
package hydra

HyDRA Hybrid Distributed Reasoning Architecture server with a REST-API and database. HyDRA provides a simplified high-level programming interface to the KeYmaeara X prover. It provides components for proof tree simplification, tactic search, and custom tactic scheduling policies, as well as for storing and accessing proofs in files or databases. These components can be accessed remotely through a REST-API.

To do

Stub. Describe for real.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. hydra
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AcceptLicenseRequest extends Request with WriteRequest
  2. class AddModelTacticRequest extends UserRequest with WriteRequest
  3. case class AgendaAwesomeResponse(modelId: String, proofId: String, root: ProofTreeNode, leaves: List[ProofTreeNode], agenda: List[AgendaItem], closed: Boolean, marginLeft: Int, marginRight: Int) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  4. case class AgendaItem(id: String, name: String, proofId: String, ancestors: List[String] = Nil) extends Product with Serializable
  5. case class AgendaItemPOJO(itemId: Int, proofId: Int, initialProofNode: ProofTreeNodeId, displayName: String) extends Product with Serializable
  6. class AngularTreeViewResponse extends Response


    JSON that is directly usable by angular.treeview

  7. case class ApplicableAxiomsResponse(derivationInfos: List[(DerivationInfo, Option[DerivationInfo])], suggestedInput: Map[ArgInfo, Expression], topLevel: Boolean, suggestedPosition: Option[PositionLocator] = None) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  8. case class ApplicableDefinitionsResponse(defs: List[(NamedSymbol, Expression, Option[Expression], Boolean)]) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  9. case class BelleTermInput(value: String, spec: Option[ArgInfo]) extends Product with Serializable
  10. class BellerophonTacticExecutor extends AnyRef
  11. case class BooleanResponse(flag: Boolean, errorText: Option[String] = None) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  12. class CancelToolRequest extends Request with ReadRequest
  13. class CheckIsProvedRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  14. class CheckTacticInputRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  15. class CheckValidationRequest extends Request with ReadRequest

    An idempotent request for the status of a validation request; i.e., validation requests aren't removed until the server is resst.

  16. class ConfigurationPOJO extends AnyRef
  17. class ConfigureMathematicaRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with WriteRequest
  18. class ConfigureMathematicaResponse extends Response
  19. class ConfigureZ3Request extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with WriteRequest
  20. class ConfigureZ3Response extends Response
  21. class CounterExampleRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  22. class CounterExampleResponse extends Response
  23. class CreateControlledStabilityTemplateRequest extends UserRequest with ReadRequest
  24. class CreateModelTacticProofRequest extends UserRequest with WriteRequest
  25. class CreateProofRequest extends UserRequest with WriteRequest
  26. class CreateUserRequest extends Request with WriteRequest
  27. case class CreatedIdResponse(id: String) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  28. trait DBAbstraction extends AnyRef

    Proof database

  29. class DashInfoResponse extends Response
  30. case class DbLoadedProofTreeNode(db: DBAbstraction, id: ProofTreeNodeId, proof: ProofTree, children: List[ProofTreeNode], step: Option[ExecutionStep]) extends DbProofTreeNode with Product with Serializable

    A loaded node (root if step=None, then also parent=None, maker=None, makerShortName=None).

  31. case class DbPlainExecStepProofTreeNode(db: DBAbstraction, id: ProofTreeNodeId, proof: ProofTree, stepLoader: () ⇒ ExecutionStepPOJO) extends DbProofTreeNode with Logging with Product with Serializable

    A proof tree node backed by a database of recorded execution steps.

    A proof tree node backed by a database of recorded execution steps. An ID Some(step),None points to the source node where step was executed, an ID Some(step),Some(branch) represents a proxy for the branch subgoal created by step and searches the actual successor step on demand.

  32. case class DbProofTree(db: DBAbstraction, proofId: String) extends ProofTreeBase with Product with Serializable

    Builds proof trees from database-recorded step executions, starting at the specified root step (None: proof root).

  33. abstract class DbProofTreeNode extends ProofTreeNode

    A ProofTreeNode that happens to be stored in the database db.

