtomicODE(DifferentialSymbol,Term)c
differential program constant as DifferentialProgramConst
- BinaryCompositeDifferentialProgram except it's the only composition for differential programs.
differential product as DifferentialProduct(DifferentialProgram], DifferentialProgram])
- AtomicDifferentialProgram atomic differential programs are not composed of other differential programs
case class
DifferentialProgramConst(name: String, space: Space = AnyArg) extends AtomicDifferentialProgram with SpaceDependent with NamedSymbol with Product with Serializable
Uninterpreted differential program constant, limited to the given state space.
Uninterpreted differential program constant, limited to the given state space. The semantics of arity 0 DifferentialProgramConst symbol is looked up by the state, with the additional promise that taboos are neither free nor bound, so the run does not depend on the value of taboos nor does the value of taboos change when space=Except(taboos).
- space
The part of the state space that the interpretation/replacement of this symbol is limited to have free or bound.
AnyArg is
the default allowing full read/write access to the state.Taboo(x)
can neither be free nor bound.
case class
DifferentialSymbol(x: Variable) extends Variable with RTerm with Product with Serializable
Differential symbol x' for variable x.
Differential symbol x' for variable x. Differential symbols are also called differential variables, because they are symbolic but are also variables.
case class
Divide(left: Term, right: Term) extends RBinaryCompositeTerm with Product with Serializable
/ real division of reals where
nonzero. -
case class
DotTerm(s: Sort = Real, idx: Option[Int] = None) extends Expression with NamedSymbol with AtomicTerm with Product with Serializable
•: Placeholder for terms in uniform substitutions of given sort.
•: Placeholder for terms in uniform substitutions of given sort. Reserved nullary function symbols \\cdot for uniform substitutions are unlike ordinary function symbols by convention.
case class
Dual(child: Program) extends UnaryCompositeProgram with Product with Serializable
dual program continuing game child after passing control to the opponent.
implicit final
Ensures[A] extends AnyVal
Contracts (like scala.Predef.Ensuring) implemented with Java-style assertions (see assertion)
case class
Equal(left: Term, right: Term) extends ComparisonFormula with Product with Serializable
equality left = right.=
case class
Equiv(left: Formula, right: Formula) extends BinaryCompositeFormula with Product with Serializable
<-> logical biimplication: equivalent.
case class
EquivLeft(pos: AntePos) extends LeftRule with Product with Serializable
<->L Equiv left.
<->L Equiv left.
p&q, G |- D !p&!q, G |- D ----------------------------- (<-> Equiv left) p<->q, G |- D
- Note
Positions remain stable when decomposed this way around.
case class
EquivRight(pos: SuccPos) extends RightRule with Product with Serializable
<->R Equiv right.
<->R Equiv right.
G, p |- D, q G, q |- D, p ----------------------------- (<->R Equiv right) G |- p<->q, D
case class
EquivifyRight(pos: SuccPos) extends RightRule with Product with Serializable
Equivify Right: Convert implication to equivalence.
Equivify Right: Convert implication to equivalence.
G |- a<->b, D ------------- G |- a->b, D
case class
Except(taboos: Seq[Variable]) extends Space with Product with Serializable
The sort denoting a slice of the state space that does not include/depend on/affect variables
. -
case class
ExchangeLeftRule(pos1: AntePos, pos2: AntePos) extends Rule with Product with Serializable
Exchange left rule reorders antecedent.
Exchange left rule reorders antecedent.
q, p, G |- D ------------- (Exchange left) p, q, G |- D
case class
ExchangeRightRule(pos1: SuccPos, pos2: SuccPos) extends Rule with Product with Serializable
Exchange right rule reorders succedent.
Exchange right rule reorders succedent.
G |- q, p, D ------------- (Exchange right) G |- p, q, D
case class
Exists(vars: Seq[Variable], child: Formula) extends Quantified with Product with Serializable
\exists vars existentially quantified formula for some real value of vars.
Expression extends AnyRef
Expressions of differential dynamic logic.
Expressions of differential dynamic logic. Expressions are categorized according to the syntactic categories of the grammar of differential dynamic logic:
1. terms are of type of kind 2. formulas are of type of kind 3. hybrid programs are of type of kind 4. differential programs are of type of kind 5. function symbols are degenerate expressions that are syntactically incomplete, since not yet applied to arguments via FuncOf to form a term or via PredOf or PredicationalOf to form a formula.
See Section 2.1
- See also
Andre Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-266, 2017.
Andre Platzer. A uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. In Amy P. Felty and Aart Middeldorp, editors, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'15, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings, LNCS. Springer, 2015. A uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. arXiv 1503.01981
Andre Platzer. Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems. Springer, 2018.
case class
Forall(vars: Seq[Variable], child: Formula) extends Quantified with Product with Serializable
\forall vars universally quantified formula for all real values of vars.
Formula extends Expression
Formulas of differential dynamic logic.
Formulas of differential dynamic logic. Also includes formulas of differential game logic, which only differ in the permitted mention of Dual.
Formulas are of the form
- AtomicFormula atomic formulas that are not composed of other formulas
truth as True andfalse
as FalseP
nullary predicational as UnitPredicational writtenP(||)
in internal syntax._
dot as reserved nullary predicational DotFormula for formula argument placeholders
- ComparisonFormula are AtomicFormula composed of two terms but not composed of formulas
- ApplicationOf predicate applications
- UnaryCompositeFormula unary composite formulas composed of one child formula
logical negation as Not(Formula)(P)'
differential formula as DifferentialFormula(Formula])
- BinaryCompositeFormula binary composite formulas composed of a left and a right formula
- Quantified quantified formulas quantifying a variable
- Modal modal formulas with a program and a formula child
- AtomicFormula atomic formulas that are not composed of other formulas
case class
FuncOf(func: Function, child: Term) extends CompositeTerm with ApplicationOf with Product with Serializable
Function symbol applied to argument child
. -
case class
Function(name: String, index: Option[Int] = None, domain: Sort, sort: Sort, interp: Option[Formula] = None) extends NamedSymbol with Product with Serializable
Function symbol or predicate symbol or predicational symbol
Function symbol or predicate symbol or predicational symbol
- domain
the sort of expected arguments.
