package bellerophon
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
case class
AppliedBuiltinTwoPositionTactic(positionTactic: BuiltInTwoPositionTactic, posOne: Position, posTwo: Position) extends BelleExpr with (ProvableSig) ⇒ ProvableSig with Product with Serializable
Motivation is similar to AppliedPositionTactic, but for BuiltInTwoPositionTactic
- class AppliedDependentPositionTactic extends DependentTactic
- class AppliedDependentPositionTacticWithAppliedInput extends AppliedDependentPositionTactic
case class
AppliedPositionTactic(positionTactic: PositionalTactic, locator: PositionLocator) extends BelleExpr with (ProvableSig) ⇒ ProvableSig with Product with Serializable
Stores the position tactic and position at which the tactic was applied.
Stores the position tactic and position at which the tactic was applied. Useful for storing execution traces.
case class
ApplyDefTactic(t: DefTactic) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
Applies the tactic definition
. -
AtPosition[T <: BelleExpr] extends BelleExpr with (PositionLocator) ⇒ T with Logging
Applied at a position, AtPosition turns into a tactic of type T.
Applied at a position, AtPosition turns into a tactic of type T. Turns a position or position locator into a tactic. That is, an AtPosition[T] tactic is essentially a function of type
Position => T
but one that also supports indirect positioning via position locators that merely identify positions
PositionLocator => T
An AtPosition tactic
supports direct positions and indirect position locators.t(1)
applied at the first succedent formula.t(-1)
applied at the first antecedent formula.t(-4, 0::1::1::Nil)
applied at subexpression positioned at.0.1.1
of the fourth antecedent formula, that is at the second child of the second child of the first child of the fourth antecedent formula in the sequent.t('L)
applied at the first applicable position in the antecedent (left side of the sequent).t('R)
applied at the first applicable position in the succedent (right side of the sequent).t('_)
applied at the first applicable position in the side of the sequent to which tactict
applies. The side of the sequent is uniquely determined by type of tactic.t('Llast)
applied at the last antecedent position (left side of the sequent).t('Rlast)
applied at the last succedent position (right side of the sequent).
In addition, the formulas expected or sought for at the respective positions identified by the locators can be provided, which is useful for tactic contract and tactic documentation purposes. It is also useful for finding a corresponding formula by pattern matching.
t(2, fml)
applied at the second succedent formula, ensuring that the formulafml
is at that position.t(-2, fml)
applied at the second antecedent formula, ensuring that the formulafml
is at that position.t(5, 0::1::1::Nil, ex)
applied at subexpression positioned at.0.1.1
of the fifth succedent formula, that is at the second child of the second child of the first child of the fifth succcedent formula in the sequent, ensuring that the expressionex
is at that position.t('L, fml)
applied at the antecedent position (left side of the sequent) where the expected formulafml
can be found (on the top level).t('R, fml)
applied at the succedent position (right side of the sequent) where the expected formulafml
can be found (on the top level).t('_, fml)
applied at the suitable position (uniquely determined by type of tactic) where the expected formulafml
can be found (on the top level).
BelleAbort extends BelleProofSearchControl
Raised when a tactic decides that all further tactical work on a goal is useless and bellerophon should immediately stop
BelleBaseInterpreter extends Interpreter with Logging
Sequential interpreter for Bellerophon tactic expressions.
case class
BelleCEX(message: String, cex: Map[NamedSymbol, Expression], s: Sequent) extends BelleProofSearchControl with Product with Serializable
Raised when counterexamples are found in sequent
contains counterexample values per named symbol. - sealed trait BelleContext extends (Map[BelleDot, BelleExpr]) ⇒ BelleExpr
BelleCriticalException extends BelleThrowable
Reported bug: Major syntactic and semantic errors in bellerophon tactics that indicate a tactic is broken.
Reported bug: Major syntactic and semantic errors in bellerophon tactics that indicate a tactic is broken. For example, forgetting to provide an expected position or applying a left tactic on the right. BelleInterpreter will raise the error to the user's attention but it needs an internal fix to KeYmaera X.
BelleDelayedSubstProvable extends BelleProvable
A Provable that was produced with a delayed substitution
. -
BelleDot extends BelleExpr
⎵: Placeholder for tactics in tactic contexts.