  34. case class DbRootProofTreeNode(db: DBAbstraction)(id: ProofTreeNodeId, proof: ProofTree) extends DbProofTreeNode with Product with Serializable
  35. case class DbStepPathNodeId(step: Option[Int], branch: Option[Int]) extends ProofTreeNodeId with Product with Serializable

    Identifies a proof tree node by the parent step + branch index.

  36. case class DefaultLoginResponse(triggerRegistration: Boolean) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  37. class DeleteAllModelsRequest extends UserRequest with WriteRequest
  38. class DeleteModelProofStepsRequest extends UserModelRequest with WriteRequest
  39. class DeleteModelRequest extends UserModelRequest with WriteRequest
  40. class DeleteProofRequest extends UserProofRequest with WriteRequest
  41. case class EmptyToken() extends SessionToken with Product with Serializable
  42. class ErrorResponse extends Response
  43. case class ExamplePOJO(id: Int, title: String, description: String, infoUrl: String, url: String, imageUrl: String, level: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    A tutorial/case study example.

  44. case class ExecutablePOJO(executableId: Int, belleExpr: String) extends Product with Serializable
  45. case class ExecutionStep(stepId: Int, prevStepId: Option[Int], executionId: Int, localProvableLoader: () ⇒ ProvableSig, branch: Int, subgoalsCount: Int, openSubgoalsCount: Int, successorIds: List[Int], rule: String, executableId: Int, isUserExecuted: Boolean = true) extends Product with Serializable

    A proof step in a proof execution trace, can be represented as a node in a proof tree.

  46. case class ExecutionStepPOJO(stepId: Option[Int], executionId: Int, previousStep: Option[Int], branchOrder: Int, status: ExecutionStepStatus, executableId: Int, inputProvableId: Option[Int], resultProvableId: Option[Int], localProvableId: Option[Int], userExecuted: Boolean, ruleName: String, branchLabel: Option[String], numSubgoals: Int, numOpenSubgoals: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  47. case class ExecutionTrace(proofId: String, executionId: String, steps: List[ExecutionStep]) extends Product with Serializable
  48. case class ExpandTacticResponse(detailsProofId: Int, goalSequents: List[Sequent], backendGoals: List[Option[(String, String)]], tacticParent: String, stepsTactic: String, tree: List[ProofTreeNode], openGoals: List[AgendaItem], marginLeft: Int, marginRight: Int) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  49. class ExportCurrentSubgoal extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  50. class ExtractDatabaseRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with RegisteredOnlyRequest
  51. class ExtractDatabaseResponse extends Response
  52. class ExtractLemmaRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  53. class ExtractModelSolutionsRequest extends UserRequest with ReadRequest
  54. class ExtractProblemSolutionRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  55. class ExtractProblemSolutionResponse extends Response
  56. class ExtractTacticRequest extends UserProofRequest with WriteRequest
  57. class FailedRequest extends UserRequest
  58. class FullConfigurationResponse extends Response
  59. class GenericOKResponse extends Response
  60. class GetAgendaAwesomeRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest

    Gets all tasks of the specified proof.

    Gets all tasks of the specified proof. A task is some work the user has to do. It is not a KeYmaera task!

  61. class GetAgendaItemResponse extends Response
  62. class GetApplicableAxiomsRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  63. class GetApplicableDefinitionsRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest

    Gets the definitions that can be expanded at node nodeId.

  64. class GetApplicableTwoPosTacticsRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  65. case class GetBranchRootRequest(db: DBAbstraction, userId: String, proofId: String, nodeId: String) extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest with Product with Serializable
  66. class GetBranchRootResponse extends Response
  67. class GetControlledStabilityTemplateResponse extends Response
  68. class GetDerivationInfoRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  69. class GetFormulaPrettyStringRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  70. class GetFullConfigRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with ReadRequest
  71. class GetLemmasRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  72. class GetMathematicaConfigSuggestionRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with ReadRequest
  73. class GetMathematicaConfigurationRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with ReadRequest
  74. class GetModelListRequest extends UserRequest with ReadRequest
  75. class GetModelRequest extends UserRequest with ReadRequest
  76. class GetModelResponse extends Response
  77. class GetModelTacticRequest extends UserRequest with ReadRequest
  78. class GetModelTacticResponse extends Response
  79. case class GetPathAllRequest(db: DBAbstraction, userId: String, proofId: String, nodeId: String) extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest with Product with Serializable
  80. class GetPathAllResponse extends Response
  81. class GetProblemResponse extends Response
  82. class GetProofLemmasRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  83. class GetProofNodeChildrenRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest

    Gets the children of a proof node (browse a proof from root to leaves).

  84. class GetProofProgressStatusRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  85. class GetProofRootAgendaRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest

    Gets the proof root as agenda item (browse a proof from root to leaves).

  86. class GetSequentStepSuggestionRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  87. class GetStepRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  88. class GetTacticRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  89. case class GetTacticResponse(tacticText: String, nodesByLoc: Map[Location, String]) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  90. class GetTemplatesRequest extends UserRequest with ReadRequest
  91. class GetTemplatesResponse extends Response
  92. class GetToolRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with ReadRequest
  93. class GetUserThemeRequest extends UserRequest with ReadRequest
  94. class GetWolframEngineConfigSuggestionRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with ReadRequest
  95. class GetWolframScriptConfigSuggestionRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with ReadRequest
  96. class GetZ3ConfigSuggestionRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with ReadRequest
  97. class GetZ3ConfigurationRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with ReadRequest
  98. trait HTMLPrinter extends AnyRef

    Prints HTML tags and HTML operators.

  99. class HotkeysRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest
  100. case class HtmlResponse(html: Elem) extends Response with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a dynamically generated (server-side) HTML page.

  101. class InMemoryDB extends DBAbstraction

    In-memory database, e.g., for stepping into tactics.

  102. class InitializeProofFromTacticRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest

    Create a proof if it does not exist yet.

    Create a proof if it does not exist yet. Read request, so that guest users can check proofs.

  103. case class InterpreterFuture[T](userId: String, interpreter: Interpreter, callable: Callable[T]) extends FutureTask[T] with Product with Serializable
  104. class IsLicenseAcceptedRequest extends Request with ReadRequest
  105. class IsLocalInstanceRequest extends Request with ReadRequest
  106. case class JSResponse(code: String) extends Response with Product with Serializable

    Responds with dynamically generated Javascript code.

  107. class KeymaeraXVersionRequest extends Request with ReadRequest
  108. class KeymaeraXVersionResponse extends Response
  109. class KvpResponse extends Response
  110. class KyxConfigRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with ReadRequest
  111. class KyxConfigResponse extends Response
  112. class LabelledTraceToTacticConverter extends VerbatimTraceToTacticConverter

    A verbatim trace to tactic converter whose tactics are as recorded in the database, but adds branch labels.

  113. case class LemmasResponse(infos: List[ProvableInfo]) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  114. class LicensesRequest extends Request with ReadRequest
  115. class ListExamplesRequest extends UserRequest with ReadRequest

    List of all predefined tutorials that can directly be imported from the KeYmaera X web UI, in order of display.

  116. class ListExamplesResponse extends Response
  117. class LocalLoginRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with ReadRequest
  118. abstract class LocalhostOnlyRequest extends Request
  119. class LoginRequest extends Request with ReadRequest
  120. class LoginResponse extends Response
  121. class MathematicaConfigStatusRequest extends Request with ReadRequest
  122. class MathematicaConfigSuggestionResponse extends Response
  123. class MathematicaConfigurationResponse extends Response
  124. class MockRequest extends Request
  125. class MockResponse extends Response
  126. class ModelListResponse extends Response
  127. case class ModelPOJO(modelId: Int, userId: String, name: String, date: String, keyFile: String, description: String, pubLink: String, title: String, tactic: Option[String], numAllProofSteps: Int, temporary: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    Data object for models.

    Data object for models.


