
  • package root

    KeYmaera X is a theorem prover for differential dynamic logic (dL), a logic for specifying and verifying properties of hybrid systems with mixed discrete and continuous dynamics.

    KeYmaera X: An aXiomatic Tactical Theorem Prover

    KeYmaera X is a theorem prover for differential dynamic logic (dL), a logic for specifying and verifying properties of hybrid systems with mixed discrete and continuous dynamics. Reasoning about complicated hybrid systems requires support for sophisticated proof techniques, efficient computation, and a user interface that crystallizes salient properties of the system. KeYmaera X allows users to specify custom proof search techniques as tactics, execute tactics in parallel, and interface with partial proofs via an extensible user interface.

    Concrete syntax for input language Differential Dynamic Logic

    Package Structure

    Main documentation entry points for KeYmaera X API:

    Entry Points

    Additional entry points and usage points for KeYmaera X API:


    Full references on KeYmaera X are provided at The main references are the following:

    1. André Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-265, 2017.

    2. Nathan Fulton, Stefan Mitsch, Jan-David Quesel, Marcus Völp and André Platzer. KeYmaera X: An axiomatic tactical theorem prover for hybrid systems. In Amy P. Felty and Aart Middeldorp, editors, International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE'15, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings, volume 9195 of LNCS, pp. 527-538. Springer, 2015.

    3. André Platzer. Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems. Springer, 2018. Videos

    Definition Classes
  • package edu
    Definition Classes
  • package cmu
    Definition Classes
  • package cs
    Definition Classes
  • package ls
    Definition Classes
  • package keymaerax
    Definition Classes
  • package btactics

    Tactic library in the Bellerophon tactic language.

    Tactic library in the Bellerophon tactic language.

    All tactics are implemented in the Bellerophon tactic language, including its dependent tactics, which ultimately produce proof certificates by the Bellerophon interpreter. The Provables that tactics produce can be extracted, for example, with

    Proof Styles

    KeYmaera X supports many different proof styles, including flexible combinations of the following styles:

    1. Explicit proof certificates directly program the proof rules from the core.

    2. Explicit proofs use tactics to describe a proof directly mentioning all or most proof steps.

    3. Proof by search relies mainly on proof search with occasional additional guidance.

    4. Proof by pointing points out facts and where to use them.

    5. Proof by congruence is based on equivalence or equality or implicational rewriting within a context.

    6. Proof by chase is based on chasing away operators at an indicated position.

    Explicit Proof Certificates

    The most explicit types of proofs can be constructed directly using the certificates in KeYmaera X's kernel without using any tactics. Also see

    // explicit proof certificate construction of |- !!p() <-> p()
    val proof = (Provable.startProof(
      "!!p() <-> p()".asFormula)
      (EquivRight(SuccPos(0)), 0)
      // right branch
        (NotRight(SuccPos(0)), 1)
        (NotLeft(AntePos(1)), 1)
        (Close(AntePos(0),SuccPos(0)), 1)
      // left branch
        (NotLeft(AntePos(0)), 0)
        (NotRight(SuccPos(1)), 0)
        (Close(AntePos(0),SuccPos(0)), 0)
    Explicit Proofs

    Explicit proofs construct similarly explicit proof steps, just with explicit tactics from TactixLibrary: The only actual difference is the order of the branches, which is fixed to be from left to right in tactic branching. Tactics also use more elegant signed integers to refer to antecedent positions (negative) or succedent positions (positive).

    import TactixLibrary._
    // Explicit proof tactic for |- !!p() <-> p()
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("!!p() <-> p()".asFormula,
       equivR(1) & <(
         (notL(-1) &
           notR(2) &
         (notR(1) &
           notL(-2) &
    Proof by Search

    Proof by search primarily relies on proof search procedures to conduct a proof. That gives very short proofs but, of course, they are not always entirely informative about how the proof worked. It is easiest to see in simple situations where propositional logic proof search will find a proof but works well in more general situations, too.

    import TactixLibrary._
    // Proof by search of |- (p() & q()) & r() <-> p() & (q() & r())
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("(p() & q()) & r() <-> p() & (q() & r())".asFormula,

    Common tactics for proof by search include, and the like.