- sort
the sort resulting when this function/predicate/predicational symbol has been applied to an argument.
- interp
if present, this function symbol
has a fixed interpretation defined byy = f(x) <-> P(y,x)
where P is the interp formula, substituting (y,x) for the dot terms. That is
._0 = f(._1) <-> P(._0,._1)
case class
Greater(left: Term, right: Term) extends RComparisonFormula with Product with Serializable
> greater than comparison left > right of reals.
case class
GreaterEqual(left: Term, right: Term) extends RComparisonFormula with Product with Serializable
>= greater or equal comparison left >= right of reals.
case class
HideLeft(pos: AntePos) extends LeftRule with Product with Serializable
Hide left.
Hide left.
G |- D ------------- (Weaken left) p, G |- D
case class
HideRight(pos: SuccPos) extends RightRule with Product with Serializable
Hide right.
Hide right.
G |- D ------------- (Weaken right) G |- p, D
case class
Imply(left: Formula, right: Formula) extends BinaryCompositeFormula with Product with Serializable
-> logical implication: implies.
case class
ImplyLeft(pos: AntePos) extends LeftRule with Product with Serializable
->L Imply left.
->L Imply left.
G |- D, p q, G |- D ---------------------- (-> Imply left) p->q, G |- D
case class
ImplyRight(pos: SuccPos) extends RightRule with Product with Serializable
->R Imply right.
->R Imply right.
G, p |- D, q --------------- (->R Imply right) G |- p->q, D
case class
InapplicableRuleException(msg: String, r: Rule, s: Sequent = null) extends NoncriticalCoreException with Product with Serializable
Rule is not applicable as indicated.
Rule is not applicable as indicated. For example, InapplicableRuleException can be raised when trying to apply AndRight at the correct position 2 in bounds on the right-hand side where it turns out there is an Or formula not an And formula. For readability and code performance reasons, the prover kernel may also raise scala.MatchError if the shape of a formula is not as expected, but core tactics will then convert MatchError to InapplicableRuleException.
Kind extends AnyRef
Kinds of expressions (term, formula, program, differential program).
Kinds of expressions (term, formula, program, differential program).
- See also
LeftRule extends PositionRule
A rule applied to a position in the antecedent on the left of a sequent.
A rule applied to a position in the antecedent on the left of a sequent. LeftRules can only be applied to antecedent positions.
- See also
case class
Less(left: Term, right: Term) extends RComparisonFormula with Product with Serializable
<= less than comparison left < right of reals.
case class
LessEqual(left: Term, right: Term) extends RComparisonFormula with Product with Serializable
< less or equal comparison left <= right of reals.
case class
Loop(child: Program) extends UnaryCompositeProgram with Product with Serializable
child* nondeterministic repetition running child arbitrarily often.
case class
Minus(left: Term, right: Term) extends RBinaryCompositeTerm with Product with Serializable
- binary subtraction of reals.
Modal extends CompositeFormula
Modal formulas.
NamedSymbol extends Expression with Ordered[NamedSymbol]
A named symbol such as a variable or function symbol or predicate symbol or program constant symbol.
A named symbol such as a variable or function symbol or predicate symbol or program constant symbol.
- Note
User-level symbols should not use underscores, which are reserved for the core.
case class
Neg(child: Term) extends RUnaryCompositeTerm with Product with Serializable
- unary negation of reals: minus.
NoncriticalCoreException extends CoreException
Noncritical reasoning exceptions directly from the KeYmaera X Prover Core that indicate a proof step was perfectly plausible to try, just did not fit the expected pattern, and consequently turned out impossible.
case class
Not(child: Formula) extends UnaryCompositeFormula with Product with Serializable
! logical negation: not.
case class
NotEqual(left: Term, right: Term) extends ComparisonFormula with Product with Serializable
!= disequality left != right.
case class
NotLeft(pos: AntePos) extends LeftRule with Product with Serializable
!L Not left.
!L Not left.
G |- D, p ------------ (!L Not left) !p, G |- D
case class
NotRight(pos: SuccPos) extends RightRule with Product with Serializable
!R Not right.
!R Not right.
G, p |- D ------------ (!R Not right) G |- !p, D
case class
Number(value: BigDecimal) extends AtomicTerm with RTerm with Product with Serializable
Number literal such as 0.5 or 42 etc.
case class
ODESystem(ode: DifferentialProgram, constraint: Formula = True) extends Program with Product with Serializable
Differential equation system
with given evolution domain constraint. -
case class
ObjectSort(name: String) extends Sort with Product with Serializable
User-defined object sort.
case class
Or(left: Formula, right: Formula) extends BinaryCompositeFormula with Product with Serializable
| logical disjunction: or.
case class
OrLeft(pos: AntePos) extends LeftRule with Product with Serializable
|L Or left.
|L Or left.
p, G |- D q, G |- D ----------------------- (|L Or left) p|q, G |- D
case class
OrRight(pos: SuccPos) extends RightRule with Product with Serializable
|R Or right.
|R Or right.
G |- D, p,q --------------- (|R Or right) G |- p|q, D
case class
Pair(left: Term, right: Term) extends BinaryCompositeTerm with Product with Serializable
Pairs (left,right) for binary Function and FuncOf and PredOf.
Pairs (left,right) for binary Function and FuncOf and PredOf.
- Note
By convention, pairs are usually used in right-associative ways. That is, n-ary argument terms (t1,t2,t3, are represented as (t1,(t2,(t3, This is not a strict requirement, but the default parse and suggested use.
case class
Plus(left: Term, right: Term) extends RBinaryCompositeTerm with Product with Serializable
+ binary addition of reals.
PositionRule extends Rule
A rule applied to a position in a sequent.
