As of version 1.1 Pegasus implements a number of methods for generating inductive invariants
for continuous systems.
A more detailed description of these methods may be found in the FMSD article Pegasus: Sound Continuous Invariant Generation.
Rational first integrals of linear systems with constant coefficients, i.e. systems of the form , where is an real matrix, can be computed using the so-called spectral method, which is based on the Darboux theory of integrability and makes use of the eigenstructure of the system matrix in order to construct first integrals. (The spectral method is described in the works of Falconi & Llibre, as well as Gorbuzov & Pranevich.) Linear systems with distinct real and rational eigenvalues present a particular interest, because they are algebraically integrable. Pegasus applies the spectral method to construct first integrals of linear systems.
qualitative informationabout the system. If the set of predicates used for the abstraction is
good, many interesting properties about the behavior of the continuous system may be proved.
Pegasus implements strategies that generate invariants by combining invariant generation methods.
Independent invariant generation sub-problems arise when algebraic invariants can be found. In these cases, the verification
problem is decomposed into independent sub-problems that are solved separately.
Differential saturation