    Proof by Pointing

    Proof by pointing emphasizes the facts to use and is implicit about the details on how to use them exactly. Proof by pointing works by pointing to a position in the sequent and using a given fact at that position. For example, for proving

    ⟨v:=2*v+1;⟩v!=0 <-> 2*v+1!=0

    it is enough to point to the highlighted position using the Ax.diamond axiom fact ![a;]!p(||) <-> ⟨a;⟩p(||) at the highlighted position to reduce the proof to a proof of

    ![v:=2*v+1;]!(v!=0) <-> 2*v+1!=0

    which is, in turn, easy to prove by pointing to the highlighted position using the Ax.assignbAxiom axiom [x:=t();]p(x) <-> p(t()) at the highlighted position to reduce the proof to

    !!(2*v+1!=0) <-> 2*v+1!=0

    Finally, using double negation !!p() <-> p() at the highlighted position yields the following

    2*v+1!=0 <-> 2*v+1!=0

    which easily proves by reflexivity p() <-> p().

    Proof by pointing matches the highlighted position against the highlighted position in the fact and does what it takes to use that knowledge. There are multiple variations of proof by pointing in and, which are also imported into The above proof by pointing implements directly in KeYmaera X:

    import TactixLibrary._
    // Proof by pointing of  |- <v:=2*v+1;>v!=0 <-> 2*v+1!=0
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("<v:=2*v+1;>q(v) <-> q(2*v+1)".asFormula,
      // use Ax.diamond axiom backwards at the indicated position on
      // |- __<v:=2*v+1;>q(v)__ <-> q(2*v+1)
      useExpansionAt(Ax.diamond)(1, 0::Nil) &
      // use Ax.assignbAxiom axiom forward at the indicated position on
      // |- !__[v:=2*v+1;]!q(v)__ <-> q(2*v+1)
      useAt(Ax.assignbAxiom(1, 0::0::Nil) &
      // use double negation at the indicated position on
      // |- __!!q(2*v+1)__ <-> q(2*v+1)
      useAt(Ax.doubleNegation)(1, 0::Nil) &
      // close by (an instance of) reflexivity |- p() <-> p()
      // |- q(2*v+1) <-> q(2*v+1)

    Another example is:

    import TactixLibrary._
    // Proof by pointing of  |- <a;++b;>p(x) <-> (<a;>p(x) | <b;>p(x))
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("<a;++b;>p(x) <-> (<a;>p(x) | <b;>p(x))".asFormula,
      // use Ax.diamond axiom backwards at the indicated position on
      // |- __<a;++b;>p(x)__  <->  <a;>p(x) | <b;>p(x)
      useExpansionAt(Ax.diamond)(1, 0::Nil) &
      // use Ax.choiceb axiom forward at the indicated position on
      // |- !__[a;++b;]!p(x)__  <->  <a;>p(x) | <b;>p(x)
      useAt(Ax.choiceb)(1, 0::0::Nil) &
      // use Ax.diamond axiom forward at the indicated position on
      // |- !([a;]!p(x) & [b;]!p(x))  <->  __<a;>p(x)__ | <b;>p(x)
      useExpansionAt(Ax.diamond)(1, 1::0::Nil) &
      // use Ax.diamond axiom forward at the indicated position on
      // |- !([a;]!p(x) & [b;]!p(x))  <->  ![a;]!p(x) | __<b;>p(x)__
      useExpansionAt(Ax.diamond)(1, 1::1::Nil) &
      // use propositional logic to show
      // |- !([a;]!p(x) & [b;]!p(x))  <->  ![a;]!p(x) | ![b;]!p(x)
    ) also uses proof by pointing but figures out the appropriate fact to use on its own. Here's a similar proof:

    import TactixLibrary._
    // Proof by pointing with steps of  |- ⟨a++b⟩p(x) <-> (⟨a⟩p(x) | ⟨b⟩p(x))
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("p(x) <-> (p(x) | p(x))".asFormula,
      // use Ax.diamond axiom backwards at the indicated position on
      // |- __⟨a++b⟩p(x)__  <->  ⟨a⟩p(x) | ⟨b⟩p(x)
      useExpansionAt(Ax.diamond)(1, 0::Nil) &
      // |- !__[a;++b;]!p(x)__  <->  ⟨a⟩p(x) | ⟨b⟩p(x)
      // step Ax.choiceb axiom forward at the indicated position
      stepAt(1, 0::0::Nil) &
      // |- __!([a;]!p(x) & [b;]!p(x))__  <-> ⟨a⟩p(x) | ⟨b⟩p(x)
      // step deMorgan forward at the indicated position
      stepAt(1, 0::Nil) &
      // |- __![a;]!p(x)__ | ![b;]!p(x)  <-> ⟨a⟩p(x) | ⟨b⟩p(x)
      // step Ax.diamond forward at the indicated position
      stepAt(1, 0::0::Nil) &
      // |- ⟨a⟩p(x) | __![b;]!p(x)__  <-> ⟨a⟩p(x) | ⟨b⟩p(x)
      // step Ax.diamond forward at the indicated position
      stepAt(1, 0::1::Nil) &
      // |- ⟨a⟩p(x) | ⟨b⟩p(x)  <-> ⟨a⟩p(x) | ⟨b⟩p(x)

    Likewise, for proving

    x>5 |- !([x:=x+1; ++ x:=0;]x>=6) | x<2

    it is enough to point to the highlighted position

    x>5 |- !([x:=x+1; ++ x:=0;]x>=6) | x<2

    and using the Ax.choiceb axiom fact [a;++b;]p(||) <-> [a;]p(||) & [b;]p(||) to reduce the proof to a proof of

    x>5 |- !([x:=x+1;]x>6 & [x:=0;]x>=6) | x<2

    which is, in turn, easy to prove by pointing to the assignments using Ax.assignbAxiom axioms and ultimately asking propositional logic.

    More proofs by pointing are shown in source code.

    Proof by Congruence

    Proof by congruence is based on equivalence or equality or implicational rewriting within a context. This proof style can make quite quick inferences leading to significant progress using the CE, CQ, CT congruence proof rules or combinations thereof.

    import TactixLibrary._
    // |- x*(x+1)>=0 -> [y:=0;x:=__x^2+x__;]x>=y
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("x*(x+1)>=0 -> [y:=0;x:=x^2+x;]x>=y".asFormula,
      CEat(proveBy("x*(x+1)=x^2+x".asFormula, QE)) (1, 1::0::1::1::Nil) &
      // |- x*(x+1)>=0 -> [y:=0;x:=__x*(x+1)__;]x>=y by CE/CQ using x*(x+1)=x^2+x at the indicated position
      // step uses top-level operator [;]
      stepAt(1, 1::Nil) &
      // |- x*(x+1)>=0 -> [y:=0;][x:=x*(x+1);]x>=y
      // step uses top-level operator [:=]
      stepAt(1, 1::Nil) &
      // |- x*(x+1)>=0 -> [x:=x*(x+1);]x>=0
      // step uses top-level [:=]
      stepAt(1, 1::Nil) &
      // |- x*(x+1)>=0 -> x*(x+1)>=0

    Proof by congruence can also make use of a fact in multiple places at once by defining an appropriate context C:

    import TactixLibrary._
    val C = Context("x<5 & ⎵ -> [{x' = 5*x & ⎵}](⎵ & x>=1)".asFormula)
    // |- x<5 & __x^2<4__ -> [{x' = 5*x & __x^2<4__}](__x^2<4__ & x>=1)
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("x<5 & x^2<4 -> [{x' = 5*x & x^2<4}](x^2<4 & x>=1)".asFormula,
      CEat(proveBy("-2x^2<4".asFormula, QE), C) (1))
    // |- x<5 & (__-2 [{x' = 5*x & __-2=1) by CE
    Proof by Chase

    Proof by chase chases the expression at the indicated position forward until it is chased away or can't be chased further without critical choices. The canonical examples use to chase away differential forms:

    import TactixLibrary._
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("[{x'=22}](2*x+x*y>=5)'".asFormula,
     // chase the differential prime away in the postcondition
     chase(1, 1 :: Nil)
     // |- [{x'=22}]2*x'+(x'*y+x*y')>=0
    // Remaining subgoals: |- [{x'=22}]2*x'+(x'*y+x*y')>=0
    import TactixLibrary._
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy("[{x'=22}](2*x+x*y>=5)' <-> [{x'=22}]2*x'+(x'*y+x*y')>=0".asFormula,
      // chase the differential prime away in the left postcondition
      chase(1, 0:: 1 :: Nil) &
      // |- [{x'=22}]2*x'+(x'*y+x*y')>=0 <-> [{x'=22}]2*x'+(x'*y+x*y')>=0