A rule applied to a position in a sequent.
- See also
case class
Power(left: Term, right: Term) extends RBinaryCompositeTerm with Product with Serializable
real exponentiation or power: leftright.
real exponentiation or power: leftright.
- Note
By mathematical conventions, powers are parsed in right-associative ways. That is, x42 is parsed as x(42).
case class
PredOf(func: Function, child: Term) extends AtomicFormula with ApplicationOf with Product with Serializable
Predicate symbol applied to argument child
is Boolean-valued . -
case class
PredicationalOf(func: Function, child: Formula) extends AtomicFormula with ApplicationOf with StateDependent with Product with Serializable
Predicational or quantifier symbol applied to argument formula child, written
.Predicational or quantifier symbol applied to argument formula child, written
. Predicationals are similar to predicate symbol applications, except that they accept a formula as an argument rather than a term. Also, their truth-value may depend on the entire truth table ofchild
at any state.- Note
In theory,
is writtenC(child)
Program extends Expression
Hybrid programs of differential dynamic logic.
Hybrid programs of differential dynamic logic. Also includes hybrid games of differential game logic, which only differ in the permitted mention of Dual.
Hybrid Programs are of the form
- AtomicProgram atomic programs that are not composed of other programs
assignment as Assign(Variable,Term) and likewise differential assignmentx':=e
as Assign(DifferentialSymbol,Term)x:=*
nondeterministic assignment as AssignAny(Variable) and likewise nondeterministic differential assignmentx':=*
as AssignAny(DifferentialSymbol)a
program constant as ProgramConst writtena{|^x|}
if x taboo.
system constant as SystemConst without games, writtena{|^@|}
in internal syntax.
test as Test(Formula)
- BinaryCompositeProgram binary composite programs composed of a left and right program
- UnaryCompositeProgram unary composite programs composed of a child program
- Special
differential equation system as ODESystem(DifferentialProgram, Formula)
- AtomicProgram atomic programs that are not composed of other programs
case class
ProgramConst(name: String, space: Space = AnyArg) extends NamedSymbol with AtomicProgram with SpaceDependent with Product with Serializable
Uninterpreted program constant symbol / game symbol, possibly limited to the given state space.
Uninterpreted program constant symbol / game symbol, possibly limited to the given state space. The semantics of ProgramConst symbol is looked up by the state, with the additional promise that taboos are neither free nor bound, so the run does not depend on the value of taboos nor does the value of taboos change when space=Except(taboos).
- space
The part of the state space that the interpretation/replacement of this symbol is limited to have free or bound.
is the default allowing full read/write access to the state.Taboo(x)
can neither be free nor bound. Writtena{|x|}
in internal syntax.
- Note
In theory,
is writtena
. By analogy,a{|x|}
has read/write access to the entire state except the taboo x.
case class
Provable extends Product with Serializable
Provable(conclusion, subgoals) is the proof certificate representing certified provability of
from the premises insubgoals
.Provable(conclusion, subgoals) is the proof certificate representing certified provability of
from the premises insubgoals
. Ifsubgoals
is an empty list, thenconclusion
is provable. Otherwiseconclusion
is provable from the set of all assumptions insubgoals
.G1 |- D1 ... Gn |- Dn (subgoals) ----------------------- G |- D (conclusion)
Invariant: All Provables ever produced are locally sound, because only the prover kernel can create Provable objects and chooses not to use the globally sound uniform substitution rule.
Provables are stateless and do not themselves remember other provables that they resulted from. The ProofTree data structure outside the kernel provides such proof tree navigation information.
Proofs can be constructed in (backward/tableaux) sequent order using Provables:
import scala.collection.immutable._ val verum = new Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(True)) // conjecture val provable = Provable.startProof(verum) // construct a proof val proof = provable(CloseTrue(SuccPos(0)), 0) // check if proof successful if (proof.isProved) println("Successfully proved " + proof.proved)
, Multiple Provable objects for subderivations obtained from different sources can also be merged
// ... continuing other example val more = new Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(Imply(Greater(Variable("x"), Number(5)), True))) // another conjecture val moreProvable = Provable.startProof(more) // construct another (partial) proof val moreProof = moreProvable(ImplyRight(SuccPos(0)), 0)(HideLeft(AntePos(0)), 0) // merge proofs by gluing their Provables together val mergedProof = moreProof(proof, 0) // check if proof successful if (mergedProof.isProved) println("Successfully proved " + mergedProof.proved)
, Proofs in backward tableaux sequent order are straight-forward
import scala.collection.immutable._ val fm = Greater(Variable("x"), Number(5)) // |- x>5 -> x>5 & true val finGoal = new Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(Imply(fm, And(fm, True)))) // conjecture val finProvable = Provable.startProof(finGoal) // construct a proof val proof = finProvable( ImplyRight(SuccPos(0)), 0)( AndRight(SuccPos(0)), 0)( HideLeft(AntePos(0)), 1)( CloseTrue(SuccPos(0)), 1)( Close(AntePos(0), SuccPos(0)), 0) // proof of finGoal println(proof.proved)
, Proofs in forward Hilbert order are straightforward with merging of branches
import scala.collection.immutable._ val fm = Greater(Variable("x"), Number(5)) // proof of x>5 |- x>5 & true merges left and right branch by AndRight val proof = Provable.startProof(Sequent(IndexedSeq(fm), IndexedSeq(And(fm, True))))( AndRight(SuccPos(0)), 0) ( // left branch: x>5 |- x>5 Provable.startProof(Sequent(IndexedSeq(fm), IndexedSeq(fm)))( Close(AntePos(0), SuccPos(0)), 0), 0) ( //right branch: |- true Provable.startProof(Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(True)))( CloseTrue(SuccPos(0)), 0)( // x>5 |- true Sequent(IndexedSeq(fm), IndexedSeq(True)), HideLeft(AntePos(0))), 0) ( // |- x>5 -> x>5 & true new Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(Imply(fm, And(fm, True)))), ImplyRight(SuccPos(0)) ) // proof of finGoal: |- x>5 -> x>5 & true println(proof.proved)