⎵: Placeholder for tactics in tactic contexts. Reserved tactic expression that cannot be executed.
sealed abstract
BelleExpr extends AnyRef
Algebraic Data Type whose elements are well-formed Bellephoron tactic expressions.
Algebraic Data Type whose elements are well-formed Bellephoron tactic expressions. All Bellerophon tactic expressions are of type, which provides the following tactic combinators
s ; t
aliass & t
sequential composition executes ton the output of
s, failing if either fail.
s | t
alternative composition executest
if applyings
fails, failing if both fail.t*
saturating repetition executes tactict
repeatedly to a fixpoint, casting result to type annotation, diverging if no fixpoint.t*n
bounded repetition executest
number of times, failing if any of those repetitions fail.t+
saturating repetition executes tactict
to a fixpoint, requires at least one successful application.<(e1,...,en)
branching to run tacticei
on branchi
, failing if any of them fail or if there are not exactlyn
- To do
Consolidate the members of BelleExpr and finalize an abstract syntax.
- See also
Table 1 of Bellerophon: A Typed Language for Automated Deduction in a Uniform Substitution Calculus. In Mauricio Ayala-Rincón and César A. Muñoz, editors, Interactive Theorem Proving, International Conference, ITP 2017, volume 10499 of LNCS, pp. 207-224. Springer, 2017.
BelleLabel extends AnyRef
Bellerophon labels for proof branches.
Bellerophon labels for proof branches.
- See also<()
case class
BelleLabelTx(r: BelleLabel, c: Option[BelleLabel], label: String = "") extends BelleLabel with Product with Serializable
Label transaction with rollback point
and collected labelsc
since rollback point. -
BelleNoProgress extends BelleProofSearchControl
Raised when a tactic wants to indicate that it is/was not able to make progress on the goal.
BelleProofSearchControl extends BelleThrowable
Search control: Silently raises issues to control proof search, indicating that one proof attempt did not succeed so other proof options should be tried.
Search control: Silently raises issues to control proof search, indicating that one proof attempt did not succeed so other proof options should be tried. They will be swallowed by any outer proof search tactics that will try something else instead. For example, trying to apply an implyR tactic at a succedent position that contains an Or will be inapplicable but does not indicate a bug in the tactic, merely that a different branch needs to be taken in proof search.
case class
BelleProvable(p: ProvableSig, label: Option[List[BelleLabel]]) extends BelleExpr with BelleValue with Product with Serializable
A Provable during a Bellerophon interpreter run, readily paired with an optional list of BelleLabels
case class
BelleSubLabel(parent: BelleLabel, label: String) extends BelleLabel with Product with Serializable
A sublabel for a BelleProvable
case class
BelleSubProof(id: Int) extends BelleValue with Product with Serializable
Internal: To communicate proof IDs of subproofs opened in the spoon-feeding interpreter in Let between requests.
Internal: To communicate proof IDs of subproofs opened in the spoon-feeding interpreter in Let between requests. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANYTHING ELSE
BelleTacticFailure extends BelleProofSearchControl
Signaling that a tactic was not applicable or did not work at the current goal.
Signaling that a tactic was not applicable or did not work at the current goal. BelleTacticFailures will be consumed by the BelleInterpreter which will try something else instead.
BelleThrowable extends ProverException
Common exception type for all Bellerophon tactic problems and exceptions.
Common exception type for all Bellerophon tactic problems and exceptions. Tactic exceptions come on three different kinds:
- BelleCriticalException indicates an internal bug in a tactic implementation, such as applying left rules on the right. They will be reported but need a KeYmaera X implementation change to fix. 2. BelleUserCorrectableException indicates that the user has provided an unsuitable input problem or made a correctable error in a proof step. They will be reported back to the user along with a legible message describing what needs to be changed in the problem or proof. 3. BelleProofSearchControl indicates that one proof attempt did not succeed so other proof options should be tried. They will be swallowed by any outer proof search tactics that will try something else instead. Some advanced proof search tactics may "convert" between these exception types or swallow more of them when they deliberately try steps they know may fail spectacularly but have a backup plan.
case class
BelleTopLevelLabel(label: String) extends BelleLabel with Product with Serializable
A top-level label for a BelleProvable
BelleUnexpectedProofStateError extends BelleCriticalException
Signals an unexpected proof state (e.g., an open goal that should have been closed).
case class
BelleUnfinished(message: String, p: Provable) extends BelleProofSearchControl with Product with Serializable
Raised when provable
is not yet proved. -
BelleUserCorrectableException extends BelleThrowable
User feedback: Indicates that the user has provided an unsuitable input problem or made a correctable error in a proof step.
