
package ext

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AlgebraTool extends ToolInterface

    Tool for computer algebraic computations.

    Tool for computer algebraic computations.

    See also

  2. case class AllOf(goals: Seq[Goal]) extends Goal with Product with Serializable

    All of the goals must be proved.

  3. case class Atom(goal: Formula) extends Goal with Product with Serializable

    A single formula.

  4. abstract class BaseKeYmaeraMathematicaBridge[T] extends KeYmaeraMathematicaBridge[T]

    Base class for Mathematica bridges.

    Base class for Mathematica bridges. Running commands is synchronized.

  5. final class BigDecimalTool extends Tool with QETacticTool with ToolOperationManagement

    Big decimal quantifier elimination tool for tactics, forwards to BigDecimalQETool.

  6. trait CounterExampleTool extends ToolInterface

    Counterexample generation tool for first-order real arithmetic formulas.

    Counterexample generation tool for first-order real arithmetic formulas.

    See also

  7. trait DerivativeTool extends ToolInterface

    Tool for computing symbolic derivatives (oracle for tactics).

  8. trait EquationSolverTool extends ToolInterface

    Tool for computing the solution of an equation system.

    Tool for computing the solution of an equation system.

    See also

  9. trait Goal extends AnyRef

    Goals for parallel QE execution.

  10. class JLinkMathematicaLink extends MathematicaLink with Logging

    A link to Mathematica using the JLink interface.

  11. trait KeYmaeraMathematicaBridge[T] extends AnyRef

    Bridge for MathematicaLink, bundles tool executor (thread pools) with converters.

  12. trait LyapunovSolverTool extends ToolInterface

    Tool for computing Lyapunov functions.

  13. class Mathematica extends Tool with QETacticTool with InvGenTool with ODESolverTool with CounterExampleTool with SimulationTool with DerivativeTool with EquationSolverTool with SimplificationTool with AlgebraTool with PDESolverTool with SOSsolveTool with LyapunovSolverTool with ToolOperationManagement

    Mathematica/Wolfram Engine tool for quantifier elimination and solving differential equations.

    Mathematica/Wolfram Engine tool for quantifier elimination and solving differential equations.

    To do

    Code Review: Move non-critical tool implementations into a separate package tactictools

  14. class MathematicaAlgebraTool extends BaseKeYmaeraMathematicaBridge[KExpr] with AlgebraTool

    A link to Mathematica using the JLink interface.

  15. class MathematicaCEXTool extends BaseKeYmaeraMathematicaBridge[Either[KExpr, NamedSymbol]] with CounterExampleTool with Logging

    Mathematica counter example implementation.

  16. class MathematicaEquationSolverTool extends BaseKeYmaeraMathematicaBridge[KExpr] with EquationSolverTool

    A link to Mathematica using the JLink interface.

  17. class MathematicaInvGenTool extends BaseKeYmaeraMathematicaBridge[Expression] with InvGenTool with Logging

    A continuous invariant implementation using Mathematica over the JLink interface.

  18. trait MathematicaLink extends AnyRef

    An abstract interface to Mathematica link implementations.

    An abstract interface to Mathematica link implementations. The link may be used synchronously or asychronously. Multiple MathematicaLinks may be created by instantiating multiple copies of implementing classes (depends on license).

  19. class MathematicaLyapunovSolverTool extends BaseKeYmaeraMathematicaBridge[KExpr] with LyapunovSolverTool
  20. class MathematicaODESolverTool extends BaseKeYmaeraMathematicaBridge[KExpr] with ODESolverTool with DerivativeTool

    A link to Mathematica using the JLink interface.

  21. class MathematicaPDESolverTool extends BaseKeYmaeraMathematicaBridge[KExpr] with PDESolverTool

    A link to Mathematica using the JLink interface.

  22. class MathematicaQEToolBridge[T] extends BaseKeYmaeraMathematicaBridge[T]

    Asynchronous bridge to

  23. class MathematicaSOSsolveTool extends BaseKeYmaeraMathematicaBridge[Expression] with SOSsolveTool with Logging

    Link to Yong Kiams SOSsolve implementation in Mathematica over the JLink interface.