, Proofs in Hilbert-calculus style order can also be based exclusively on subsequent merging
import scala.collection.immutable._ val fm = Greater(Variable("x"), Number(5)) // x>0 |- x>0 val left = Provable.startProof(Sequent(IndexedSeq(fm), IndexedSeq(fm)))( Close(AntePos(0), SuccPos(0)), 0) // |- true val right = Provable.startProof(Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(True)))( CloseTrue(SuccPos(0)), 0) val right2 = Provable.startProof(Sequent(IndexedSeq(fm), IndexedSeq(True)))( HideLeft(AntePos(0)), 0) (right, 0) // gluing order for subgoals is irrelevant. Could use: (right2, 1)(left, 0)) val merged = Provable.startProof(Sequent(IndexedSeq(fm), IndexedSeq(And(fm, True))))( AndRight(SuccPos(0)), 0) ( left, 0)( right2, 0) // |- x>5 -> x>5 & true val finGoal = new Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(Imply(fm, And(fm, True)))) val proof = Provable.startProof(finGoal)( ImplyRight(SuccPos(0)), 0) (merged, 0) // proof of finGoal println(proof.proved)
, Branching proofs in backward tableaux sequent order are straight-forward, yet might become more readable when closing branches right-to-left to keep explicit subgoals:
// explicit proof certificate construction of |- !!p() <-> p() val proof = (Provable.startProof( "!!p() <-> p()".asFormula) (EquivRight(SuccPos(0)), 0) // right branch (NotRight(SuccPos(0)), 1) (NotLeft(AntePos(1)), 1) (Close(AntePos(0),SuccPos(0)), 1) // left branch (NotLeft(AntePos(0)), 0) (NotRight(SuccPos(1)), 0) (Close(AntePos(0),SuccPos(0)), 0) )
- Note
soundness-critical logical framework.
,Only private constructor calls for soundness
,For soundness: No reflection should bypass constructor call privacy, nor reflection to bypass immutable val algebraic data types.
- See also
Andre Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-266, 2017.
Examples: -
ProvableStorageException extends CoreException
Exception indicating that a Provable Storage representation as a String cannot be read, because it has been tampered with.
Exception indicating that a Provable Storage representation as a String cannot be read, because it has been tampered with.
- See also
case class
ProverAssertionError(msg: String) extends ProverException with Product with Serializable
Internal core assertions that fail in the prover
ProverException extends RuntimeException
KeYmaera X Prover Exceptions.
QETool extends AnyRef
Interface to quantifier elimination tools.
Quantified extends CompositeFormula
Quantified formulas.
case class
RenamingClashException(msg: String, ren: String, e: String, info: String = "") extends CriticalCoreException with Product with Serializable
Uniform or bound renaming clashes are unsound renaming reasoning attempts.
Uniform or bound renaming clashes are unsound renaming reasoning attempts.
RightRule extends PositionRule
A rule applied to a position in the succedent on the right of a sequent.
A rule applied to a position in the succedent on the right of a sequent. RightRules can only be applied to succedent positions.
- See also
Rule extends (Sequent) ⇒ List[Sequent]
Subclasses represent all built-in proof rules.
Subclasses represent all built-in proof rules. A proof rule is ultimately a named mapping from sequents to lists of sequents. The resulting list of sequents represent the subgoals/premises all of which need to be proved to prove the current sequent (desired conclusion).
- Note
soundness-critical This class is sealed, so no rules can be added outside Proof.scala
- See also
SeqPos extends AnyRef
Position of a formula in a sequent, i.e.
Position of a formula in a sequent, i.e. antecedent or succedent positions.
case class
Sequent(ante: IndexedSeq[Formula], succ: IndexedSeq[Formula]) extends Product with Serializable
ante |- succ
with antecedent ante and succedent succ.Sequent
ante |- succ
with antecedent ante and succedent succ.ante(0),ante(1),...,ante(n) |- succ(0),succ(1),...,succ(m)
This sequent is often pretty-printed with signed line numbers:
-1: ante(0) -2: ante(1) ... -(n+1): ante(n) ==> 1: succ(0) 2: succ(1) ... (m+1): succ(m)
The semantics of sequent
ante |- succ
is the conjunction of the formulas inante
implying the disjunction of the formulas insucc
.- ante
The ordered list of antecedents of this sequent whose conjunction is assumed.
- succ
The orderd list of succedents of this sequent whose disjunction needs to be shown.
- See also
Andre Platzer. Differential dynamic logic for hybrid systems. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 41(2), pages 143-189, 2008.
SetLattice[A] extends AnyRef
Lattice of sets, i.e.
Lattice of sets, i.e. the lattice of sets that also includes bottom, top and near-top elements.
- A
Type of elements in the set
case class
SkolemClashException(msg: String, clashedNames: SetLattice[Variable], vars: String, s: String) extends CriticalCoreException with Product with Serializable
Skolem symbol clashes are unsound Skolemization reasoning attempts.
Skolem symbol clashes are unsound Skolemization reasoning attempts.
- See also
case class
Skolemize(pos: SeqPos) extends PositionRule with Product with Serializable
Skolemization assumes that the names of the quantified variables to be skolemized are unique within the sequent.
Skolemization assumes that the names of the quantified variables to be skolemized are unique within the sequent. This can be ensured by finding a unique name and renaming the bound variable through alpha conversion.
G |- p(x), D ----------------------- (Skolemize) provided x not in G,D G |- \forall x p(x), D
Skolemization also handles existential quantifiers on the left:
p(x), G |- D ------------------------ (Skolemize) provided x not in G,D \exists x p(x), G |- D
- Note
Could in principle replace by uniform substitution rule application mechanism for rule "all generalization" along with tactics expanding scope of quantifier with axiom "all quantifier scope" at the cost of propositional repacking and unpacking. p(x) ---------------all generalize \forall x. p(x) Kept because of the incurred cost.