User feedback: Indicates that the user has provided an unsuitable input problem or made a correctable error in a proof step. They will be reported back to the user along with a legible message describing what needs to be changed in the problem or proof.
BelleValue extends AnyRef
Bellerophon expressions that are values, so should not be evaluated any further since irreducible.
case class
BranchTactic(children: Seq[BelleExpr]) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
branching to run tacticei
on branchi
, failing if any of them fail or if there are not exactlyn
branches. -
case class
BuiltInLeftTactic(name: String) extends BelleExpr with LeftTactic with NamedBelleExpr with Product with Serializable
Built-in position tactics that are to be applied on the left
case class
BuiltInPositionTactic(name: String) extends BelleExpr with PositionalTactic with NamedBelleExpr with Product with Serializable
Built-in position tactics such as assertAt
case class
BuiltInRightTactic(name: String) extends BelleExpr with RightTactic with NamedBelleExpr with Product with Serializable
Built-in position tactics that are to be applied on the right
- abstract case class BuiltInTactic(name: String) extends BelleExpr with NamedBelleExpr with (ProvableSig) ⇒ ProvableSig with Product with Serializable
- abstract case class BuiltInTwoPositionTactic(name: String) extends BelleExpr with NamedBelleExpr with Product with Serializable
Cancellable[T] extends AnyRef
Cancellable future, @see
case class
CaseTactic(children: Seq[(BelleLabel, BelleExpr)]) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
branching to run tacticei
on labelli
, failing if any of them fail, if there are not exactlyn
branches, or if any of the labels does not exist. -
case class
ChooseSome[A](options: () ⇒ Iterator[A], e: (A) ⇒ BelleExpr) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
ChooseSome(options, e)(pr) proves
after choosing some optiono
whose proof with tactice
succeeds after supplying argumento
.ChooseSome(options, e)(pr) proves
after choosing some optiono
whose proof with tactice
succeeds after supplying argumento
. It's usually one of the first optionso
for whiche(o)(pr)
does not fail. Fails if no choice fromoptions
succeed.- options
The (lazy) iterator or stream from which subsequent options
will be tried.- e
The tactic generator
that will be tried with inputo
on the Provable subsequently for each of the optionso
until one is found for whiche(o)
does not fail.
- See also
CompoundCriticalException extends BelleCriticalException
A Bellerophon critical exception that consists of two reasons why it is being raised, for example, if two things went wrong out of which it would have sufficed if only one succeeds.
CompoundProofSearchException extends BelleProofSearchControl
A Bellerophon proof search exception that consists of two reasons why it is being raised, for example, if two things went wrong out of which it would have sufficed if only one succeeds.
case class
ConcurrentInterpreter(listeners: Seq[IOListener] = Nil, throwWithDebugInfo: Boolean = false) extends BelleBaseInterpreter with Logging with Product with Serializable
Concurrent interpreter that runs parallel tactics concurrently.
case class
CoreLeftTactic(name: String) extends BelleExpr with LeftTactic with NamedBelleExpr with Product with Serializable
Built-in position tactics coming from the core that are to be applied on the left.
Built-in position tactics coming from the core that are to be applied on the left. Unlike BuiltInLeftTactic, wraps MatchError from the core in readable errors.
- See also
case class
CoreRightTactic(name: String) extends BelleExpr with RightTactic with NamedBelleExpr with Product with Serializable
Built-in position tactics coming from the core that are to be applied on the right Unlike BuiltInRightTactic, wraps MatchError from the core in readable errors.
Built-in position tactics coming from the core that are to be applied on the right Unlike BuiltInRightTactic, wraps MatchError from the core in readable errors.
- See also
case class
DbAtomPointer(id: Int) extends ExecutionContext with Product with Serializable
Computes IDs for atomic steps stored in the database.