    Identifies the model.


    Identifies the user.


    The name of the model.


    The creation date.


    The model file content.


    The description of the model.


    Link to additional information (paper) on the model.

  128. class ModelPlexArtifactResponse extends ModelPlexResponse
  129. class ModelPlexCCodeResponse extends ModelPlexResponse
  130. class ModelPlexMandatoryVarsResponse extends Response
  131. class ModelPlexMonitorResponse extends ModelPlexArtifactResponse
  132. class ModelPlexRequest extends UserRequest with RegisteredOnlyRequest
  133. abstract class ModelPlexResponse extends Response
  134. class ModelPlexSandboxResponse extends ModelPlexArtifactResponse
  135. case class ModelUpdateResponse(modelId: String, name: String, content: String, title: Option[String], description: Option[String], errorText: Option[String]) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  136. case class ModelUploadResponse(modelId: Option[String], errorText: Option[String]) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  137. case class NewlyExpiredToken(token: String) extends SessionToken with Product with Serializable
  138. case class NodeChildrenResponse(proofId: String, parent: ProofTreeNode, marginLeft: Int, marginRight: Int) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  139. class NodeResponse extends Response
  140. class ODEConditionsRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  141. class ODEConditionsResponse extends Response
  142. class OpenGuestArchiveRequest extends Request with ReadRequest
  143. class OpenOrCreateLemmaProofRequest extends UserRequest with WriteRequest
  144. class OpenProofRequest extends UserRequest with ReadRequest
  145. case class OpenProofResponse(proof: ProofPOJO, loadStatus: String) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  146. case class ParseErrorResponse(msg: String, expect: String, found: String, detailedMsg: String, loc: Location, exn: Throwable = null) extends ErrorResponse with Product with Serializable
  147. class PegasusCandidatesRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  148. class PegasusCandidatesResponse extends Response
  149. class PlainResponse extends Response
  150. class PossibleAttackResponse extends Response with Logging
  151. class ProofAgendaResponse extends Response
  152. class ProofIsLoadedResponse extends ProofStatusResponse
  153. class ProofIsLoadingResponse extends ProofStatusResponse
  154. case class ProofLemmasResponse(lemmas: List[(String, Int)]) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  155. class ProofListResponse extends Response

  156. class ProofNodeSequentRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  157. case class ProofNodeSequentResponse(proofId: String, node: ProofTreeNode, marginLeft: Int, marginRight: Int) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  158. class ProofNotLoadedResponse extends ProofStatusResponse
  159. case class ProofPOJO(proofId: Int, modelId: Option[Int], name: String, description: String, date: String, stepCount: Int, closed: Boolean, provableId: Option[Int], temporary: Boolean = false, tactic: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    Data object for proofs.

    Data object for proofs.


    Identifies the proof.


    Identifies the model; if defined, model formula must agree with provable's conclusion


    The proof name.


    A proof description.


    The creation date.


    The number of proof steps in the proof.


    Indicates whether the proof is closed (finished proof) or not (partial proof).


    Refers to a provable whose conclusion to prove.


    Indicates whether or not the proof is temporary.


    The tactic to recreate the proof.

  160. class ProofProgressResponse extends ProofStatusResponse
  161. case class ProofSession(proofId: String, invGenerator: Generator[GenProduct], invSupplier: Generator[GenProduct], defs: Declaration) extends Product with Serializable

    A proof session storing information between requests.

  162. case class ProofStateInfo(loc: Region, node: String) extends Product with Serializable
  163. class ProofStatusResponse extends Response
  164. class ProofTaskExpandRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  165. class ProofTaskNodeRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  166. class ProofTaskNodeResponse extends Response
  167. class ProofTaskParentRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  168. trait ProofTree extends AnyRef

    The central proof tree data structure managing the proof search, consisting of a set of ProofTreeNode.

    The central proof tree data structure managing the proof search, consisting of a set of ProofTreeNode. Unlike the stateless representation of the prover kernel, proof trees provide navigation and tactic scheduling infrastructure.