- See also
Sort extends AnyRef
Sorts of expressions (real, bool, etc).
Sorts of expressions (real, bool, etc).
- See also
Space extends AnyRef
Sorts of state spaces for state-dependent operators.
Sorts of state spaces for state-dependent operators.
- See also
SpaceDependent extends StateDependent
Expressions limited to a given sub state-space of only some variables and differential variables.
Expressions limited to a given sub state-space of only some variables and differential variables.
- Since
StateDependent extends Expression
Expressions whose semantic interpretations have access to the state.
Expressions whose semantic interpretations have access to the state.
- Note
Not soundness-critical, merely speeds up matching in SubstitutionPair.freeVars.
case class
SubderivationSubstitutionException(subderivation: String, conclusion: String, subgoal: String, subgoalid: Int, provable: String) extends CriticalCoreException with Product with Serializable
Exceptions that arise from trying to substitute a subderivation in for a subgoal that does not equal the conclusion of the subderivation.
Exceptions that arise from trying to substitute a subderivation in for a subgoal that does not equal the conclusion of the subderivation.
- See also\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Provable,subgoal:edu\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Provable\.Subgoal):edu\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Provable*
case class
SubstitutionClashException(subst: String, U: String, e: String, context: String, clashes: String, info: String = "") extends CriticalCoreException with Product with Serializable
Substitution clashes are raised for unsound substitution reasoning attempts.
Substitution clashes are raised for unsound substitution reasoning attempts.
- See also\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.USubstChurch):edu\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Provable*
case class
SubstitutionPair(what: Expression, repl: Expression) extends Product with Serializable
Representation of a substitution replacing
uniformly, everywhere.Representation of a substitution replacing
uniformly, everywhere. Data structure invariant: Only substitutable expressions will be accepted forwhat
with compatiblerepl
.- what
the expression to be replaced.
can have one of the following forms:- PredOf(p:Function, DotTerm/Nothing/Nested Pair of DotTerm)
- FuncOf(f:Function, DotTerm/Nothing/Nested Pair of DotTerm)
- ProgramConst or DifferentialProgramConst or SystemConst
- UnitPredicational
- UnitFunctional
- PredicationalOf(p:Function, DotFormula)
- DotTerm
- DotFormula
- repl
the expression to be used in place of
- See also
Andre Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-266, 2017.
Andre Platzer. Uniform substitution at one fell swoop. In Pascal Fontaine, editor, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'19, Natal, Brazil, Proceedings, volume 11716 of LNCS, pp. 425-441. Springer, 2019.
case class
SuccPos extends SeqPos with Product with Serializable
Antecedent Positions of formulas in a sequent, i.e.
Antecedent Positions of formulas in a sequent, i.e. on the right of the sequent arrow.
case class
SystemConst(name: String, space: Space = AnyArg) extends NamedSymbol with AtomicProgram with SpaceDependent with Product with Serializable
Uninterpreted hybrid system program constant symbols that are NOT hybrid games, limited to the given state space.
Uninterpreted hybrid system program constant symbols that are NOT hybrid games, limited to the given state space. Written
in internal syntax.
- space
The part of the state space that the interpretation/replacement of this symbol is limited to have free or bound.
is the default allowing full read/write access to the state.Taboo(x)
can neither be free nor bound. Writtena{|^@x|}
in internal syntax.
- Since
4.7.4 also SpaceDependent with
Term extends Expression
Terms of differential dynamic logic.
Terms of differential dynamic logic. Also terms of differential game logic, which only differ in the permitted mention of Dual.
Terms are of the form
- AtomicTerm atomic terms are not composed of other terms
variable as Variable, including differential symbolx'
as DifferentialSymbol5
number literals as NumberF
nullary functional as UnitFunctional writtenF(||)
in internal syntax..
dot as reserved nullary function symbol DotTerm for term argument placeholders- Nothing for empty arguments Nothing for nullary functions
- ApplicationOf terms that are function applications
- UnaryCompositeTerm unary composite terms composed of one child term
negation as Neg(Term)(e)'
differential as Differential(Term)
- BinaryCompositeTerm binary composite terms composed of two children terms
- AtomicTerm atomic terms are not composed of other terms
case class
Test(cond: Formula) extends AtomicProgram with Product with Serializable
?cond test a formula as a condition on the current state.
case class
Times(left: Term, right: Term) extends RBinaryCompositeTerm with Product with Serializable
* binary multiplication of reals.
case class
Tuple(left: Sort, right: Sort) extends Sort with Product with Serializable
Tuple sort for Pair.
case class
URename(what: Variable, repl: Variable, semantic: Boolean = false) extends (Expression) ⇒ Expression with Product with Serializable
Uniformly rename all occurrences of
and vice versa, but clash for program constants etc.Uniformly rename all occurrences of
and vice versa, but clash for program constants etc. Uniformly rename all occurrences of variablewhat
(and its associated DifferentialSymbolwhat'
) torepl
(and its associated DifferentialSymbolrepl'
) everywhere and vice versa uniformly rename all occurrences of variablerepl
(and its associated DifferentialSymbol) towhat
). Uniform renaming, thus, is a transposition.- what
What variable to replace (along with its associated DifferentialSymbol).
- repl
The target variable to replace
with and vice versa.- semantic
to allow semantic renaming of SpaceDependent symbols, which preserves local soundness when applied to inferences.
USubst = USubstOne
The uniform substitution type to use
case class
USubstOne(subsDefsInput: Seq[SubstitutionPair]) extends (Expression) ⇒ Expression with Product with Serializable
A Uniform Substitution with its one-pass application mechanism.
A Uniform Substitution with its one-pass application mechanism. A Uniform Substitution uniformly replaces all occurrences of a given predicate p(.) by a formula in (.). It can also replace all occurrences of a function symbol f(.) by a term in (.) and all occurrences of a predicational / quantifier symbols C(-) by a formula in (-) and all occurrences of program constant symbol b by a hybrid program.