Computes IDs for atomic steps stored in the database. Anticipates how the DB issues IDs.
case class
DbBranchPointer(parent: Int, branch: Int, predStep: Int, openBranchesAfterExec: List[Int] = Nil) extends ExecutionContext with Product with Serializable
Computes IDs for branching steps stored in the database.
Computes IDs for branching steps stored in the database. Anticipates how the DB issues IDs.
case class
DefTactic(name: String, t: BelleExpr) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
Defines a tactic for later execution.
case class
DependentPositionTactic(name: String) extends BelleExpr with NamedBelleExpr with AtPosition[DependentTactic] with Product with Serializable
DependentPositionTactics are tactics that can be applied at positions giving dependent tactics.
DependentPositionTactics are tactics that can be applied at positions giving dependent tactics.
- See also
- abstract class DependentPositionWithAppliedInputTactic extends DependentPositionTactic
case class
DependentTactic(name: String) extends BelleExpr with NamedBelleExpr with Product with Serializable
Dependent tactics compute a tactic to apply based on their input.
Dependent tactics compute a tactic to apply based on their input. These tactics are probably not necessary very often, but are useful for idiomatic shortcuts. See e.g., AtSubgoal.
- name
The name of the tactic.
- To do
is there a short lambda abstraction notation as syntactic sugar?
- Note
similar to the ConstructionTactics in the old framework, except they should not be necessary nearly as often because BuiltIns have direct access to a Provable.
- case class EitherTactic(alts: Seq[BelleExpr]) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
- trait ExecutionContext extends AnyRef
case class
ExhaustiveSequentialInterpreter(listeners: Seq[IOListener] = scala.collection.immutable.Seq(), throwWithDebugInfo: Boolean = false) extends SequentialInterpreter with Product with Serializable
Sequential interpreter that explores branching tactics exhaustively, regardless of failure of some.
case class
Find(goal: Int, shape: Option[Expression], start: Position, exact: Boolean, defs: Declaration) extends PositionLocator with Product with Serializable
Locates the first applicable top-level position that matches shape (exactly or unifiably) at or after position
(remaining in antecedent/succedent asstart
says). -
case class
Fixed extends PositionLocator with Product with Serializable
Locates the formula at the specified fixed position.
Locates the formula at the specified fixed position. Can optionally specify the expected formula or expected shape of formula at that position as contract.
IOListener extends AnyRef
Listeners for input/output results during the interpretation of Bellerophon tactic expressions.
IllFormedTacticApplicationException extends BelleCriticalException
Ill-formed ways of applying tactics, such as missing position for a position tactic or supplying a term when a formula was expected.
Ill-formed ways of applying tactics, such as missing position for a position tactic or supplying a term when a formula was expected. Or applying a tactic at -1 that can only applied in the succedent or vice versa. This indicates a catastrophic logical error in the whole tactic implementation.
InapplicableUnificationKeyFailure extends BelleTacticFailure
Tactic was unable to unify with the given key and is, thus, inapplicable as indicated in the present sequent.
Tactic was unable to unify with the given key and is, thus, inapplicable as indicated in the present sequent. Besides indicating genuine unifiable situations, this may indicate that the wrong key was chosen for the (derived) axiom in its
InfiniteTacticLoopError extends BelleCriticalException
Error indicates that a (critical) infinite tactic loop is detected indicating an implementation error.
InputFormatFailure extends BelleTacticFailure
Signaling that a tactic input was not as expected.
- abstract case class InputTactic(name: String, inputs: Seq[Any]) extends BelleExpr with NamedBelleExpr with Product with Serializable
Interpreter extends AnyRef
Interpreter for Bellerophon tactic expressions that transforms Bellerophon values using Bellerophon tactic language expressions to ultimately produce ProvableSig.
Interpreter for Bellerophon tactic expressions that transforms Bellerophon values using Bellerophon tactic language expressions to ultimately produce ProvableSig.
Interpreter : BelleExpr * BelleValue => BelleValue
- See also
case class
LabelBranch(label: BelleLabel) extends BelleExpr with NoOpTactic with Product with Serializable
Assign the given label
to the present BelleProvable. -
case class
LastAnte(goal: Int, inExpr: PosInExpr = PosInExpr.HereP) extends PositionLocator with Product with Serializable
'Llast Locates the last position in the antecedent.
case class
LastSucc(goal: Int, inExpr: PosInExpr = PosInExpr.HereP) extends PositionLocator with Product with Serializable
'Rlast Locates the last position in the succedent.
case class
LazySequentialInterpreter(listeners: Seq[IOListener] = scala.collection.immutable.Seq(), throwWithDebugInfo: Boolean = false) extends SequentialInterpreter with Product with Serializable
Sequential interpreter that stops exploring branching on the first failing branch.
