
final case class Provable extends Product with Serializable

Provable(conclusion, subgoals) is the proof certificate representing certified provability of conclusion from the premises in subgoals. If subgoals is an empty list, then conclusion is provable. Otherwise conclusion is provable from the set of all assumptions in subgoals.

 G1 |- D1 ... Gn |- Dn    (subgoals)
         G |- D           (conclusion)

Invariant: All Provables ever produced are locally sound, because only the prover kernel can create Provable objects and chooses not to use the globally sound uniform substitution rule.

Provables are stateless and do not themselves remember other provables that they resulted from. The ProofTree data structure outside the kernel provides such proof tree navigation information.

  1. Proofs can be constructed in (backward/tableaux) sequent order using Provables:

    import scala.collection.immutable._
    val verum = new Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(True))
    // conjecture
    val provable = Provable.startProof(verum)
    // construct a proof
    val proof = provable(CloseTrue(SuccPos(0)), 0)
    // check if proof successful
    if (proof.isProved) println("Successfully proved " + proof.proved)
  2. ,
  3. Multiple Provable objects for subderivations obtained from different sources can also be merged

    // ... continuing other example
    val more = new Sequent(IndexedSeq(),
      IndexedSeq(Imply(Greater(Variable("x"), Number(5)), True)))
    // another conjecture
    val moreProvable = Provable.startProof(more)
    // construct another (partial) proof
    val moreProof = moreProvable(ImplyRight(SuccPos(0)), 0)(HideLeft(AntePos(0)), 0)
    // merge proofs by gluing their Provables together
    val mergedProof = moreProof(proof, 0)
    // check if proof successful
    if (mergedProof.isProved) println("Successfully proved " + mergedProof.proved)
  4. ,
  5. Proofs in backward tableaux sequent order are straight-forward

    import scala.collection.immutable._
    val fm = Greater(Variable("x"), Number(5))
    // |- x>5 -> x>5 & true
    val finGoal = new Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(Imply(fm, And(fm, True))))
    // conjecture
    val finProvable = Provable.startProof(finGoal)
    // construct a proof
    val proof = finProvable(
      ImplyRight(SuccPos(0)), 0)(
        AndRight(SuccPos(0)), 0)(
        HideLeft(AntePos(0)), 1)(
        CloseTrue(SuccPos(0)), 1)(
        Close(AntePos(0), SuccPos(0)), 0)
    // proof of finGoal
  6. ,
  7. Proofs in forward Hilbert order are straightforward with merging of branches

    import scala.collection.immutable._
    val fm = Greater(Variable("x"), Number(5))
    // proof of x>5 |- x>5 & true merges left and right branch by AndRight
    val proof = Provable.startProof(Sequent(IndexedSeq(fm), IndexedSeq(And(fm, True))))(
      AndRight(SuccPos(0)), 0) (
      // left branch: x>5 |- x>5
      Provable.startProof(Sequent(IndexedSeq(fm), IndexedSeq(fm)))(
        Close(AntePos(0), SuccPos(0)), 0),
      0) (
      //right branch: |- true
      Provable.startProof(Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(True)))(
        CloseTrue(SuccPos(0)), 0)(
          // x>5 |- true
          Sequent(IndexedSeq(fm), IndexedSeq(True)), HideLeft(AntePos(0))),
      0) (
      // |- x>5 -> x>5 & true
      new Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(Imply(fm, And(fm, True)))),
    // proof of finGoal:  |- x>5 -> x>5 & true
  8. ,
  9. Proofs in Hilbert-calculus style order can also be based exclusively on subsequent merging

    import scala.collection.immutable._
    val fm = Greater(Variable("x"), Number(5))
    // x>0 |- x>0
    val left = Provable.startProof(Sequent(IndexedSeq(fm), IndexedSeq(fm)))(
      Close(AntePos(0), SuccPos(0)), 0)
    // |- true
    val right = Provable.startProof(Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(True)))(
      CloseTrue(SuccPos(0)), 0)
    val right2 = Provable.startProof(Sequent(IndexedSeq(fm), IndexedSeq(True)))(
      HideLeft(AntePos(0)), 0) (right, 0)
    // gluing order for subgoals is irrelevant. Could use: (right2, 1)(left, 0))
    val merged = Provable.startProof(Sequent(IndexedSeq(fm), IndexedSeq(And(fm, True))))(
      AndRight(SuccPos(0)), 0) (
      left, 0)(
        right2, 0)
    // |- x>5 -> x>5 & true
    val finGoal = new Sequent(IndexedSeq(), IndexedSeq(Imply(fm, And(fm, True))))
    val proof = Provable.startProof(finGoal)(
      ImplyRight(SuccPos(0)), 0) (merged, 0)
    // proof of finGoal
  10. ,
  11. Branching proofs in backward tableaux sequent order are straight-forward, yet might become more readable when closing branches right-to-left to keep explicit subgoals:

    // explicit proof certificate construction of |- !!p() <-> p()
    val proof = (Provable.startProof(
      "!!p() <-> p()".asFormula)
      (EquivRight(SuccPos(0)), 0)
      // right branch
        (NotRight(SuccPos(0)), 1)
        (NotLeft(AntePos(1)), 1)
        (Close(AntePos(0),SuccPos(0)), 1)
      // left branch
        (NotLeft(AntePos(0)), 0)
        (NotRight(SuccPos(1)), 0)
        (Close(AntePos(0),SuccPos(0)), 0)

soundness-critical logical framework.


Only private constructor calls for soundness


For soundness: No reflection should bypass constructor call privacy, nor reflection to bypass immutable val algebraic data types.

See also

Andre Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-266, 2017.\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Sequent):edu\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Provable*\.cmu\.cs\.ls\.keymaerax\.core\.Provable*

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Provable
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. Product
  5. Equals
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type Subgoal = Int

    Position types for the subgoals of a Provable.

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def apply(prolongation: Provable): Provable

    Substitute Subderivation Forward: Prolong this Provable with the given prolongation.

    Substitute Subderivation Forward: Prolong this Provable with the given prolongation. This Provable with conclusion G |- D transforms as follows

      G1 |- D1 ... Gn |- Dn                  G1 |- D1 ... Gn |- Dn
    -------------------------       =>     -------------------------
             G |- D                                 G0 |- D0


             G |- D
    ------------------------- prolongation
            G0 |- D0

    the subderivation used to prolong this Provable. Where subderivation has a subgoal equaling our conclusion.


    A Provable derivation that proves prolongation's conclusion from our subgoals.


    not soundness-critical derived function since implemented in terms of other apply functions

  5. def apply(newConsequence: Sequent, rule: Rule): Provable

    Apply Rule Forward: Apply given proof rule forward in Hilbert style to prolong this Provable to a Provable for concludes.

    Apply Rule Forward: Apply given proof rule forward in Hilbert style to prolong this Provable to a Provable for concludes. This Provable with conclusion G |- D transforms as follows

      G1 |- D1 ... Gn |- Dn                  G1 |- D1 ... Gn |- Dn
    -------------------------       =>     -------------------------
             G |- D                              newConsequence


             G |- D
    ------------------------- rule

    the new conclusion that the rule shows to follow from this.conclusion


    the proof rule to apply to concludes to reduce it to this.conclusion.


    A Provable derivation that proves concludes from the same subgoals by using the given proof rule. Will return a Provable with the same subgoals but an updated conclusion.

    Exceptions thrown

    CoreException subtypes if rule raises those exceptions when applied to newConsequent.


    not soundness-critical derived function since implemented in terms of other apply functions

  6. final def apply(ren: URename): Provable

    Apply a (possibly semantic) uniform renaming to a (locally sound!) Provable.

    Apply a (possibly semantic) uniform renaming to a (locally sound!) Provable. Uniformly renames by transposition both subgoals and conclusion with the same uniform renaming ren.

     G1 |- D1 ... Gn |- Dn              r(G1) |- r(D1) ... r(Gn) |- r(Dn)
    -----------------------     =>     -----------------------------------   (URen)
             G |- D                                r(G) |- r(D)

    The uniform renaming to be used on the premises and conclusion of this Provable.


    The Provable resulting from applying ren to our subgoals and conclusion.



    Exceptions thrown

    RenamingClashException if this uniform renaming is not admissible (because a semantic symbol occurs despite !semantic).


    soundness-critical: Semantic uniform renaming requires locally sound input provables. The kernel is easier when keeping everything locally sound.

    See also

    Andre Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-266, 2017. Theorem 26+27."

    Andre Platzer. Uniform substitution at one fell swoop. In Pascal Fontaine, editor, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'19, Natal, Brazil, Proceedings, volume 11716 of LNCS, pp. 425-441. Springer, 2019.



  7. final def apply(subst: USubst): Provable

    Apply a uniform substitution to a (locally sound!) Provable.

    Apply a uniform substitution to a (locally sound!) Provable. Substitutes both subgoals and conclusion with the same uniform substitution subst.

     G1 |- D1 ... Gn |- Dn              s(G1) |- s(D1) ... s(Gn) |- s(Dn)
    -----------------------     =>     -----------------------------------   (USR)
             G |- D                                s(G) |- s(D)

    The uniform substitution (of no free variables) to be used on the premises and conclusion of this Provable.


    The Provable resulting from applying subst to our subgoals and conclusion.