    See also


  169. abstract class ProofTreeBase extends ProofTree
  170. trait ProofTreeNode extends AnyRef

    A Proof Tree Node represents the central element of managing a (possibly large compound) inference during proof search in a ProofTree.

    A Proof Tree Node represents the central element of managing a (possibly large compound) inference during proof search in a ProofTree. Unlike the stateless representation of the prover kernel, proof trees provide navigation and tactic scheduling infrastructure.

    Beyond providing proof tree navigation information, this type manages the interface to the kernel's provable. Proof tree nodes consist of a local provable that created this proof node, and which can later be stitched together after completing the entire subproof. The provable function can later perform the computation required to staple the proof together as far as the children have completed it.

    The proof treee node also provides infrastructure for letting tactics run to expand this proof tree node.

    See also


  171. trait ProofTreeNodeId extends AnyRef
  172. class ProofTreeResponse extends Response
  173. class ProofVerificationResponse extends Response
  174. class ProofsForModelRequest extends UserRequest with ReadRequest
  175. class ProofsForUserRequest extends UserRequest with ReadRequest
  176. case class ProvablePOJO(provableId: Int, provable: ProvableSig) extends Product with Serializable
  177. class PruneBelowRequest extends UserProofRequest with WriteRequest

    Prunes a node and everything below

  178. class PruneBelowResponse extends Response
  179. trait ReadRequest extends AnyRef
  180. case class ReadWriteToken(token: String, username: String) extends UserToken with Product with Serializable
  181. case class ReadonlyToken(token: String, username: String) extends UserToken with Product with Serializable
  182. trait RegisteredOnlyRequest extends AnyRef
  183. sealed trait Request extends Logging

    A Request should handle all expensive computation as well as all possible side-effects of a request (e.g.

    A Request should handle all expensive computation as well as all possible side-effects of a request (e.g. updating the database), but should not modify the internal state of the HyDRA server (e.g. do not update the event queue).

    Requests objects should do work after getResultingUpdates is called, not during object construction.

    Request.getResultingUpdates might be run from a new thread.

  184. sealed trait Response extends AnyRef

    Responses are like views -- they shouldn't do anything except produce appropriately formatted JSON from their parameters.

    Responses are like views -- they shouldn't do anything except produce appropriately formatted JSON from their parameters.

    To create a new response:

    • Create a new object extending Response (perhaps with constructor arguments)
    • override the json value with the json to be generated.
    • override the schema value with Some(File(...)) containing the schema.

    See BooleanResponse for the simplest example.

  185. class RestartToolRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest
  186. class RunBelleTermRequest extends UserProofRequest with WriteRequest
  187. case class RunBelleTermResponse(proofId: String, nodeId: String, taskId: String, info: String) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  188. class SaveFullConfigRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with ReadRequest
  189. case class SequentFormulaPOJO(sequentFormulaId: Int, sequentId: Int, isAnte: Boolean, index: Int, formulaStr: String) extends Product with Serializable
  190. case class SequentPOJO(sequentId: Int, provableId: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  191. trait SessionToken extends AnyRef


    a custom Option so that Scala doesn't use None as an implicit parameter.

  192. class SetDefaultUserRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with WriteRequest
  193. class SetDefinitionsRequest extends UserProofRequest with WriteRequest
  194. class SetToolRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with WriteRequest
  195. class SetUserThemeRequest extends UserRequest with ReadRequest

    Sets the UI theme.

    Sets the UI theme. @note ReadRequest allows changing theme in guest mode for presentation purposes.

  196. class SetupSimulationRequest extends UserProofRequest with RegisteredOnlyRequest
  197. class SetupSimulationResponse extends Response
  198. class ShutdownReqeuest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with RegisteredOnlyRequest
  199. class SimulationRequest extends UserProofRequest with RegisteredOnlyRequest
  200. class SimulationResponse extends Response
  201. class StepwiseTraceRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  202. class StopTaskRequest extends UserProofRequest with WriteRequest
  203. class SystemInfoRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest with ReadRequest
  204. class SystemInfoResponse extends Response
  205. trait Tables extends AnyRef

    Slick data model trait for extension, choice of backend or usage in the cake pattern.

