
package codegen

Code-generation tools to generate C-Code etc. from expressions.

To do

Stub. Describe for real.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. codegen
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CAbs(c: CTerm) extends CTerm with Product with Serializable
  2. case class CAnd(l: CFormula, r: CFormula) extends CFormula with Product with Serializable
  3. case class CAndProgram(l: CProgram, r: CProgram) extends CProgram with Product with Serializable
  4. trait CComment extends AnyRef
  5. class CControllerGenerator extends CodeGenerator

    Generates a controller from a hybrid program without loops and ODEs.

    Generates a controller from a hybrid program without loops and ODEs. A controller transforms an input state by choosing control set values depending on inputs and parameters.

  6. class CControllerSandboxGenerator extends CodeGenerator

    Generates a controller sandbox from a hybrid program without loops and ODEs.

    Generates a controller sandbox from a hybrid program without loops and ODEs. A controller sandbox safeguards control decisions with a controller monitor by switching to a fallback controller upon controller monitor violation.

  7. class CDetControllerGenerator extends CodeGenerator

    Generates a controller from a hybrid program with only deterministic statements.

    Generates a controller from a hybrid program with only deterministic statements. A controller transforms an input state by choosing control set values depending on inputs and parameters.

  8. case class CDivide(l: CTerm, r: CTerm) extends CTerm with Product with Serializable
  9. case class CEqual(l: CTerm, r: CTerm) extends CFormula with Product with Serializable
  10. case class CError(id: Int, retVal: CExpression, msg: String) extends CProgram with Product with Serializable
  11. trait CExpression extends AnyRef

    C expressions.

  12. class CExpressionIntervalLaTeXLogPrettyPrinter extends (CExpression) ⇒ String

    Prints C expressions that keep track of the reason for their value.

    Prints C expressions that keep track of the reason for their value. NOT interval arithmetic, intervals are for comparisons and formulas. Logs original formula and does unverified metric conversion to measure safety.

  13. class CExpressionLogPrettyPrinter extends (CExpression) ⇒ (String, String)

    Prints C expressions that keep track of the reason for their value.

  14. class CExpressionPlainPrettyPrinter extends (CExpression) ⇒ (String, String)

    Prints expressions in plain C.

  15. trait CFormula extends CExpression
  16. case class CFormulaComment(comment: String) extends CFormula with CComment with Product with Serializable
  17. class CFormulaTermGenerator extends FormulaTermGenerator

    Generates formula and term evaluation C code.

    Generates formula and term evaluation C code. termContainer configures the location where primitive terms are looked up (e.g., structs).

  18. class CGenerator extends CodeGenerator

    C++ code generator that prints a file header, include statements, declarations, and the output of bodyGenerator.

  19. case class CGreater(l: CTerm, r: CTerm) extends CFormula with Product with Serializable
  20. case class CGreaterEqual(l: CTerm, r: CTerm) extends CFormula with Product with Serializable
  21. case class CIfThenElse(f: CFormula, ifP: CProgram, elseP: CProgram) extends CProgram with Product with Serializable
  22. case class CLess(l: CTerm, r: CTerm) extends CFormula with Product with Serializable
  23. case class CLessEqual(l: CTerm, r: CTerm) extends CFormula with Product with Serializable
  24. case class CMax(l: CTerm, r: CTerm) extends CTerm with Product with Serializable
  25. case class CMin(l: CTerm, r: CTerm) extends CTerm with Product with Serializable
  26. case class CMinus(l: CTerm, r: CTerm) extends CTerm with Product with Serializable
  27. class CMonitorGenerator extends MonitorGenerator

    Generates a monitor from a ModelPlex expression.

  28. class CMpfrControllerGenerator extends CodeGenerator
  29. class CMpfrPrettyPrinter extends (CExpression) ⇒ (String, String)

    Pretty prints expressions with the GNU MPFR library operators.