LeftTactic extends BelleExpr with PositionalTactic
Tactics that can only be applied in the antecedent on the left.
Tactics that can only be applied in the antecedent on the left.
- See also
case class
Let(abbr: Expression, value: Expression, inner: BelleExpr) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
Let(abbr, value, inner) alias
let abbr=value in inner
in the provable and proceeds with an internal proof by tacticinner
, resuming to the outer proof by a uniform substitution ofvalue
of the resulting provable.Let(abbr, value, inner) alias
let abbr=value in inner
in the provable and proceeds with an internal proof by tacticinner
, resuming to the outer proof by a uniform substitution ofvalue
of the resulting provable.- To do
generalize inner to also AtPosition[E]
- See also
case class
LetInspect(abbr: Expression, instantiator: (ProvableSig) ⇒ Expression, inner: BelleExpr) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
LetInspect(abbr, instantiator, inner) alias
let abbr := inspect instantiator in inner
postpones the choice for the definition ofabbr
until tacticinner
finished on the Provable, and asksinstantiator
to choose a value forabbr
based on that Provable at the end ofinner
.LetInspect(abbr, instantiator, inner) alias
let abbr := inspect instantiator in inner
postpones the choice for the definition ofabbr
until tacticinner
finished on the Provable, and asksinstantiator
to choose a value forabbr
based on that Provable at the end ofinner
. Resumes to the outer proof by a uniform substitution ofinstantiator(result)
of the resulting provable.- To do
generalize inner to also AtPosition[E]
- Note
abbr should be fresh in the Provable
- See also
- class MissingLyapunovFunction extends BelleUserCorrectableException
NamedBelleExpr extends BelleExpr
A BelleExpr that has a proper code name, so is not just used internally during application.
case class
NamedTactic(name: String, tactic: BelleExpr) extends BelleExpr with NamedBelleExpr with Product with Serializable
Give a code name to the given tactic
for serialization purposes. -
NoOpTactic extends AnyRef
Marker for no-op tactics.
case class
OnAll(e: BelleExpr) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
OnAll(e)(BelleProvable(p)) == <(e, ..., e) does the same tactic on all branches where e occurs the appropriate number of times, which is
times.OnAll(e)(BelleProvable(p)) == <(e, ..., e) does the same tactic on all branches where e occurs the appropriate number of times, which is
times.- To do
case class
ParallelTactic(expr: List[BelleExpr]) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
left || right
alternative composition executes bothleft
simultaneously and succeeds with the first success, failing if both fail. -
case class
PartialTactic(child: BelleExpr, label: Option[BelleLabel] = None) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
A partial tactic marks an unclosed proof (mainly for testing purposes to not insist on a closed proof).
A partial tactic marks an unclosed proof (mainly for testing purposes to not insist on a closed proof). To check for closed subgoals, use TactixLibrary.done.
PositionLocator extends AnyRef
Position locators identify a position directly or indirectly in a sequent.
Position locators identify a position directly or indirectly in a sequent.
- See also
PositionalTactic extends BelleExpr with AtPosition[AppliedPositionTactic]
PositionTactics are tactics that can be applied at positions giving ordinary tactics.
PositionTactics are tactics that can be applied at positions giving ordinary tactics.
- See also
ProofSearchFailure extends BelleTacticFailure
Signals a proof search failure.
Signals a proof search failure. Also thrown by calls that are not "tactics" per se but might, e.g., be called internally by a tactic May be caught internally by tactics to direct searches.
ProverSetupException extends BelleCriticalException
Incorrect prover setup, such as insufficient stack size or missing tools.
case class
RepeatTactic(child: BelleExpr, times: Int) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
bounded repetition executeschild
number of times, failing if any of those repetitions fail. - case class ReplacementBelleContext(t: BelleExpr) extends BelleContext with Product with Serializable
RightTactic extends BelleExpr with PositionalTactic
Tactics that can only be applied in the succedent on the right.