  24. class MathematicaSimplificationTool extends BaseKeYmaeraMathematicaBridge[KExpr] with SimplificationTool

    A link to Mathematica using the JLink interface.

  25. class MathematicaSimulationTool extends BaseKeYmaeraMathematicaBridge[Simulation] with SimulationTool

    A link to Mathematica using the JLink interface.

  26. trait ODESolverTool extends ToolInterface

    Tool for computing the symbolic solution of a differential equation system.

    Tool for computing the symbolic solution of a differential equation system.

    See also

  27. case class OneOf(goals: Seq[Goal]) extends Goal with Product with Serializable

    One of the goals must be proved.

  28. trait PDESolverTool extends ToolInterface

    Tool for computing the symbolic solution of a partial differential equation system.

    Tool for computing the symbolic solution of a partial differential equation system.

    See also

  29. trait QETacticTool extends AnyRef

    Quantifier elimination tool that combines trusted with other untrusted tools (so that tools implementing QETacticTool can forward to a trusted without being trusted themselves).

  30. class RingsAlgebraTool extends Tool with AlgebraTool
  31. class RingsLibrary extends AnyRef

    A link to Rings library for its algebra tools

  32. trait SOSsolveTool extends AnyRef
  33. trait SimplificationTool extends ToolInterface

    Tool for simplifying logical and/or arithmetical expressions.

    Tool for simplifying logical and/or arithmetical expressions.

    See also

  34. trait SimulationTool extends ToolInterface

    Simulation tool.

  35. class SmlQEPrinter extends AnyRef

    Prints expressions to SML QE data structure.

  36. class TestSynthesis extends BaseKeYmaeraMathematicaBridge[Either[KExpr, NamedSymbol]]

    Synthesize test case configurations from ModelPlex formulas.

    Synthesize test case configurations from ModelPlex formulas. Requires Mathematica.

    Created by smitsch on 12/6/16.

  37. class ToolExecutor extends Logging

    A tool executor executes commands concurrently on up to poolSize threads.

  38. class UncheckedBaseK2MConverter extends KeYmaeraToMathematica
  39. class UncheckedBaseM2KConverter extends MathematicaToKeYmaera
  40. class WolframScript extends MathematicaLink with Logging

    A link to Wolfram Engine via WolframScript.

  41. final class Z3 extends Tool with QETacticTool with SimplificationTool with ToolOperationManagement

    Z3 quantifier elimination tool for tactics.

    Z3 quantifier elimination tool for tactics.

    See also to obtain instances of Z3 that are properly initialized and installed/updated.

Value Members

  1. object CEXK2MConverter extends K2MConverter[Either[KExpr, NamedSymbol]]
  2. object CEXM2KConverter extends M2KConverter[Either[KExpr, NamedSymbol]]
  3. object DiffUncheckedM2KConverter
  4. object ExtMathematicaOpSpec

    Extended Mathematica operator specifications for non-soundness critical tools.

  5. object IdentityConverter extends M2KConverter[MExpr]
  6. object PegasusK2MConverter extends UncheckedBaseK2MConverter
  7. object PegasusM2KConverter extends UncheckedBaseM2KConverter with Logging
  8. object PlotConverter extends UncheckedBaseK2MConverter
  9. object SOSsolveTool
  10. object SimulationK2MConverter extends K2MConverter[Simulation]
  11. object SimulationM2KConverter extends M2KConverter[Simulation]
  12. object SimulationTool

    Simulation tool types.

  13. object SmlQENoRoundingPrinter extends (Formula) ⇒ String

    Prints SML QE problems with RatReal, avoiding rounding.

  14. object SmlQEReal64Printer extends (Formula) ⇒ String

    Prints SML QE problems with Real64 rounding.

  15. object SmtLibReader

    Reads Expressions from SMT-LIB format: converts every (assert X) statement into an expression.

  16. object UncheckedBaseConverter