    Exceptions thrown

    SubstitutionClashException if this substitution is not admissible for this Provable.


    soundness-critical. And soundness-critical that only locally sound Provables can be constructed (otherwise implementation would be more complicated).

    See also

    Andre Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-266, 2017. Theorem 26+27."

  8. final def apply(subderivation: Provable, subgoal: Subgoal): Provable

    Substitute subderivation as a proof of subgoal.

    Substitute subderivation as a proof of subgoal. Merge: Replace premise subgoal by the given subderivation. Use the given provable derivation in place of the indicated subgoal of this Provable, returning the resulting concatenated Provable.

    In particular, if subderivation.isProved, then the given subgoal will disappear, otherwise it will be replaced by the subgoals of subderivation (with the first subgoal of subderivation in place of subgoal and all other subgoals at the end).

    This function implements the substitution principle for hypotheses.

    G1 |- D1 ... Gi |- Di ... Gn |- Dn      G1 |- D1 ... Gr1 |- Dr1 ... Gn |- Dn Gr2 |- Dr2 ... Grk | Drk
    ----------------------------------  =>  -------------------------------------------------------------
                  G |- D                                           G |- D

    using the given subderivation

    Gr1 |- Dr1  Gr2 |- Dr2 ... Grk |- Drk
    ------------------------------------ (subderivation)
                 Gi |- Di

    the Provable derivation that proves premise subgoal.


    the index of our subgoal that the given subderivation concludes.


    A Provable derivation that joins our derivation and subderivation to a joint derivation of our conclusion using subderivation to show our subgoal. Will return a Provable with the same conclusion but an updated set of premises.

    Exceptions thrown

    IllegalArgumentException if subgoal is out of range of the subgoals.

    SubderivationSubstitutionException if the subderivation's conclusion is not equal to the indicated subgoal.



  9. final def apply(rule: Rule, subgoal: Subgoal): Provable

    Apply Rule: Apply given proof rule to the indicated subgoal of this Provable, returning the resulting Provable

    Apply Rule: Apply given proof rule to the indicated subgoal of this Provable, returning the resulting Provable

     G1 |- D1 ... Gi |- Di ... Gn |- Dn              G1 |- D1 ... Gr1 |- Dr1 ... Gn |- Dn Gr2 |- Dr2 ... Grk | Drk
    ------------------------------------     =>     ---------------------------------------------------------------
                   G |- D                                         G |- D

    using the rule instance

    Gr1 |- Dr1  Gr2 |- Dr2 ... Grk |- Drk
    ------------------------------------ (rule)
                 Gi |- Di

    the proof rule to apply to the indicated subgoal of this Provable derivation.


    which of our subgoals to apply the given proof rule to.


    A Provable derivation that proves the premise subgoal by using the given proof rule. Will return a Provable with the same conclusion but an updated set of premises.

    Exceptions thrown

    CoreException subtypes if rule raises those exceptions when applied to the indicated subgoal.

    IllegalArgumentException if subgoal is out of range of the subgoals.


    soundness-critical. And soundness needs Rule to be sealed.

  10. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  11. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws( ... )
  12. val conclusion: Sequent
  13. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  14. def finalize(): scala.Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  15. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  16. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  17. final def isProved: Boolean

    Checks whether this Provable proves its conclusion.

    Checks whether this Provable proves its conclusion.


    true if conclusion is proved by this Provable, false if subgoals are missing that need to be proved first.



  18. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  19. final def notify(): scala.Unit
    Definition Classes
  20. final def notifyAll(): scala.Unit
    Definition Classes
  21. def prettyString: String
  22. final def proved: Sequent

    What conclusion this Provable proves if isProved.

    What conclusion this Provable proves if isProved.

    Exceptions thrown

    UnprovedException if !isProved so illegally trying to read a proved sequent from a Provable that is not in fact proved.

  23. def sub(subgoal: Subgoal): Provable

    Sub-Provable: Get a sub-Provable corresponding to a Provable with the given subgoal as conclusion.

    Sub-Provable: Get a sub-Provable corresponding to a Provable with the given subgoal as conclusion. Provables resulting from the returned subgoal can be merged into this Provable to prove said subgoal.


    the index of our subgoal for which to return a new open Provable.


    an initial unfinished open Provable for the subgoal i:

     Gi |- Di
     Gi |- Di

    which is suitable for being merged back into this Provable for subgoal i subsequently.

    Exceptions thrown

    IllegalArgumentException if subgoal is out of range of the subgoals.


    not soundness-critical only helpful for completeness-critical

  24. val subgoals: IndexedSeq[Sequent]
  25. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  26. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    Provable → AnyRef → Any
  27. final def wait(): scala.Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  28. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): scala.Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  29. final def wait(arg0: Long): scala.Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws( ... )

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Product

Inherited from Equals

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