    Slick data model trait for extension, choice of backend or usage in the cake pattern. (Make sure to initialize this late.)

  206. class TacticDiffRequest extends Request with ReadRequest
  207. class TacticDiffResponse extends Response
  208. class TacticErrorResponse extends ErrorResponse
  209. case class TacticExecutionPOJO(executionId: Int, proofId: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  210. case class TacticInfo(tacticText: String, nodesByLocation: List[ProofStateInfo]) extends Product with Serializable
  211. class TaskResultRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  212. case class TaskResultResponse(proofId: String, parent: ProofTreeNode, marginLeft: Int, marginRight: Int, progress: Boolean = true) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  213. class TaskStatusRequest extends UserProofRequest with ReadRequest
  214. case class TaskStatusResponse(proofId: String, nodeId: String, taskId: String, status: String, progress: Option[(Option[(BelleExpr, Long)], Seq[(BelleExpr, Either[BelleValue, BelleThrowable])])]) extends Response with Product with Serializable
  215. class TempDBTools extends AnyRef

    Create models and record proofs in a temporary database.

  216. case class TemplatePOJO(title: String, description: String, text: String, selectRange: Option[Region], imageUrl: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    A text template with optional region to select and set the cursor to on display.

  217. class TestSynthesisRequest extends UserRequest with RegisteredOnlyRequest
  218. class TestSynthesisResponse extends Response
  219. class TestToolConnectionRequest extends LocalhostOnlyRequest
  220. class ToolConfigErrorResponse extends ErrorResponse
  221. class ToolConfigStatusResponse extends Response
  222. class ToolStatusRequest extends Request with ReadRequest
  223. class ToolStatusResponse extends Response
  224. trait TraceToTacticConverter extends AnyRef
  225. abstract class TraceToTacticConverterBase extends TraceToTacticConverter
  226. class UIAbbreviatingKeYmaeraXPrettierPrinter extends KeYmaeraXPrettierPrinter
  227. class UIAbbreviatingKeYmaeraXPrettyPrinter extends KeYmaeraXWeightedPrettyPrinter
  228. class UIKeYmaeraXAxiomPrettyPrinter extends KeYmaeraXWeightedPrettyPrinter with HTMLPrinter

    User-interface pretty printer for UI axiom entries.

  229. class UIKeYmaeraXPrettyPrinter extends UIAbbreviatingKeYmaeraXPrettyPrinter

    User-interface pretty printer for KeYmaera X syntax.

  230. class UndoLastProofStepRequest extends UserProofRequest with WriteRequest

    Undoes the last proof step.

  231. class UnimplementedResponse extends ErrorResponse
  232. class UpdateModelRequest extends UserRequest with WriteRequest
  233. class UpdateProofNameRequest extends UserProofRequest with WriteRequest
  234. class UpdateProofNameResponse extends Response
  235. class UpdateResponse extends Response
  236. class UploadArchiveRequest extends UserRequest with WriteRequest
  237. class UserLemmasRequest extends UserRequest with ReadRequest
  238. class UserLemmasResponse extends Response
  239. abstract class UserModelRequest extends UserRequest
  240. class UserPOJO extends AnyRef

    Data object for users.

  241. abstract class UserProofRequest extends UserRequest
  242. abstract class UserRequest extends Request

    A request that requires an authenticated user who also passes the dataPermission check.

  243. abstract class UserToken extends SessionToken
  244. class ValidateProofRequest extends Request with ReadRequest

    Returns a UUID whose status can be queried at a later time ({complete: true/false[, proves: true/false]}.

    Returns a UUID whose status can be queried at a later time ({complete: true/false[, proves: true/false]}.

    See also

    CheckValidationRequest - calling this with the returned UUID should give the status of proof checking.

  245. class ValidateProofResponse extends Response
  246. class VerbatimTraceToTacticConverter extends TraceToTacticConverterBase

    A verbatim trace to tactic converter whose tactics are as recorded in the database.