Tactics that can only be applied in the succedent on the right.
- See also
case class
SaturateTactic(child: BelleExpr) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
saturating repetition executes tacticchild
repeatedly to a fixpoint, casting result to type annotation, diverging if no fixpoint. -
case class
SearchAndRescueAgain(abbr: Seq[Expression], common: BelleExpr, instantiator: (ProvableSig, ProverException) ⇒ Seq[Expression], continuation: BelleExpr) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
SearchAndRescue(abbr, common, instantiator, continuation) alias
search abbr := after common among instantiator in continuation
postpones the choice for the definition ofabbr
until tacticcommon
finished on the Provable, but then searches for the definition ofabbr
by trying to runcontinuation
from the outcome ofcommon
is successful.SearchAndRescue(abbr, common, instantiator, continuation) alias
search abbr := after common among instantiator in continuation
postpones the choice for the definition ofabbr
until tacticcommon
finished on the Provable, but then searches for the definition ofabbr
by trying to runcontinuation
from the outcome ofcommon
is successful. Each time it asksinstantiator
to choose a value forabbr
based on the same Provable at the end ofcommon
in addition to the present ProverException obtained after the current attempt of runningcontinuation
with the last choice forabbr
. Resumes to the outer proof by a uniform substitution of instantiator(result)for
abbrof the resulting provable which corresponds to having run
USubst(abbr,inst){ common } ; continuation. Thus, the logical effect is identical to directly running
instUSubst(abbr,inst){ common } ; continuation
but the operational effect differs by the above search to find the instantiationin the first place.
- abbr
the abbreviation to instantie, which should be fresh in the Provable
- See also
Andre Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-266, 2017. Example 32.
- case class SeqTactic(seq: Seq[BelleExpr]) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
SequentialInterpreter extends BelleBaseInterpreter with Logging
Sequential interpreter that runs parallel tactics as alternatives sequentially.
- abstract class SingleGoalDependentTactic extends DependentTactic
case class
SpoonFeedingInterpreter(rootProofId: Int, startStepIndex: Int, idProvider: (ProvableSig) ⇒ Int, defs: Declaration, listenerFactory: (Int) ⇒ (String, Int, Int) ⇒ Seq[IOListener], inner: (Seq[IOListener]) ⇒ Interpreter, descend: Int, strict: Boolean, convertPending: Boolean, recordInternal: Boolean) extends Interpreter with Logging with Product with Serializable
Sequential interpreter for Bellerophon tactic expressions: breaks apart combinators and spoon-feeds "atomic" tactics to another interpreter.
Sequential interpreter for Bellerophon tactic expressions: breaks apart combinators and spoon-feeds "atomic" tactics to another interpreter.
- rootProofId
The ID of the proof this interpreter is working on.
- startStepIndex
The index in the proof trace where the interpreter starts appending steps (-1 for none, e.g., in a fresh proof).
- idProvider
Provides IDs for child provables created in this interpreter.
- listenerFactory
Creates listener that are notified from the inner interpreter, takes (tactic name, parent step index in trace, branch).
- inner
Processes atomic tactics.
- descend
How far to descend into depending tactics (default: do not descend)
- strict
If true, follow tactic strictly; otherwise perform some optimizations (e.g., do not execute nil).
- abstract class StringInputTactic extends BuiltInTactic
TacticAssertionError extends BelleCriticalException
Tactic assertions.
- class TacticComparator[T <: BelleExpr] extends AnyRef
TacticInapplicableFailure extends BelleTacticFailure
Tactic happens to not be applicable as indicated in the present sequent.
Tactic happens to not be applicable as indicated in the present sequent. For example, InapplicableTactic can be raised when trying to apply at the correct position 2 in bounds on the right-hand side where it turns out there is an Or formula not an And formula. This does not indicate a catastrophic failure in the tactic implementation, merely a promising but unsuccessful attempt of applying a tactic.