    Yet is also useful to chase away other operators, say, modalities:

    import TactixLibrary._
    // proof by chase of |- [?x>0;x:=x+1;x:=2*x; ++ ?x=0;x:=1;]x>=1
    val proof = TactixLibrary.proveBy(
      "[?x>0;x:=x+1;x:=2*x; ++ ?x=0;x:=1;]x>=1".asFormula,
      // chase the box in the succedent away
      chase(1,Nil) &
      // |- (x>0->2*(x+1)>=1)&(x=0->1>=1)

    Additional Mechanisms

    Definition Classes
    To do

    Expand descriptions

    See also

    Andre Platzer. A complete uniform substitution calculus for differential dynamic logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 59(2), pp. 219-266, 2017.

  • object SOSSolve

    tactics to prove SOSsolve witnesses

    tactics to prove SOSsolve witnesses

    Definition Classes
  • ExponentOutOfScopeFailure
  • NoRatForm
  • NonUniversalOutOfScopeFailure
  • OutOfScope
  • RatForm
  • RatFormError
  • RatFormStrategy
  • SOSSolveAborted
  • SOSSolveNoSOS
  • SOSWelldefinedDivisionFailure

trait OutOfScope extends TacticInapplicableFailure

Linear Supertypes
TacticInapplicableFailure, BelleTacticFailure, BelleProofSearchControl, BelleThrowable, ProverException, RuntimeException, Exception, Throwable, Serializable, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. OutOfScope
  2. TacticInapplicableFailure
  3. BelleTacticFailure
  4. BelleProofSearchControl
  5. BelleThrowable
  6. ProverException
  7. RuntimeException
  8. Exception
  9. Throwable
  10. Serializable
  11. AnyRef
  12. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def addSuppressed(arg0: Throwable): Unit
    Definition Classes
  5. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  6. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws( ... )
  7. def context: BelleExpr
    Definition Classes
  8. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  9. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  10. def fillInStackTrace(): Throwable
    Definition Classes
  11. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  12. def getCause(): Throwable
    Definition Classes
  13. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  14. def getContext: String

    Returns the logical context, i.e.

    Returns the logical context, i.e. stack of proof rules or nested logical context information describing in which context this exception occurred.

    Definition Classes
  15. def getLocalizedMessage(): String
    Definition Classes
  16. def getMessage(): String

    Read the message describing what went wrong.

    Read the message describing what went wrong.

    Definition Classes
    BelleThrowable → Throwable
  17. def getStackTrace(): Array[StackTraceElement]
    Definition Classes
  18. final def getSuppressed(): Array[Throwable]
    Definition Classes
  19. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  20. def inContext(context: BelleExpr, additionalMessage: String): BelleThrowable
    Definition Classes
  21. def inContext(context: String, additionalMessage: String = ""): ProverException

    Add the context information to this exception, returning the resulting exception to be thrown.

    Add the context information to this exception, returning the resulting exception to be thrown.


    textual description of the context within which this prover exception occurred.


    optional additional information about the situation in which this prover exception occurred, e.g., the state of affairs.

    Definition Classes
  22. def initCause(arg0: Throwable): Throwable
    Definition Classes
  23. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  24. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  25. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  26. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  27. def printStackTrace(arg0: PrintWriter): Unit
    Definition Classes
  28. def printStackTrace(arg0: PrintStream): Unit
    Definition Classes
  29. def printStackTrace(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  30. def setStackTrace(arg0: Array[StackTraceElement]): Unit
    Definition Classes
  31. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  32. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    BelleThrowableProverException → Throwable → AnyRef → Any
  33. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  34. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  35. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws( ... )

Inherited from TacticInapplicableFailure

Inherited from BelleTacticFailure

Inherited from BelleProofSearchControl

Inherited from BelleThrowable

Inherited from ProverException

Inherited from RuntimeException

Inherited from Exception

Inherited from Throwable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