This type implements the application of uniform substitutions to terms, formulas, programs, and sequents.
- Since
- Note
Implements the one-pass version that checks admissibility on the fly and checking upon occurrence. Faster than the alternative USubstChurch. Main ingredient of prover core.
- See also
Andre Platzer. Uniform substitution at one fell swoop. In Pascal Fontaine, editor, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'19, Natal, Brazil, Proceedings, volume 11716 of LNCS, pp. 425-441. Springer, 2019.\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.USubstOne):edu\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Provable*
UnaryComposite extends Composite
Unary composite expressions that are composed of one subexpression.
UnaryCompositeFormula extends UnaryComposite with CompositeFormula
Unary Composite Formulas, i.e.
Unary Composite Formulas, i.e. formulas composed of one subformula.
UnaryCompositeProgram extends UnaryComposite with CompositeProgram
Unary Composite Programs, i.e.
Unary Composite Programs, i.e. programs composed of one subprogram.
UnaryCompositeTerm extends UnaryComposite with CompositeTerm
Unary Composite Terms, i.e.
Unary Composite Terms, i.e. terms composed of one real subterm.
case class
UniformRenaming(what: Variable, repl: Variable) extends Rule with Product with Serializable
Uniformly rename all occurrences of what and what' to repl and repl' and vice versa.
Uniformly rename all occurrences of what and what' to repl and repl' and vice versa. Uniformly rename all occurrences of variable what (and its associated DifferentialSymbol) to repl. Uniform renaming, thus, is a transposition.
r(G) |- r(D) --------------- UR G |- D
- what
What variable to replace (along with its associated DifferentialSymbol).
- repl
The target variable to replace
with (and vice versa).
- Note
soundness-critical: For uniform renaming purposes the semantic renaming proof rule would be sound but not locally sound. The kernel is easier when keeping everything locally sound.
- See also
case class
UnitFunctional(name: String, space: Space, sort: Sort) extends AtomicTerm with SpaceDependent with NamedSymbol with Product with Serializable
Arity 0 functional symbol
, writtenf(||)
, or limited to the given state spacef(|x||)
.Arity 0 functional symbol
, writtenf(||)
, or limited to the given state spacef(|x||)
. The semantics of arity 0 functional symbol is given by the state, with the additional promise that the taboos are not free so the value does not depend on taboos whenspace=Except(taboos)
.- Note
In theory,
is writtenf(\bar{x})
is the vector of all variables. By analogy,f(|x|)
is like having all variables other than taboo x as argument.
case class
UnitPredicational(name: String, space: Space) extends AtomicFormula with SpaceDependent with NamedSymbol with Product with Serializable
Arity 0 predicational symbol
, writtenP(||)
, or limited to the given state spaceP(|x|)
.Arity 0 predicational symbol
, writtenP(||)
, or limited to the given state spaceP(|x|)
. The semantics of arity 0 predicational symbol is looked up by the state, with the additional promise that taboos are not free so the value does not depend on taboos whenspace=Except(taboos)
.- Note
In theory,
is writtenP(\bar{x})
is the vector of all variables. By analogy,P(|x|)
is like having all variables other than taboo x as argument.
case class
UnknownOperatorException(msg: String, e: Expression) extends ProverException with Product with Serializable
Thrown to indicate when an unknown operator occurs
UnprovedException extends CoreException
Exception indicating an attempt to steal a proved sequent from a Provable that was not proved.
Exception indicating an attempt to steal a proved sequent from a Provable that was not proved.
- See also
Variable extends NamedSymbol with AtomicTerm
Variables have a name and index and sort.
Variables have a name and index and sort. They are either BaseVariable or DifferentialSymbol.
case class
USubstChurch(subsDefsInput: Seq[SubstitutionPair]) extends (Expression) ⇒ Expression with Product with Serializable
A Uniform Substitution with its application mechanism (original version).
A Uniform Substitution with its application mechanism (original version). A Uniform Substitution uniformly replaces all occurrences of a given predicate p(.) by a formula in (.). It can also replace all occurrences of a function symbol f(.) by a term in (.) and all occurrences of a quantifier symbols C(-) by a formula in (-) and all occurrences of program constant b by a hybrid program.
This type implements the application of uniform substitutions to terms, formulas, programs, and sequents.
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
Use faster USubstOne instead
Uniform substitution can be applied to a formula
val p = Function("p", None, Real, Bool) val x = Variable("x", None, Real) // p(x) <-> ! ! p(- - x) val prem = Equiv(PredOf(p, x), Not(Not(PredOf(p, Neg(Neg(x)))))) val s = USubst(Seq(SubstitutionPair(PredOf(p, DotTerm), GreaterEqual(Power(DotTerm, Number(5)), Number(0))))) // x^5>=0 <-> !(!((-(-x))^5>=0)) println(s(prem))
, Uniform substitutions can be applied via the uniform substitution proof rule to a sequent:
val p = Function("p", None, Real, Bool) val x = Variable("x", None, Real) // p(x) <-> ! ! p(- - x) val prem = Equiv(PredOf(p, x), Not(Not(PredOf(p, Neg(Neg(x)))))) val s = USubst(Seq(SubstitutionPair(PredOf(p, DotTerm), GreaterEqual(Power(DotTerm, Number(5)), Number(0))))) val conc = "x^5>=0 <-> !(!((-(-x))^5>=0))".asFormula val next = UniformSubstitutionRule(s, Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(prem)))( Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(conc))) // results in: p(x) <-> ! ! p(- - x) println(next)
, Uniform substitutions also work for substituting hybrid programs
val p = Function("p", None, Real, Bool) val x = Variable("x", None, Real) val a = ProgramConst("a") // [a]p(x) <-> [a](p(x)&true) val prem = Equiv(Box(a, PredOf(p, x)), Box(a, And(PredOf(p, x), True))) val s = USubst(Seq(SubstitutionPair(PredOf(p, DotTerm), GreaterEqual(DotTerm, Number(2))), SubstitutionPair(a, ODESystem(AtomicODE(DifferentialSymbol(x), Number(5)), True)))) // "[x'=5;]x>=2 <-> [x'=5;](x>=2&true)".asFormula println(s(prem))
, Uniform substitution rule also works when substitution hybrid programs
val p = Function("p", None, Real, Bool) val x = Variable("x", None, Real) val a = ProgramConst("a") // [a]p(x) <-> [a](p(x)&true) val prem = Equiv(Box(a, PredOf(p, x)), Box(a, And(PredOf(p, x), True))) val s = USubst(Seq(SubstitutionPair(PredOf(p, DotTerm), GreaterEqual(DotTerm, Number(2))), SubstitutionPair(a, ODESystem(AtomicODE(DifferentialSymbol(x), Number(5)), True)))) val conc = "[x'=5;]x>=2 <-> [x'=5;](x>=2&true)".asFormula val next = UniformSubstitutionRule(s, Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(prem)))( Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(conc))) // results in: [x'=5;]x>=2 <-> [x'=5;](x>=2&true) println(next)
- Note
Implements the "global" version that checks admissibility eagerly at bound variables rather than computing bounds on the fly and checking upon occurrence. Main ingredient of prover core.