  247. class VerboseTraceToTacticConverter extends LabelledTraceToTacticConverter
  248. class WolframEngineConfigStatusRequest extends Request with ReadRequest
  249. class WolframScriptConfigStatusRequest extends Request with ReadRequest
  250. trait WriteRequest extends RegisteredOnlyRequest
  251. class Z3ConfigStatusRequest extends Request with ReadRequest
  252. class Z3ConfigSuggestionResponse extends Response
  253. class Z3ConfigurationResponse extends Response

Value Members

  1. object AgendaItem extends Serializable
  2. object ArchiveEntryPrinter
  3. object BellerophonTacticExecutor

    Scheduler for Bellerophon tactics

  4. object DBAbstractionObj extends Logging
  5. object DBTools
  6. object DatabasePopulator extends Logging

    Populates the database from a JSON collection of models and tactics.

  7. object DbPlainExecStepProofTreeNode extends Logging with Serializable
  8. object ExecutionStepStatus extends Enumeration
  9. object Helpers

    JSON conversions for frequently-used response formats

  10. object HyDRAInitializer extends Logging

    Initializes the HyDRA server.

  11. object HyDRAServerConfig

    Config vars needed for server setup.

  12. object KyxSslConfiguration

    Created by nfulton on 6/25/16.

    Created by nfulton on 6/25/16. Copied from

  13. object NonSSLBoot extends App with Logging

    Creates a HyDRA server listening on a host and port specified in the database's config file under the configurations and serverconfig.port.

    Creates a HyDRA server listening on a host and port specified in the database's config file under the configurations and serverconfig.port. Uses localhost and 8090 by default.


    The HyDRA_SSL environmental variable needs to be set properly because it is used in application.conf. Main.startServer should so the correct thing based upon the current value of that flag. However, from within IntelliJ, you may want to modify application.conf directly and comment out the assertion at the top of this object.

    See also

    SSLBoot for SSL-enabled deployments.

  14. object Password

    Password generation and checking using PBKDF2.

    Password generation and checking using PBKDF2. Based on security advice from OWASP web security project.

    See also Created by bbohrer on 12/29/15.

  15. object ProofValidationRunner extends Logging

    Global server state for proof validation requests.

    Global server state for proof validation requests. For now, scheduling immediately dispatches a new thread where the validation occurs. In the future, we may want to rate-limit validation requests. The easiest way to do that is to create a thread pool with a max size.

  16. object RequestHelper
  17. object RestApi extends Logging

    RestApi is the API router.

    RestApi is the API router. See for a description of the API.

  18. object SQLite

    Database implementation based on SQLite and Slick.

    Database implementation based on SQLite and Slick. Stores and queries: - Lemmas (used for storing proof steps) - UI configuration - Users - Models - Proofs and proof steps - Proof agendas - Proof trees

    Created by nfulton on 4/10/15.

  19. object SSLBoot extends App with Logging

    Boots a server with SSL enabled.

    Boots a server with SSL enabled.

    Booting from SSL requires a KeyStore.jks file in the keymaerax-webui/src/main/resources directory. The password for this key strong should be stored in the config table of the production database under the configuration key serverconfig.jks.


    The HyDRA_SSL environmental variable needs to be set properly because it is used in application.conf. Main.startServer should so the correct thing based upon the current value of that flag. However, from within IntelliJ, you may want to modify application.conf directly and comment out the assertion at the top of this object.

    See also

    NonSSLBoot is better if you are binding to localhost or only exposing your server to trusted clients (i.e., not on the internet or a semi-public intranet.)

  20. object SessionManager

    To do

    replace this with an existing library that does The Right Things

    do we want to enforce timeouts as well?

  21. object SqliteTableGenerator
  22. object Tables extends Tables

    Stand-alone Slick data model for immediate use

  23. object TacticExtractionErrors
  24. object TacticInfoJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol
  25. object UIKeYmaeraXAxiomPrettyPrinter
  26. object UIKeYmaeraXPrettyPrinter extends HTMLPrinter

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