TacticRequirementError extends BelleCriticalException
Tactic requirements that failed and indicate a critical logical error in using it.
case class
TryCatch[T <: Throwable](t: BelleExpr, cCatch: Class[T], c: (T) ⇒ BelleExpr, f: Option[BelleExpr] = None) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
Tries tactic
and executes -c
(catch) on exceptions of typeT
that occur when executingt
(finally) on the result oft
is successful), on the result ofc
is successful), or on the initial problem if neithert
are successful (throwing the exceptions oft
even iff
is successful).Tries tactic
and executes -c
(catch) on exceptions of typeT
that occur when executingt
(finally) on the result oft
is successful), on the result ofc
is successful), or on the initial problem if neithert
are successful (throwing the exceptions oft
even iff
is successful). Pattern: TryCatch should usually be used together with|
. In that case,c
should throw a proof search control exception instead of supplying a tactic, since it is usually intended to also execute the alternative tactic on success oft
or ift
throws other unrelated proof search control exceptions.TryCatch(useAt("[:=] assign")(1), classOf[SubstitutionClashException], (ex: SubstitutionClashException) => throw new TacticInapplicableFailure("Inapplicable", ex)) | alternativeTactic
If indeed an alternative tactic should only be executed on exception, use
TryCatch(useAt("[:=] assign")(1), classOf[SubstitutionClashException], (ex: SubstitutionClashException) => alternativeTactic)
case class
USubstPatternTactic(options: Seq[(BelleType, (RenUSubst) ⇒ BelleExpr)]) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
USubstPatternTactic((form1, us=>t1) :: ...
USubstPatternTactic((form1, us=>t1) :: ... (form2, us=>t2) :: Nil) runs the first tactic
for the unificationus
with the first patternformi
that matches the current goal.In other words:
case _ of {fi => ei}
uniform substitution case pattern applies the firstei
such thatfi
uniformly substitutes to current provable for whichei
does not fail, fails if theei
of all matchingfi
fail. - class UnexpandedDefinitionsFailure extends BelleUserCorrectableException
UnificationException extends BelleCriticalException
Raised to indicate that two expressions are not unifiable in the single-sided matching sense.
UnprovableAnnotatedInvariant extends BelleUserCorrectableException
Signals that an annotated invariant is not provable and needs fixing.
UnsupportedTacticFeature extends BelleTacticFailure
Signaling that a tactic's implementation was incomplete and did not work out as planned, so tactic execution might continue, but it is indicating a potential problem in the tactic's implementation.
case class
Using(es: List[Expression], t: BelleExpr) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
Positive mention of expressions
to use when executing tactict
. -
case class
AppliedDependentTwoPositionTactic(t: DependentTwoPositionTactic, p1: Position, p2: Position) extends BelleExpr with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
BelleType extends AnyRef
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
- To do
eisegesis -- simple types
case class
DependentTwoPositionTactic(name: String) extends BelleExpr with NamedBelleExpr with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
case class
SequentType(s: Sequent) extends BelleType with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
- To do
Added because SequentTypes are needed for unification tactics.
case class
TheType() extends BelleType with Product with Serializable
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
Value Members
BelleCommitTxLabel extends BelleLabel
Commits a label transaction.
- object BelleDot extends BelleDot
- object BelleExpr
BelleInterpreter extends Interpreter
Provides the interpreter for running tactics.
Conversion functions for labels from/to strings.
- object BelleProvable extends Serializable
BelleRollbackTxLabel extends BelleLabel
Rollback a label transaction.
- object BelleStartTxLabel extends BelleLabel
- object Cancellable
EitherTactic extends Serializable
left | right
alternative composition executesright
if applyingleft
fails, failing if both fail. - object Find extends Serializable
- object Fixed extends Serializable
Some tactic listeners.
Some tactic listeners. Created by smitsch on 9/3/17.
Mixing in NoOpTactic with existing tactic instances (e.g., obtained through TacticFactory methods)
Mixing in NoOpTactic with existing tactic instances (e.g., obtained through TacticFactory methods)
- See also
- object PositionLocator
ReflectiveExpressionBuilder extends Logging
Constructs a from a tactic name
SeqTactic extends Serializable
left ; right
sequential composition executesright
on the output ofleft
, failing if either fail. - object TacticComparator
Computes a diff.
Computes a diff. (C,d1,d2) of two tactics t1 and t2 such that C(d1)=t1 and C(d2)=t2.
Computes tactic statistics (e.g., size).
User-Interface Axiom/Tactic Index: Indexing data structure for all canonically applicable (derived) axioms/rules/tactics in User-Interface.