,Superseded by faster alternative USubstOne.
- See also
Andre Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-266, 2017.
Andre Platzer. A uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. In Amy P. Felty and Aart Middeldorp, editors, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'15, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings, LNCS. Springer, 2015. A uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. arXiv 1503.01981
Andre Platzer. Uniform substitution for differential game logic. In Didier Galmiche, Stephan Schulz and Roberto Sebastiani, editors, Automated Reasoning, 9th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2018, volume 10900 of LNCS, pp. 211-227. Springer 2018.
Andre Platzer. Differential game logic. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 17(1), 2015. arXiv 1408.1980\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.USubstChurch):edu\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Provable*
Value Members
The encoding used for storing lemmas and other artifacts.
USubst(subsDefsInput: Seq[SubstitutionPair]): USubst
USubst factory method, forwards to constructor.
KeYmaera X core kernel version number
assertion(condition: ⇒ Boolean, message: ⇒ Any): scala.Unit
see assertion
see assertion
- Annotations
- @elidable( elidable.ASSERTION ) @inline()
assertion(condition: ⇒ Boolean): scala.Unit
see assertion
see assertion
- Annotations
- @elidable( elidable.ASSERTION ) @inline()
assertion[A](condition: (A) ⇒ Boolean, argument: A): A
see assertion
see assertion
- Annotations
- @elidable( elidable.ASSERTION ) @inline()
assertion[A](condition: (A) ⇒ Boolean, argument: A, message: ⇒ Any): A
Java-style assertions, disabled by default, enabled with
java -ea
, disable withjava -da
.Java-style assertions, disabled by default, enabled with
java -ea
, disable withjava -da
. Scala-style elidable at compile-time with-Xdisable-assertions
Lazy evaluation of
, lazy evaluation of message.- Annotations
- @elidable( elidable.ASSERTION ) @inline()
insist(requirement: Boolean, message: ⇒ Any): scala.Unit
Insist on
being true, throwing a CoreException if false.Insist on
being true, throwing a CoreException if false. This method is arequire
coming from the prover core that cannot be disabled. Blame is on the caller of the method for violating the contract.- requirement
the expression to test for being true
- message
a String explaining what is expected.
- Annotations
- @inline()
- See also
noException[T](e: ⇒ T): Boolean
Check that the given expression
does not throw an exception.Check that the given expression
does not throw an exception.- returns
completed without raising any exceptions or errors.false
raised an exception or error.
- Annotations
- @inline()
insist(noExeption(complicatedComputation), "The complicated computation should complete without throwing exceptions")
Example: -
AnyArg extends Space with Product with Serializable
The sort denoting the whole state space alias list of all variables as arguments \bar{x} (axioms that allow any variable dependency)
- object Bool extends Sort with Product with Serializable
- object DifferentialProduct
DifferentialProgramKind extends Kind with Product with Serializable
All differential programs are of kind DifferentialProgramKind.
All differential programs are of kind DifferentialProgramKind.
- See also
DotFormula extends NamedSymbol with AtomicFormula with StateDependent with Product with Serializable
⎵: Placeholder for formulas in uniform substitutions.
⎵: Placeholder for formulas in uniform substitutions. Reserved nullary predicational symbol _ for substitutions is unlike ordinary predicational symbols by convention.
ExpressionKind extends Kind with Product with Serializable
Expressions that are neither terms nor formulas nor programs nor functions would be of kind ExpressionKind
False extends AtomicFormula with Product with Serializable
Falsum formula false.
FormulaKind extends Kind with Product with Serializable
All formulas are of kind FormulaKind.
All formulas are of kind FormulaKind.
- See also
FunctionKind extends Kind with Product with Serializable
Function/predicate symbols that are not themselves terms or formulas are of kind FunctionKind, so degenerate.
Function/predicate symbols that are not themselves terms or formulas are of kind FunctionKind, so degenerate.
- See also
NoProverException extends ProverException
Nil case for exceptions, which is almost useless except when an exception type is needed to indicate that there really was none.
Nothing extends NamedSymbol with AtomicTerm with Product with Serializable
The empty argument of Unit sort (as argument for arity 0 function/predicate symbols).
PrettyPrinter extends (Expression) ⇒ String
A pretty printer for differential dynamic logic is an injective function from Expressions to Strings.
A pretty printer for differential dynamic logic is an injective function from Expressions to Strings. This object manages the default pretty printer that KeYmaera X uses in Expression.prettyString.
ProgramKind extends Kind with Product with Serializable
All programs are of kind ProgramKind.
All programs are of kind ProgramKind.