  30. case class CNeg(c: CTerm) extends CTerm with Product with Serializable
  31. case class CNot(c: CFormula) extends CFormula with Product with Serializable
  32. case class CNotEqual(l: CTerm, r: CTerm) extends CFormula with Product with Serializable
  33. case class CNumber(n: BigDecimal) extends CTerm with Product with Serializable
  34. case class COr(l: CFormula, r: CFormula) extends CFormula with Product with Serializable
  35. case class COrProgram(l: CProgram, r: CProgram) extends CProgram with Product with Serializable
  36. case class CPair(l: CTerm, r: CTerm) extends CTerm with Product with Serializable
  37. case class CPlus(l: CTerm, r: CTerm) extends CTerm with Product with Serializable
  38. case class CPower(l: CTerm, r: CTerm) extends CTerm with Product with Serializable
  39. case class CPredicate(name: String, arg: CTerm) extends CFormula with Product with Serializable
  40. trait CProgram extends CExpression
  41. case class CProgramComment(comment: String) extends CProgram with CComment with Product with Serializable
  42. case class CReturn(e: CExpression) extends CProgram with Product with Serializable
  43. trait CTerm extends CExpression
  44. case class CTermComment(comment: String) extends CTerm with CComment with Product with Serializable
  45. case class CTimes(l: CTerm, r: CTerm) extends CTerm with Product with Serializable
  46. case class CUnaryFunction(name: String, arg: CTerm) extends CTerm with Product with Serializable
  47. case class CVariable(name: String) extends CTerm with Product with Serializable
  48. class CodeGenerationException extends Exception
  49. trait CodeGenerator extends (Expression) ⇒ (String, String)

    Generate executable code from a differential dynamic logic expression.

    Generate executable code from a differential dynamic logic expression. Returns a tuple (Definitions, Body), where body computes expression using the sub-routines in definitions.

  50. trait CodePrettyPrinter extends (CExpression) ⇒ (String, String)

    Pretty-prints expressions to code.

    Pretty-prints expressions to code. Returns a tuple of (declarations used in code, code).

  51. abstract class FormulaTermGenerator extends CodeGenerator

    Generates formula and term evaluation code.

    Generates formula and term evaluation code. termContainer configures the location where primitive terms are looked up (e.g., structs, classes).

  52. class GenericFormulaTermGenerator extends FormulaTermGenerator

    Converts formulas and terms according to prettyPrinter.

    Converts formulas and terms according to prettyPrinter. Uses termContainer to refer to arguments.

  53. abstract class MonitorGenerator extends CodeGenerator

    Base class for monitor generators.

    Base class for monitor generators. Prints expressions with prettyPrinter, accesses expressions according to termContainer (e.g., params.x or params->x).

  54. class PythonExpressionPrettyPrinter extends (CExpression) ⇒ (String, String)
  55. class PythonGenerator extends CodeGenerator

    Python code generator that prints a file header, include statements, declarations, and the output of bodyGenerator.

  56. class PythonMonitorGenerator extends MonitorGenerator

    Generates a monitor from a ModelPlex expression.

  57. class SimpleMonitorGenerator extends MonitorGenerator

    Generates a monitor expression without surrounding function head, comments.

  58. class PythonFormulaTermGenerator extends FormulaTermGenerator

    Generates formula and term evaluation C code.

    Generates formula and term evaluation C code. termContainer configures the location where primitive terms are looked up (e.g., structs).


    Use GenericFormulaTermGenerator instead

Value Members

  1. object CFalse extends CFormula
  2. object CFormulaTermGenerator

    Conversion of names.

  3. object CGenerator
  4. object CMonitorGenerator
  5. object CNoop extends CProgram
  6. object CNothing extends CTerm with Product with Serializable
  7. object CPrettyPrinter extends CodePrettyPrinter

    Prints C expressions.

  8. object CTrue extends CFormula
  9. object CodeGenerator
  10. object PythonGenerator

    Python code generator header and declaration printing.

  11. object PythonMonitorGenerator
  12. object PythonPrettyPrinter extends CodePrettyPrinter

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