User-Interface Axiom/Tactic Index: Indexing data structure for all canonically applicable (derived) axioms/rules/tactics in User-Interface.
KeYmaera X: An aXiomatic Tactical Theorem Prover
KeYmaera X is a theorem prover for differential dynamic logic (dL), a logic for specifying and verifying properties of hybrid systems with mixed discrete and continuous dynamics. Reasoning about complicated hybrid systems requires support for sophisticated proof techniques, efficient computation, and a user interface that crystallizes salient properties of the system. KeYmaera X allows users to specify custom proof search techniques as tactics, execute tactics in parallel, and interface with partial proofs via an extensible user interface.
Concrete syntax for input language Differential Dynamic Logic
Package Structure
Main documentation entry points for KeYmaera X API:
- KeYmaera X kernel, proof certificates, main data structuresExpression
- Differential dynamic logic expressions:Term
- Sequents of formulasProvable
- Proof certificates transformed by rules/axiomsRule
- Proof rules as well asUSubstOne
for (one-pass) uniform substitutions and renaming.StaticSemantics
- Static semantics with free and bound variable analysisKeYmaeraXParser
- Parser and pretty printer with concrete syntax and notation for differential dynamic logic.KeYmaeraXPrettyPrinter
- Pretty printer producing concrete KeYmaera X syntaxKeYmaeraXParser
- Parser reading concrete KeYmaera X syntaxKeYmaeraXArchiveParser
- Parser reading KeYmaera X model and proof archive.kyx
- Combinator parser reading concrete KeYmaera X syntaxDLArchiveParser
- Combinator parser reading KeYmaera X model and proof archive.kyx
- Prover infrastructure outside the kernelUnificationMatch
- Unification algorithmRenUSubst
- Renaming Uniform Substitution quickly combining kernel's renaming and substitution.Context
- Representation for contexts of formulas in which they occur.Augmentors
- Augmenting formula and expression data structures with additional functionalityExpressionTraversal
- Generic traversal functionality for
- Bellerophon tactic language and tactic interpreterBelleExpr
- Tactic language expressionsSequentialInterpreter
- Sequential tactic interpreter for Bellerophon
- Bellerophon tactic library for conducting proofs.TactixLibrary
- Main KeYmaera X tactic library including many proof tactics.HilbertCalculus
- Hilbert Calculus for differential dynamic logicSequentCalculus
- Sequent Calculus for propositional and first-order logicHybridProgramCalculus
- Hybrid Program Calculus for differential dynamic logicDifferentialEquationCalculus
- Differential Equation Calculus for differential dynamic logicUnifyUSCalculus
- Unification-based uniform substitution calculus underlying the other calculi[ ForwardTactic]
- Forward tactic framework for conducting proofs from premises to
- Lemma mechanismLemma
- Lemmas are Provables stored under a name, e.g., in files.LemmaDB
- Lemma database stored in files or database
- Real arithmetic back-end solversMathematicaQETool
- Mathematica interface for real arithmetic.Z3QETool
- Z3 interface for real
- Extended back-ends for noncritical ODE solving, counterexamples, algebra, simplifiers, etc.Mathematica
- Mathematica interface for ODE solving, algebra, simplification, invariant generation, etc.Z3
- Z3 interface for real arithmetic including simplifiers.Entry Points
Additional entry points and usage points for KeYmaera X API:
- Command-line launcher for KeYmaera X supports command-line argument-help
to obtain usage
- Axiom indexing data structures with keys and recursors for canonical proof
- Meta-information on all derivation steps (axioms, derived axioms, proof rules, tactics) with user-interface
- Index determining which canonical reasoning steps to display on the KeYmaera X User
- Registry for derived axioms and axiomatic proof rules that are proved from the core.References
Full references on KeYmaera X are provided at The main references are the following:
1. André Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-265, 2017.
2. Nathan Fulton, Stefan Mitsch, Jan-David Quesel, Marcus Völp and André Platzer. KeYmaera X: An axiomatic tactical theorem prover for hybrid systems. In Amy P. Felty and Aart Middeldorp, editors, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'15, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings, volume 9195 of LNCS, pp. 527-538. Springer, 2015.
3. André Platzer. Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems. Springer, 2018. Videos