- See also
Provable extends Serializable
Starting new Provables to begin a proof, either with unproved conjectures or with proved axioms or axiomatic proof rules.
Starting new Provables to begin a proof, either with unproved conjectures or with proved axioms or axiomatic proof rules.
Real extends Sort with Product with Serializable
Sort of real numbers: 0, 1, 2.5, 42.
- object SeqPos
- object SetLattice
The static semantics of differential dynamic logic.
The static semantics of differential dynamic logic. This object defines the static semantics of differential dynamic logic in terms of the free variables and bound variables that expressions have as well as their signatures.
val fml = Imply(Greater(Variable("x",None,Real), Number(5)), Forall(Seq(Variable("y",None,Real)), GreaterEqual(Variable("x",None,Real), FuncOf(Function("f",None,Real,Real), Variable("y",None,Real))))) // determine the static semantics of the above formula val stat = StaticSemantics(fml) println("Free variables " + stat.fv) println("Bound variables " + // determine all function, predicate and program constants occurring in the above formula println("Signature " + StaticSemantics.signature(fml)) // determine all symbols occurring in the above formula println("Symbols " + StaticSemantics.symbols(fml))
- Note
- See also
Section 2.3 in Andre Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-266, 2017.
Andre Platzer. A uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. In Amy P. Felty and Aart Middeldorp, editors, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'15, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings, LNCS. Springer, 2015. A uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. arXiv 1503.01981
Example: -
Admissibility conditions.
TermKind extends Kind with Product with Serializable
All terms are of kind TermKind.
All terms are of kind TermKind.
- See also
Trafo extends Sort with Product with Serializable
Sort of state transformations (i.e.
Sort of state transformations (i.e. programs and games).
True extends AtomicFormula with Product with Serializable
Verum formula true.
UniformRenaming extends Serializable
Convenience for uniform renaming.
Unit extends Sort with Product with Serializable
Unit type of Nothing used as no argument.
- object Variable
KeYmaera X versions.
KeYmaera X: An aXiomatic Tactical Theorem Prover
KeYmaera X is a theorem prover for differential dynamic logic (dL), a logic for specifying and verifying properties of hybrid systems with mixed discrete and continuous dynamics. Reasoning about complicated hybrid systems requires support for sophisticated proof techniques, efficient computation, and a user interface that crystallizes salient properties of the system. KeYmaera X allows users to specify custom proof search techniques as tactics, execute tactics in parallel, and interface with partial proofs via an extensible user interface.
Concrete syntax for input language Differential Dynamic Logic
Package Structure
Main documentation entry points for KeYmaera X API:
- KeYmaera X kernel, proof certificates, main data structuresExpression
- Differential dynamic logic expressions:Term
- Sequents of formulasProvable
- Proof certificates transformed by rules/axiomsRule
- Proof rules as well asUSubstOne
for (one-pass) uniform substitutions and renaming.StaticSemantics
- Static semantics with free and bound variable analysisKeYmaeraXParser
- Parser and pretty printer with concrete syntax and notation for differential dynamic logic.KeYmaeraXPrettyPrinter
- Pretty printer producing concrete KeYmaera X syntaxKeYmaeraXParser
- Parser reading concrete KeYmaera X syntaxKeYmaeraXArchiveParser
- Parser reading KeYmaera X model and proof archive.kyx
- Combinator parser reading concrete KeYmaera X syntaxDLArchiveParser
- Combinator parser reading KeYmaera X model and proof archive.kyx
- Prover infrastructure outside the kernelUnificationMatch
- Unification algorithmRenUSubst
- Renaming Uniform Substitution quickly combining kernel's renaming and substitution.Context
- Representation for contexts of formulas in which they occur.Augmentors
- Augmenting formula and expression data structures with additional functionalityExpressionTraversal
- Generic traversal functionality for
- Bellerophon tactic language and tactic interpreterBelleExpr
- Tactic language expressionsSequentialInterpreter
- Sequential tactic interpreter for Bellerophon
- Bellerophon tactic library for conducting proofs.TactixLibrary
- Main KeYmaera X tactic library including many proof tactics.HilbertCalculus
- Hilbert Calculus for differential dynamic logicSequentCalculus
- Sequent Calculus for propositional and first-order logicHybridProgramCalculus
- Hybrid Program Calculus for differential dynamic logicDifferentialEquationCalculus
- Differential Equation Calculus for differential dynamic logicUnifyUSCalculus
- Unification-based uniform substitution calculus underlying the other calculi[ ForwardTactic]
- Forward tactic framework for conducting proofs from premises to
- Lemma mechanismLemma
- Lemmas are Provables stored under a name, e.g., in files.LemmaDB
- Lemma database stored in files or database
- Real arithmetic back-end solversMathematicaQETool
- Mathematica interface for real arithmetic.Z3QETool
- Z3 interface for real
- Extended back-ends for noncritical ODE solving, counterexamples, algebra, simplifiers, etc.Mathematica
- Mathematica interface for ODE solving, algebra, simplification, invariant generation, etc.Z3
- Z3 interface for real arithmetic including simplifiers.Entry Points
Additional entry points and usage points for KeYmaera X API:
- Command-line launcher for KeYmaera X supports command-line argument-help
to obtain usage
- Axiom indexing data structures with keys and recursors for canonical proof
- Meta-information on all derivation steps (axioms, derived axioms, proof rules, tactics) with user-interface
- Index determining which canonical reasoning steps to display on the KeYmaera X User
- Registry for derived axioms and axiomatic proof rules that are proved from the core.References
Full references on KeYmaera X are provided at The main references are the following:
1. André Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-265, 2017.
2. Nathan Fulton, Stefan Mitsch, Jan-David Quesel, Marcus Völp and André Platzer. KeYmaera X: An axiomatic tactical theorem prover for hybrid systems. In Amy P. Felty and Aart Middeldorp, editors, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'15, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings, volume 9195 of LNCS, pp. 527-538. Springer, 2015.
3. André Platzer. Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems. Springer, 2018. Videos